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  • Ty_Sylicus, In this current format yes. PONT refreshes your hand while also giving you the chance to get the energy you need. Sure PONT can whiff the energy, but so can IQ. All in all, it's better to have a nicer hand than the chance to get energy from IQ. Of course, that's my opinion on things.
    Well I was going to reply to your question about interviewers questions. Most good decks already run a good amount alot draw support so IQ would be waste of space. In decks like google deck and mew box they have twins to get the specific energy they need. IQ isn't as consistent as it needs to be to be played in this format. There are more consistent supporters out there to help you out.
    I read your post in the "I pulled something cool" topic; Interviewer's Questions isn't considered to good of a card by alot of people, though I think it's great in low energy decks such as Donphan Prime and Mew Prime varients.
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