Recent content by Pokemon Aus24

  1. P

    (1) Cartoon Network Pokemon Marathon [8/25]

    The Mystery Dungeon 2 anime special is airing on Cartoon Network in Australia this Friday (29th August) making it the world-wide TV premiere.
  2. P

    Pokemon What does Diglett's full body look like?

    Yes the question plaguing the minds of Pokemon trainers for years, post descriptions or better yet drawing of what you thing the hidden part of Diglett might look like. Here is my concept... I imagine Diglett has two clawed feet which it uses to dig through the ground, it would need...
  3. P

    (2) Pokemon Ranch, Pokemon Platinum [5/11]

    Nintendo released the US WiiWare launch titles on the 10th so I, like many others who follow Nintendo websites knew it was not going to be available.