Discussion English Celestial Storm Unofficial and Partial Set List

Which means 1 gx in your list wont be in set. Ill bet it will prob be mr mime gx odds(or even) we get 1 in set and 1 in next set or a box set
Also isnt alolan last in order(until next gen) which would make make him last dark type? And screw up the list? Or is he still considered gen1 in list there for be towards top?

Looked it up an answer is be towards top
If Mr. Mime (Odds) isn't in the set, I would hope it would be the promo Alolan Rattata/Raticate GX, since there definitely is room for them (for example removing Weavile and Mr. Mime GX (Odds) from my list). One can hope haha :p
Don't wanna say I predicted it, but I mean haha :p

Anyways, I removed Weavile and Mr. Mime (Odds) from my list, and added the two rats :D
Oh, just noticed I never posted a list over here lol

A bit late, so with help of all shown cards so far, but might as well post it :p

  1. Scyther
  2. Spinarak
  3. Ariados
  4. Treecko
  5. Treecko
  6. Grovyle
  7. Sceptile
  8. Seedot
  9. Seedot
  10. Nuzleaf
  11. Shiftry-GX
  12. Surskit
  13. Masquerain
  14. Volbeat
  15. Illumise
  16. Cacnea
  17. Cacturne
  18. Tropius
  19. Dhelmise
  20. Slugma
  21. Magcargo
  22. Torchic
  23. Torchic
  24. Torchic
  25. Combusken
  26. Combusken
  27. Blaziken
  28. Blaziken-GX
  29. Torkoal
  30. Oricorio
  31. Articuno-GX
  32. Mudkip
  33. Mudkip
  34. Marshtomp
  35. Swampert
  36. Lotad
  37. Lombre
  38. Ludicolo
  39. Wailmer
  40. Wailord
  41. Clamperl
  42. Huntail
  43. Gorebyss
  44. Luvdisc
  45. Regice
  46. Kyogre
  47. Voltorb
  48. Electrode-GX
  49. Chinchou
  50. Lanturn
  51. Electrike
  52. Manectric
  53. Plusle
  54. Minun
  55. Oricorio
  56. Mr. Mime-GX
  57. Gulpin
  58. Swalot
  59. Spoink
  60. Grumpig
  61. Lunatone
  62. Solrock
  63. Shuppet
  64. Shuppet
  65. Banette
  66. Banette-GX
  67. Deoxys
  68. Deoxys
  69. Deoxys
  70. Deoxys (Promo)
  71. Lunala (Promo)
  72. Onix
  73. Phanpy
  74. Donphan
  75. Larvitar
  76. Pupitar
  77. Meditite
  78. Medicham
  79. Baltoy
  80. Claydol
  81. Regirock
  82. Groudon
  83. Minior
  84. Alolan Rattata (Promo)
  85. Alolan Raticate-GX
  86. Sneasel
  87. Tyranitar
  88. Sableye
  89. Steelix
  90. Scizor-GX
  91. Mawile
  92. Beldum
  93. Beldum
  94. Metang
  95. Metagross
  96. Registeel
  97. Jirachi Prism Star
  98. Heatran (Promo)
  99. Solgaleo (Promo)
  100. Celesteela
  101. Kartana
  102. Stakataka-GX
  103. Altaria-GX
  104. Bagon (the 60HP one?)
  105. Shelgon
  106. Salamence
  107. Latias Prism Star
  108. Latios Prism Star
  109. Rayquaza-GX
  110. Slakoth
  111. Vigoroth
  112. Slaking
  113. Wingull
  114. Pelipper
  115. Whismur
  116. Whismur
  117. Loudred
  118. Exploud
  119. Skitty
  120. Delcatty
  121. Swablu
  122. Kecleon
  123. Acro Bike
  124. Apricorn Maker
  125. Beast Ball
  126. Bill's Maintenance
  127. Copycat
  128. Energy Recycle System
  129. Energy Switch
  130. Fisherman
  131. Friend Ball
  132. Hau
  133. Hustle Belt
  134. Last-Minute Potion
  135. Life Herb
  136. Lisia
  137. Lure Ball
  138. Pokémon Catcher
  139. PokéNav
  140. Rainbow Brush
  141. Rare Candy
  142. Return Label (Promo)
  143. Shrine of Punishment
  144. Sky Pillar
  145. Steven's Resolve
  146. Super Scoop Up
  147. Switch
  148. Tate & Liza
  149. TV Reporter
  150. Rainbow Energy
  151. Shiftry-GX [FA]
  152. Blaziken-GX [FA]
  153. Articuno-GX [FA]
  154. Electrode-GX [FA]
  155. Mr. Mime-GX [FA]
  156. Banette-GX [FA]
  157. Stakataka-GX [FA]
  158. Scizor-GX [FA]
  159. Altaria-GX [FA]
  160. Rayquaza-GX [FA]
  161. Apricorn Maker [FA]
  162. Bill's Maintenance [FA]
  163. Copycat [FA]
  164. Lady [FA]
  165. Lisia [FA]
  166. Steven's Decision [FA]
  167. Tate & Liza [FA]
  168. TV Reporter [FA]

  • The Totodile line: just doesn't seem to fit the set, specially being a different region starter... Could easily be moved to SM8 since it seems to be Johto based.
  • The Bellsprout line: Same thought line, and because it's an Aquapolis "reprint" (instead of from an EX era set). Not sure where it'd fit, maybe SM8 since Bellsprout Tower? More of a stretch here though. Alternative is probably a 1-1-1 Blaziken line being moved to Dragon Majesty, but idk...
  • One of SM7's Bagon cards... Probably moved to Dragon Majesty, alongside the GX line.
  • Not sure between Kangaskhan and Dunsparce. I feel like any of the two could fit that one colorless spot, with the "EX set almost-reprint" logic. Speaking of that, don't think Ho-Oh is getting released here (moved to DM or SM8) Forgot about Rayquaza, whoops!
  • In order to end with 27 trainers, I'm stuck between two possibilities:
    1. "Tate & Liza" is "Liza & Tate", and we don't get Return Label on this set. Probably in the future, as with Beast Ball (which took its time)
    2. "Tate & Liza" remains unchanged, and we don't get Underground Expedition. Logic here being it is an Aquapolis card (with no reprint during EX era, only later in DP), and that it's moved to SM8. Since that'd leave a 1 card gap in the end, I included Lady FA in the set (could easily be on Dragon Majesty though; but then again, the only other Lady card was exclusive to the EX era!)
  • For all trainer dupes (Switch, Rare Candy) between SM6a and SM7, I left the EX reprint version. Again, same logic as above... Just seems reasonable enough ^^
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Oh, just noticed I never posted a list over here lol

A bit late, so with help of all shown cards so far, but might as well post it :p

  1. Scyther
  2. Spinarak
  3. Ariados
  4. Treecko
  5. Treecko
  6. Grovyle
  7. Sceptile
  8. Seedot
  9. Seedot
  10. Nuzleaf
  11. Shiftry-GX
  12. Surskit
  13. Masquerain
  14. Volbeat
  15. Illumise
  16. Cacnea
  17. Cacturne
  18. Tropius
  19. Dhelmise
  20. Slugma
  21. Magcargo
  22. Torchic
  23. Torchic
  24. Torchic
  25. Combusken
  26. Combusken
  27. Blaziken
  28. Blaziken-GX
  29. Torkoal
  30. Oricorio
  31. Articuno-GX
  32. Mudkip
  33. Mudkip
  34. Marshtomp
  35. Swampert
  36. Lotad
  37. Lombre
  38. Ludicolo
  39. Wailmer
  40. Wailord
  41. Clamperl
  42. Huntail
  43. Gorebyss
  44. Luvdisc
  45. Regice
  46. Kyogre
  47. Voltorb
  48. Electrode-GX
  49. Chinchou
  50. Lanturn
  51. Electrike
  52. Manectric
  53. Plusle
  54. Minun
  55. Oricorio
  56. Mr. Mime-GX
  57. Gulpin
  58. Swalot
  59. Spoink
  60. Grumpig
  61. Lunatone
  62. Solrock
  63. Shuppet
  64. Shuppet
  65. Banette
  66. Banette-GX
  67. Deoxys
  68. Deoxys
  69. Deoxys
  70. Deoxys (Promo)
  71. Lunala (Promo)
  72. Onix
  73. Phanpy
  74. Donphan
  75. Larvitar
  76. Pupitar
  77. Meditite
  78. Medicham
  79. Baltoy
  80. Claydol
  81. Regirock
  82. Groudon
  83. Minior
  84. Alolan Rattata (Promo)
  85. Alolan Raticate-GX
  86. Sneasel
  87. Tyranitar
  88. Sableye
  89. Steelix
  90. Scizor-GX
  91. Mawile
  92. Beldum
  93. Beldum
  94. Metang
  95. Metagross
  96. Registeel
  97. Jirachi Prism Star
  98. Heatran (Promo)
  99. Solgaleo (Promo)
  100. Celesteela
  101. Kartana
  102. Stakataka-GX
  103. Altaria-GX
  104. Bagon (the 60HP one?)
  105. Shelgon
  106. Salamence
  107. Latias Prism Star
  108. Latios Prism Star
  109. Kangaskhan (or Dunsparce)
  110. Slakoth
  111. Vigoroth
  112. Slaking
  113. Wingull
  114. Pelipper
  115. Whismur
  116. Whismur
  117. Loudred
  118. Exploud
  119. Skitty
  120. Delcatty
  121. Swablu
  122. Kecleon
  123. Acro Bike
  124. Apricorn Maker
  125. Beast Ball
  126. Bill's Maintenance
  127. Copycat
  128. Energy Recycle System
  129. Energy Switch
  130. Fisherman
  131. Friend Ball
  132. Hau
  133. Hustle Belt
  134. Last-Minute Potion
  135. Life Herb
  136. Lisia
  137. Lure Ball
  138. Pokémon Catcher
  139. PokéNav
  140. Rainbow Brush
  141. Rare Candy
  142. Return Label (Promo)
  143. Shrine of Punishment
  144. Sky Pillar
  145. Steven's Resolve
  146. Super Scoop Up
  147. Switch
  148. Tate & Liza
  149. TV Reporter
  150. Rainbow Energy
  151. Shiftry-GX
  152. Blaziken-GX
  153. Articuno-GX
  154. Electrode-GX
  155. Mr. Mime-GX
  156. Banette-GX
  157. Stakataka-GX
  158. Scizor-GX
  159. Altaria-GX
  160. Rayquaza-GX
  161. Apricorn Maker
  162. Bill's Maintenance
  163. Copycat
  164. Lady
  165. Lisia
  166. Steven's Decision
  167. Tate & Liza
  168. TV Reporter

  • The Totodile line: just doesn't seem to fit the set, specially being a different region starter... Could easily be moved to SM8 since it seems to be Johto based.
  • The Bellsprout line: Same thought line, and because it's an Aquapolis "reprint" (instead of from an EX era set). Not sure where it'd fit, maybe SM8 since Bellsprout Tower? More of a stretch here though. Alternative is probably a 1-1-1 Blaziken line being moved to Dragon Majesty, but idk...
  • One of SM7's Bagon cards... Probably moved to Dragon Majesty, alongside the GX line.
  • Not sure between Kangaskhan and Dunsparce. I feel like any of the two could fit that one colorless spot, with the "EX set almost-reprint" logic. Speaking of that, don't think Ho-Oh is getting released here (moved to DM or SM8)
  • In order to end with 27 trainers, I'm stuck between two possibilities:
    1. "Tate & Liza" is "Liza & Tate", and we don't get Return Label on this set. Probably in the future, as with Beast Ball (which took its time)
    2. "Tate & Liza" remains unchanged, and we don't get Underground Expedition. Logic here being it is an Aquapolis card (with no reprint during EX era, only later in DP), and that it's moved to SM8. Since that'd leave a 1 card gap in the end, I included Lady FA in the set (could easily be on Dragon Majesty though; but then again, the only other Lady card was exclusive to the EX era!)
  • For all trainer dupes (Switch, Rare Candy) between SM6a and SM7, I left the EX reprint version. Again, same logic as above... Just seems reasonable enough ^^
You forgot the regular Rayquaza GX, so I'd say remove Kangaskhan/Dunsparce for that one, since it's after the Lati@s :)
I've updated my list to reflect today's changes (would've done so earlier, but I've been on the road to Columbus all day).

I really had a feeling the Magic Odds Mime-GX wouldn't be in the set, but I was kind of leaning more towards Palossand than A-Raticate. Still, props to @steffenka for calling it :)

I guess the question remains: will the other Mr. Mime-GX be shoved into our eventual SM8 set, or will we get a Mr. Mime Collection Box?
Rayquaza and Blaziken change nothing :/
Yup. At least it almost completely confirms no Feraligatr on the set ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now, if we could only get some grass or fire card before Blaziken-GX, so we can confirm what's getting cut there lol
The first opening went live on YouTube, confirming:
-Shrine of Punishments is called Shrine of Punishment
-Masked Royal is called The Masked Royal (but oddly still is placed at 139/168)
-Rainbow Brush SR is 182/168

Also, Holos:
-Deoxys (Attack)
-Steven's Resolve
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I did... I just didn’t look at it when making the list of holos
Any changes from the attack names of the Pokemon you've seen on the vid or do I dedicate it as a new topic like the previous set. For example, Kartana's Kamikaze was changed to Divine Paper