'Vivid Voltage,' November's English Set!

I just hope the new ETB is either it's own thing or, if it is replacing the current ETB, that it be the same size box. Otherwise it's gonna hose up my whole organization system!
Why do I feel like this might be the thing to have the rainbow Charizard Vmax in it, instead of Champions Path?

Maybe because it's 4:40am and I been up since 2am. Maybe.
A wicked cool logo for a set with a great name. Here's to hoping the set itself is amazing, too, and not Crimson Invasion 2.0.
Sounds disappointing.

Looks disappointing.

The era of actually good sets comes to a close.
Yeah, this is easily the best set logo (so far) where SWSH set logos are concerned.
That render of Zarude look a little goofy to anyone else? There's just something about it I can't quite put my finger on.