League of Legends Discussion

Chingz said:
I main Kennen, with my Tank build and sometimes AP if I have to. I'm starting to co-main Taric now. I also play solo-mid Nocturne really well, but I haven't been playing him for a while.

Tank build? On Kennen? What items and why?

EDIT: Just tried Dominion. Oh my god, it's so fun. Decided to go as Rammus. Had the most captured and neutralized points in the entire match. It's so amazingly fun. But there was a tad bit of lag..

EDIT 2: Riot's handing out free Alistar + Skin. Check the front page for the how-to.
I love dominion, i'm about 4W 3L. Staying even just like everything else. Running Jax in Summoner's Rift now, he's sick. First game against non-AI:
25/7/18, Deathcap, Atma's, Gunblade, Ninja Tabi, Sheen and Rageblade. I was eating even the Alistar alive.
It's defiantly fun, very fast paced and you'd defiantly get your XP/IP boosts out of it win or lose.
I've picked up Urgot. Oh god, he's a curb-stomper. I don't get why no one ever plays him...
I've been having some bad teams in Dom. >.< My first two games I win, but then I get a game with an AFKer, The next two games had at least two people each who would not follow instructions. I've been liking Annie for Dom, but I'm starting to play Morgana a bit more. Can't wait for the next beta session.
Yeah, there are some derps playing Dominion. I've had people complaining about how Rammus is "useless" or how I'm stupid and a noob for not getting into fights while playing him. I can't wait until people finally realize that the mode isn't about fighting.
They suspended me because I took like 5 min to go to the bathroom FML
Im suspended till like 5 PM tomorrow
Well, you must have done more than been afk for 5 minutes...

Anyways. I think the best strategy is, if you have a team that can fight decently, get a champion like twitch, eve, zilean, or ramnus, and go bd all their points.
Anyone up for a game sometime soon? Kinda bored.

Also, what do you guys think about Xerath and the next upcoming champ?
Garen is for the win. Only character I even have a skin for (besides Kayle and Alistar and Tristana obviously). Other than that I own all 450 IP Champions, Lux, Alistar, Nasus, and Tristana.
The Fallen One said:
Garen is for the win. Only character I even have a skin for (besides Kayle and Alistar and Tristana obviously). Other than that I own all 450 IP Champions, Lux, Alistar, Nasus, and Tristana.

Garen is OP. He will suck when they nerf him
I play Garen a lot and I will say that he's not OP. He has a very very good early game (which was nerfed when the base damage of judgment was lowered) and really sucks late game. If you feed him then he's a problem. But getting more armor fixes that...for AD Garen. I play as Tanky Garen, which is a lot better late game. But he's definitely beatable. Don't kid yourself. He has no effective gap closer, no real CC other than his Silence and he is primarily reliant on his Q and E to do damage.
I have all the 450 IP and almost all of the 1350 IP champs. As well as Shaco, Sona, Karma, Nidalee, and Taric for 3150, and Nocturne and skarner are 6300.