Defining Terms of a 'Like'


Ready or Not!
Advanced Member
I come from a world where I haven't used Facebook. This is means I my only idea of the purpose of a 'like' button comes from PB. Before, using a 'like' on PB was limited to 5, but now its unlimited (I believe). I've found myself using the like button a bit too much for my liking.

So here's the question: What exactly should a 'like' be reserved for? Should it be used on something funny? How about acknowledging you've read something? Or maybe agreeing to an argument or statement? What do you think?
It should be used for something you "like". If you like something hit that like button.
I come from a world where I haven't used Facebook. This is means I my only idea of the purpose of a 'like' button comes from PokéBeach. Before, using a 'like' on PokéBeach was limited to 5, but now its unlimited (I believe). I've found myself using the like button a bit too much for my liking.

So here's the question: What exactly should a 'like' be reserved for? Should it be used on something funny? How about acknowledging you've read something? Or maybe agreeing to an argument or statement? What do you think?

Whatever you need it for. I've used it for something funny (such as Kyle pointing out the "Double Supporter" method), when I agree with someone (for example if someone posts a good analysis or provides good advice) or when I want to acknowledge I've read a post but a reply is not required (for example I briefly ask when the release date for something is, I'll give a like to the person that gives me the answer, unless I have further queries)
If you like a post you can like it.

It's usually used to show your support for a post, or that you like a joke in it. Seriously, just keep using it as you were.
Just as you would use the word 'like' in real life for various reasons, I can't see why the 'likes' here wouldn't also serve just as many. I'm sure people have different reservations for the word usage too, so honestly I'd say just 'like' as much as you are comfortable with.

In my case I prefer 'liking' a post rather than commenting 'Wow that's amazing!', 'I really like this idea', 'I agree' etc., and also to avoid repeating what has already been said in a thread but still show that you share that point of view. Essentially to reduce the clutter in threads, but still letting the member know that their post caught someone's eye in some positive way.

Of course, I could always add more substance to those remarks by explaining the reasoning behind them and then it would worthy of an actual post. It might be a bit of an undertaking, however, especially if you come into a thread late and you see many posts that you agree with or was particularly meaningful to you (this would apply to me more as I'm not a frequent poster around here). Not everyone has the time to do that!