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Standard Venusaur/Venusaur GX


Aspiring Trainer
Fun simple deck made for Venusaur/Venusaur GX

4 Onixs(lost thunder)
2 Bulbasaurs
2 Venusaurs (Jungle Totem)
2 Celebi Venusaur Gx's
2 Tapu Lele Gx's

2 Pokemon Communications
4 Net Balls
3 Rare Candies
3 Ultraballs
2 Rescue Stretcher
3 Max Potions
2 Sky Pillars
1 Life forest(could be removed)

3 Guzmas
2 Stevens Resolve
3 Apricorn Maker
2 Acerolas
2 Lillies(can be swapped)

4 Buff padding

8 Grass Energy

Deck works simple, you should get an Onix in your active(doesn't matter if he survives or not) Use stevens Resolve on turn one to get your Venusaur setup. Buff padding works with Onix and Venusaur GX for added HP.

Onix OHKO's Electric Types for 2 energy(just be aware you will need a second turn in order to place energy) Adding some stall should help. Max Potions are placed for added tank(just be mindful of your opponent- again stall can help).

Acerola's should be used scarcely, which is why there are only 2 in the deck. Apricorn maker guarantees Pokemon and energy(with netball). Life forest is O.K but can be removed for stall, same as Lillie.

Fun deck to play with, It is a TagTeam GX deck so it is High risk.
I’d do
-1 Rescue Stretcher
+1 Ultra Ball
Should help with early-game consistency, which I think this deck would love.
You've only got 2 draw supporters in your deck, namely the two Lillies. I've been playing something similar but with Heracross LOT and 10 draw supporters AND Oranguru and I've still been bricking, so I think you're gonna have a hard time with this list. Steven might help during the first turn, but after that you'll have to forgo your attacks in order to draw, which is terrible. Since you're already running 4 Nest Balls, I'd say go -3 Apricorn Maker, +2 Lillie. Also, since you're only running 12 Pokemon, -2 Poke Comm, +2 Cynthia. Finally, since you have nothing on your bench so far that requires protection from spread damage, -2 Sky Pillars, +2 Cynthia. The 1 extra empty spot magically becomes a 4th Ultra Ball or a 3rd Venusaur&Celebi.
Now we can talk Pokemon. I get it that Onix is a good attacker against lightning decks, but against anything else (maybe except fire and dark) it is worse than Venusaur&Celebi, so you can go down to 3. On the other hand, you need all the sources of healing you can get, especially since you don't want to use Acerola or Max Potion and lose your attached energy, except as a last resort or if you have another attacker ready. By that logic, Life Forest <> is crucial to this deck, same thing for Aether Paradise Conservation Area, and Shaymin LOT, which heals 20 damage from your active 'mon. -2 Acerola, -1 Max Potion, -2 DCE for +3 APCA, +2 Shaymin LOT. Your bench space might get a bit crowded, but you don't need much of it anyway.
Also, -1 Rescue Stretcher, +1 Rare Candy. Better safe than sorry.
I'd love to fit another Venusaur line in the deck somehow for some extra safety, but that doesn't seem possible without removing Buff Paddings.
I've been thinking about adding an Energy accelerate Pokemon into the deck so I can maximize on max potion/acerola, that way I can remove net balls/Apricorn all together. I have been getting some good runs with it, however the biggest issue is getting the second energy down.

The reason I didn't go with many Draw supporting was because Apricorn maker gave me both energy and pokemon so I really just had to focus on the board rather then random chance from the deck. This deck itself can't really risk too much on random chance being that It can fail really easily. I agree though it will need a rework for sure.
Just a heads up, I've been looking at potential Energy Accelerants, and I'm looking towards both rayquaza and lurantis. Both routes are different play styles though. Rayquaza would require more Venusaur-GX's while Lurantis would make Venusaur-gx a Back up mid game attacker, meaning I would only need 1(prized or not) Onix will still be in the deck for sure, but there will be a few changes once testing begins.
Just a heads up, I've been looking at potential Energy Accelerants, and I'm looking towards both rayquaza and lurantis. Both routes are different play styles though. Rayquaza would require more Venusaur-GX's while Lurantis would make Venusaur-gx a Back up mid game attacker, meaning I would only need 1(prized or not) Onix will still be in the deck for sure, but there will be a few changes once testing begins.
This deck doesn't really have the space to accommodate energy acceleration in the first place. Other C&V variants without Venusaur SHL are keeping up by denying resources or healing more than they are dealt. You'll have to do something similar, and count on getting Venusaur out and having an explosive turn with C&V's GX attack.
If this deck idea doesn't work out in the end, either try a straight C&V deck focused on healing, or an acceleration-focused version centered around Venusaur and Lurantis-GX.