Recent content by Patchouli

  1. Patchouli

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    Click Here for Source According to the above Japanese News Blog, which has been posting other respectably true information about other things, has apparently posted information leaks from Corocoro. No pictures yet though. In summary: 1) New battle system is like Super Mario RPG, where...
  2. Patchouli

    (1) First 'CoroCoro' Scans of 'Pokemon Black and White' [4/10]

    RE: (1) First 'CoroCoro' Scans of 'Pokemon Black and White' This idea might be a little bit out there, but after seeing a bunch of people commenting on the lack of following Pokemon, I had the thought that it's possibly because they are in 3D, and they don't want to reveal that yet. Of course...