Recent content by Zilvis

  1. Z

    New Black and White Theme Decks - Analysis

    Wait, is Catcher in the Theme decks? If so then the theme decks will be most likely sold out in some places.
  2. Z

    You know you are a pro...

    You know you are a pro when you play a good set of cards in top cut, and even though you played your auto-loss match-up, you didn't get mad at your opponent, but decided to have a nice conversation with them even if you got donked.
  3. Z

    Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

    RE: (H) RH Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) See my wants! My: Infernape 4 Lv. X Your: Time-Space Distortion LMK if you'd make this trade.
  4. Z

    What deck do you think will win Worlds 2009?

    I'm going to laugh if Dark PLOX or iPlox or some version of PLOX takes Worlds again, just for the big two in a row.. It's possible if someone knows how to play the deck, if you ask me.
  5. Z

    Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!!!

    RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, MASSIVE UPDATE, trying to clear house before my 3 SV boxes come My: Infernape 4 Lv. X Your: Luxray GL Lv. X LMK if you'd do this trade.
  6. Z

    Stumpy's Trades! REALLY need Blaze FB

    RE: Stumpy's Trades! BIG new UPDATE! (H) 10+ LV X's! (W) PLOX Stuff! I do not currently have a Gardevoir Lv. X. I'm sorry.
  7. Z

    Stumpy's Trades! REALLY need Blaze FB

    RE: Stumpy's Trades! BIG new UPDATE! (H) 10+ LV X's! (W) PLOX Stuff! My: Gallade(SW) Gardevoir(SW) Your: Magenzone(SF Electric) Luxray GL(RR) LMK if you'll do this trade.
  8. Z

    ~~ geo15721

    RE: geo15721 +1 Great packaging! Cards are mint! Great deal! Great experience, and would love to trade with him again!
  9. Z

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the twelfth round (yppy) 24...
  10. Z

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the twelfth round (yppy) 18....
  11. Z

    Max Payne

    RE: Harry Potter 6 the film My opinion is this: If you read the book.. you won't like this movie probably. This movie is geared towards people that haven't read the books. I disliked the movie because loads of things were just not right. Greyback.. did nothing.. Litterally.. He stood there...
  12. Z

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Gallade X, Mis X, RC Pika, Flygon, TONS of RR Trainers! Come Pre-Order Your Arceus Items! I have: x2 Azelf(Not RH) Mesprit(Not RH) Would you trade your: x3 Gengar(SF) If this isn't enough, I can throw in a Toxicroak G(Non RH)
  13. Z


    RE: Looking For Rising Rivals, have EX's and level X's. Oh it's fine! :) I'll be able to wait. :)
  14. Z


    RE: Looking For Rising Rivals, have EX's and level X's. Would you do: Your: Shaymin Land Forme Lv. X My: Floatzel GL Lv. X
  15. Z

    ~~ darksoulSP

    RE: darksoulSP +1 Ref, Cards were well protected and it arrived fast.