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  • Thanks for the avatar I looove it!. Rainbow is my favorite color! I'll put up the banner as soon as I figure out how....
    I would say clear your cookies on your Internet browser. It should be an option in your browser's Internet settings. The site's been ungoing changes the past few days, so that may have something to do with it. WPM just did a massive overhaul of the forums' organization, so some links may be broken (including the logout link). If clearing your cookies doesn't work, let [smod]King Arceus[/smod] know. He will be able to help you a little better than I can.
    dry erase boards, yes, and no weird desk with seats attached. At least I havent experienced being in them before...
    Arcticwhite, mm, that could work! Gives you more options on what words you can pick. Just don't pick a foreign word for the sake of picking a foreign word. If it doesn't sound good, it doesn't have as much meaning.
    Arcticwhite, you could start by writing (or noting mentally) a bunch of different names. Start with the 'emerald' base and add adjectives/nouns on and off to see where you get. I wouldn't go for more than 2 words, e.g. "_____ Emerald" would be all you need.
    Off the top of my head, you could call it the Quadrex Emerald. "Quad" since you said it's rectangular and "emerald" since it's greenish. I'm not familiar with a lot of gemstones, so I don't know what other kind would be a better match. To my knowledge, a lot of gems have mixtures of colors anyways.
    Arcticwhite, unless her being from the future knows she already knows ahead of time how to stop the worm invasion...
    Arcticwhite, hmm, sounds interesting so far! The only question I have right now is this: Why does this girl need to be from the future? It seems (at least to me) that the story can work without that detail. Is there some special significance to it?
    Arcticwhite, Ur a smart gal... Shopping is only fun if its stealing from other ppl's carts lol
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