Recent content by Sagemaster

  1. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM But unfortunately, it can't compare with Magic the Gathering. I didn't even have to change the name for it to fit :D
  2. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Ya, neither of us had ever had that error before, but he kept getting it after we met up in the wi-fi room.
  3. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Error that has to do with firewalls or something like that. Neither of us could figure it out or fix it :\
  4. S

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    Unfortunately, I traded away all of my shiny's at the moment, but if you'd be ok with it, I could breed them and return them after maybe 5-10 mins. I would only really need one egg of each to get my own set.
  5. S

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    I'm looking for Gen's II starters and Treecko and Mudkip. I have pretty much any Gen 5 Poke, and can breed them if depending on what you want. I also have a big amount of Larvesta eggs and Zorua eggs if you want one in exchange. Just pm any questions.
  6. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Ya, that's really disappointing. And it's weird that it's not occuring with any other people. I haven't had trouble trading with anybody before, so it might just be from me to you.
  7. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Same error as yesterday?
  8. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM 5 Oshie's for a Legendary Beast. And maybe letting me breed some starters if you'd be willing to let me hold them for a min.
  9. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Lemme know when you're ready to try the trades again.
  10. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM That would be amazing. It only takes me a few minutes per poke to get an egg, and after that I can just breed off of the first.
  11. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM I assumed that you might have some starters if you were transfering in from SS. Sorry for the confusion, I'm just trying to get all the starters in all gens to help people out since they're easily breedable...
  12. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Hey, if we can get the trade to go through, would it be possible to trade for some Gen II and III starters?
  13. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Osha, you up for trying the trade again?
  14. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM Ok, if you're up for it, we can try again tomorrow.
  15. S

    Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

    RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NOW WITH POKECUSTOM I looked up the error code, and it has to do with the firewall settings. Not sure what you have running on your side, but I know that I've forwarded the ports for the DS on my side.