Recent content by The Silencer

  1. T

    BW/BW2 Which one, Black 2 or White 2?

    I have white, but I really, really, really love Zekrom! (don't ask why, I just do) and the rest I'll just see how it goes. I mean, I don't care wether(i spelt that wrong, I know it) I get black city or white forest, I just want both Peilil and black kyurem. It's just so frustrating!
  2. T

    BW/BW2 Which one, Black 2 or White 2?

    I can't decide! Which one should I get?
  3. T

    Pokemon Why Do You Play Pokemon?

    Why do I like pokémon? It all started when I was younger, possibly around five. I was at my grandparents house, digging around in a bin of old toys. I pulled out a bag of pokémon figures. There was a pikachu, a squirtle, Jessie, James, Ash, Misty and Meowth. I immediately fell in love with...
  4. T

    Pokemon The Meanest/Scariest Pokemon

    In my opinion, Yamask is one of the creepiest pokémon ever. Don't go all provey-wrongy on me, because, like I said, I just my opinion. :cool:Think about it, Yamask's Pokédex entry says that it's the spirit of a dead person. DEAD. PERSON. Creepy, right? Imagine carrying the spirit of a person...