'Alter Genesis,' 'High Class Pack 2019' Sets Announced for Japan!

I’d like to see the art on the Solgalunacrozma. I’d also like to see how much damage it does.
The Tag Team supporter... will it have the [+] sign? Or something else? This is very interesting.
Also, should it be a <>, because you’re only supposed to be able to use 1 GX attack in a game?
I like these a lot, thank you.
Well the sun and moon block will be coming to an end probably after December so they can't cram everything into like the last 3 sets. Can someone also tell weather black and white will be rotating after sun and moon ends or will it be 2020's rotation?
Nah, Black and White will never rotate.
In all actuality, it looks like they’re gonna rotate all of BW and all of XY at the same time with the rate we’re going at.
Oh darn here I was hoping for a tag team of four and they use the Tapu's....

But it is a shame there won't be a tag team with the Legendary Beasts, Or Lugia and Ho-oh

I had initially guessed that they wouldn't re-use any of the old LEGEND combos on Tag Teams to keep things distinct. Then, this set was announced and kinda blew that theory away. I mean, it still might hold true if they go with Dialga Palkia & Giratina(Altered?) TTGX rather than just D&P... but that's unlikely given that Giratina-O already got TTGX treatment alongside Garchomp as the star of GG End.

Good old LEGEND cards.
Hot take on the "Tag Team Supporter":

I'm all for new mechanics, but I can see the Tag Supporters going in two directions. And these effects can be looked at on a sliding scale. For this example, garbage effects could be on the far left side, and something game winning could be on the far right side:

- Subpar X effect (far left), supremely difficult to complete Y condition. Uber secondary Z effect (far right)

- Decent X effect (left, closer to the middle), easy to obtain Y condition. Better X effect (right, closer to the middle)

I do not envy TCPi R&D in this one because I feel like these designs are going to look super exciting, but fall flat (1st example), or not be as exciting or innovative, but potentially overpowered (second example).

The "Double trainers" look like the closest example we have to go off of (Puzzle of Time, Missing Clover, Custom Catcher, Power Spray, etc). And from that, we have seen that there's either crazy fun effects that will rarely, if ever, see play, or overpowered effects. I think Custom Catcher is probably the closest we have to balance at the moment and I hope that they have harnessed this.

But at the same time, I'm looking at how neat the Prism Star mechanic was and I felt like they didn't tap into it as hard as they could have between type-specific stadiums, covering all the types for Prism Pokemon, and covering more of the antagonists (namely the RR bosses).

At least with the Tag Supporters, there's less of an expectation as to what they could cover as far as card thematics. Seems more palatable.
Blue is the new Green.

"The preorder sheet confirms a “Red & Green” Tag Team Supporter card will appear in the set, as you can see with the dummy image above."
Well yeah, the girl is Blue in Japan so they're not going to have our names on their hype sheets. lol
I’d like to see the art on the Solgalunacrozma. I’d also like to see how much damage it does.
The Tag Team supporter... will it have the [+] sign? Or something else? This is very interesting.
Also, should it be a <>, because you’re only supposed to be able to use 1 GX attack in a game?
I like these a lot, thank you.
Yeah, August 2020 will only have sets from Team Up on and 3 SwSh sets.
The supporter card is an interesting idea. Although I think it’s gonna be ‘Red and Blue’ not ‘Red and Green’
That’s what their called in the Let’s go games and in the game there is a completely different character named ‘Green’
Takes 2 prizes but uses up your gx attack and leaves a vulnerable tag team gx on field after dealing absolutely no damage.

You could accomplish the same with any gx attack with moderately high damage output and KOing any GX, yet people will somehow treat this attack as it's so OP?

May be used as a one-off in Dark Box/Mewtwo box to win the game immediately against tag team matches where you can't deal damage fast enough, to grab 2 prizes instead of 1 against single prize attackers, and to win faster against stall/Unown hand.

Those are the actual applications for these card.
Takes 2 prizes but uses up your gx attack and leaves a vulnerable tag team gx on field after dealing absolutely no damage.

You could accomplish the same with any gx attack with moderately high damage output and KOing any GX, yet people will somehow treat this attack as the second coming of J.C?

May be used as a one-off in Dark Box/Mewtwo box to win the game immediately against tag team matches where you can't deal damage fast enough, to grab 2 prizes instead of 1 against single prize attackers, and to win faster against stall/Unown hand.

Those are the actual applications for these card.

I'm the same boat as you tbh. Sounds scary on paper. 2 Prizes for 3 energy while being able to practically choose the prizes is insane but those 2 extra energy are specific and you're not removing any threat from your opponent's board. This is like GG End from TinaChomp-GX in a way as you're not damaging anything but you're getting some kind of advantage but I think GG End is better as you are removing a big board and those 2 prizes might not matter if you're just getting sweeped. This card is okay. Let's see what happens when it is released.

Sorry if anyone saw a previous version of this post. My phone decided to be an idiot and posted it before it was even finished and when it had an auto-correct error in it.
Naganadel & Guzzlord TTGX - The ability is alright combined the fact that we have Great Potion and having 280 HP. The main atk is alright. KOs most basic GXs like Blacephalon. The GX atk is feedable the fact that it can use Beast Ring and N's Preparation. Even without Malamar, Naganadel, and Weavile, 1 Beast Ring and 1 energy, instant 2 prizes. Also the main atk can KO Silvally because Beast Energy exists. 4 Geodudes
280 hp is kind of a big deal with ReshiZek sure to be popular. Ability and gx attack are busted against single prize decks, but it might struggle against things that can OHKO it. Looks like tier 2 to me, will probably see play with Malamar (which will be tier 2 forever and always by the looks of it, lol)