Reggie McGigas
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  • Dude,when do you think that Pokebeach updated the Ancient Origins scans? They slowly reveal some of the Break Through cards but this (the scans), it wasn't happened.
    I wasn't surprise this time,not just like in Roaring Skies.
    I was asking,don't get offended.
    In prerelease, when do you get the promo card for this set and 2 boosters?
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    PR is short for Prerelease. If you go to your prerelease there will be a booth or desk where you sign up. Once you sign up they will give you the promo card for the set. When everyone signs up they will hand out 6 packs and do a tournament. When the tournment is finished they will hand out 2 packs. Some torunaments hand out more than 2 packs, which is against the rules, but they do it anyways. Why? I do not know.
    The Poke Tactics
    The Poke Tactics
    A battle immediately after pulling packs? How you can build a strategy for that if you open a mega ex w/o its basic or a basic pokemon needs its stage 1/stage 2 use its combo like Gyarados AT that needs Magikarps or Magikarp needs Gyarados AT to use its FULL RETALIATION,its so awkward,and you need to bring energy cards for that.
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    They give you around 10 minutes to strategize and they supply energy cards for you.

    And yes, it is fustrating when you pull a mega but not an EX. Happened to me before.
    Dude,do you have a prerelease of Ancient Origins in your place?
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    Yes, it's August 8th, which is 4 days away from set release. However, due to other commitments I cant make it.
    The Poke Tactics
    The Poke Tactics
    So, you'll buy AO boosters whenever it is available?
    I really need to get working on FTR/POI again. Would you mind updating the Zekrom render a bit? Ideally a pose that's essentially the opposite of the Reshiram one, just facing the other direction, with the head in the foreground, etc. Thanks in advance!
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    I can try to get it to you tomorrow. No promises as I'm at my grandma's house for most of the day.
    No rush at all! Thanks for being able to. :)
    You'll have to wait for the Resources Revamp for Mega tutorials, Reggie. :p Or you could ask Asche.
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    ...but there aren't any full art mega blanks out there and no tutorial for the japanese text :/
    Asche has FA Mega blanks iirc, you'll just need permission to edit them to include the AT banner. And he gave me a tutorial for the text; I'll ask if I can post the tutorial.
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    I did not know that, thanks for informing me.
    Dude,can I give you a spoiler about the next XY set?
    nah bruh its pokemon tcg for sure just helping him with hot spoilers from the new set like you are bruh
    The Poke Tactics
    The Poke Tactics
    Hehehe! Sorry for that! I heard something like trap cards and life points,one thing in my mind was yugioh,but forgot about it.
    The Poke Tactics
    The Poke Tactics
    Dude,Volcarona non-AT of AO is a rare holo. So 8 rare holos of AO.
    Is this your first CAC in image-based, Reggie? If so, welcome! Looking forward to seeing your entry.
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    Nope, no need for a welcome. My last image based CAC was in late 2013.
    Ah. Welcome back, then!
    Thanks for the Reshiram render! I'll be away for a few days, but I'll set to work on it as soon as I can.
    Hey man, I've been working on your logo for SoJ and I'm having a little bit of trouble on where to put the 'of.' It's nearly done, just that detail there and some other things and it'll be ready.
    I could actually try helping you out with wording and balance in the future for your fakes - if you want the help, anyway.
    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    Sounds good, I kinda make up the attacks on the spot, so how's this- I make a card, send it to you, and you double check it before I post it. How's that?
    Got it. Works for me.
    I'm trying to install GIMP, and it just keeps saying: "GIMP Quit Unexpectedly". Did this happen to you?
    "I need a set logo for my next card- anyone willing to design a set logo?? It should say "Sands of Justice". Let your imagination run wild! Bonus points if you can get Regirock's eye pattern in there somewhere."

    I'm in.
    When moving on, remember what you are leaving behind.
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    Reggie McGigas
    Reggie McGigas
    Wise words. Don't worry. I'll still be making text based fakes for Sands of Justice. I just find that a forced template is an unnecessary rule and a handicap on how good my cards can be.
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