Recent content by shenry7

  1. shenry7

    Will you add me? 4382 1994 0883

    Will you add me? 4382 1994 0883
  2. shenry7

    arulz, Shawn

    arulz, Shawn
  3. shenry7

    It shows that you are online on my 3ds but I can't seem to pick up that you are online in game...

    It shows that you are online on my 3ds but I can't seem to pick up that you are online in game...
  4. shenry7

    Wi-Fi Trades 3DS Friend Code and Pokémon X / Y Friend Safari Registry

    Username: shenry7 In game name: Shawn FC: 4382 1994 0883 Looking for some awesome friend safaris!! Pokemon X