Wi-Fi Trades Pinkie's Trade Thread - *Events* - *Lot of shinies* - *Items and Megastones* - *5IV Giveaways*

RE: Pinkie's Trade Thread - *Events* - *Pokeball vivillon and more* - *Lot of shinies* - *Items and Megastones* - *5IV Giveaways*

Sorry everyone, I was on vacation and very busy this days. I'll still be busy but less than before.
If you're still interested in something, please tell me again.

My giveaways are still available, I didn't play for a month.
jhippie8 said:
I'd like the Sun Vivillon event, please.
You mean a sun giveaway ? Or a pokeball/fancy event ?

Rayquazapokemon20 said:
I can trade you the diancle form Japan and the pinsir and the heracross SUM2014 for all the 3 different event pikachu.

Are they untouched ?
Use my Y FC please, I'll add you. :)
Yes. My friend code is 4227-2489-5581. I'm online now.


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I'm online too. ign Pinkie.

Thanks a lot ! :)
Do you also have the Shiny Jirachi event ?
Hey maybe we can trade again:

Shiny Pachirisu if female and has pickup
Shiny Genosect
Shiny Eevee xx

Shiny Pachirisu female not pickup, level 50
some legendaries
can breed rare balls pokemon - have quite a few I can breed from (cant determine if offspring is male/female)
Binx345 said:
Hey maybe we can trade again:

Shiny Pachirisu if female and has pickup
Shiny Genosect
Shiny Eevee xx

Shiny Pachirisu female not pickup, level 50
some legendaries
can breed rare balls pokemon - have quite a few I can breed from (cant determine if offspring is male/female)

My shiny pachirisu is a male :( with pickup.
And I have all the legendaries, I'm only looking for shiny legends I don't have (articuno, moltres, zapdos, celebi, regice, kyogre, jirachi, uxie, azelf, heatran, regigigas, arceus, victini, cobalion, terrakion, virizion, keldeo, zekrom, reshiram, kyurem, meloetta, xerneas, yveltal, zygarde, diancie)
Do you have some shinies or events to trade ? :)
hi pinkie!!
i would like this pokemon from the giveaways if you still have it
F : Adamant, Strong Jaw, 31/31/31/31/31/X, female tyrunt
i'm not at home now
could you get online 7pm-11pm today?
Hi !
I don't have it anymore, sorry.
I have a male instead. (31/31/31/31/31/X)
If you want a female, I have 31/31/X/31/31/31.
i will take the male one (31/31/31/31/31/X).
so 7pm-11pm your time today.i'm 1 hour ahead.
i'll be online around 7pm ,if it's easier for you
thanks very much!!!!
Hi, I'm interested in some of your giveaways. Specifically Cottonee C and Squirtle B. If you're only doing one per person or something then I'll take the Cottonee.

I'm also interested in all your Dittos but especially C and D. However, I'm new to competitive play so I probably don't have much to offer. I used to play casually back in 3rd and 4th generation so I do have quite a few older event Pokemon but I don't have a way to get them to a gen 5 or 6 game, so we'd have to trade on a 4th gen game and then again on a 6th gen game. I realize you're probably not interested in this since it's not on your wants and it's some extra work but if you are, I'll happily list the events I have! I have some legendaries and non-legendaries.

Please let me know if you're interested and/or willing to give me one or both of those giveaways. If you are, I'll give you my friend code and stuff. Thanks in advance!