Master of the Six Kings

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Wow, this is like updated and stuff :O I IZ GENIUS! I IZ MOST AWESOMEST MASTER PLAYER PERSON EVUR!!(It's okay Poptart, you're a close :D)

I am going to win worlds by Pokeradaring Exodia. It will happen.

Current Youtube Favs;
They're good, not mine but just awsome stuffs :F

I do NOT do Redshark or trading, so don't even ask. If you do, I will send mass lurby spam to you, and laugh as I fill up your inbox. As bacon would say HAZAAH! So just don't go there.

I am STILL, Sinnoh's Shino: The Bug Blitz,

Wondering what I mean by "burning the bloody computer"? The computer is that piece o' junk that organizers use decide your pairings, opponent's win percentage and opponent's opponent's win percentage. I got left out of an invite by .4% of my opponent's opponent's win % last year. Ergo, I hate it and am plotting to burn it. IT SHALL FALL!

What are n00bs good for? Studies show that brains are high in calories. So if you ever need a quick healthy snack, n00bs are the way to go. n00b salad, n00b pizza, n00b cheese, ect. All so good.

But nothing compares to the best pokemon ever. A pokemon so massively massive, It would take 7 lurby bios to see show it. A pokemon so mighty, it can control wind to its advantage. A pokemon so quick, a Ninjask using extreme speed would be left in the dust, no matter how many speed bossts it could use. All pokemon stop and stare, making sure to never get in the way of it. It is:
Shiny, Level 100 Hopip!

Bow you lurb n00bs, bow! Or Shino and the bugs will come for you. And if you ever, ever, ever *7 lines of lurby ever later*, ever, ever squish a bug, frankensmiley will see it. <(0_-)>
And Shiny Level 100 Hopip will come...

Unown is known to be unknown, but we know it's unknow, making it known, but it would be nown because unown is spelled unknown, maikng known, nown, but the reason for the spelling difference is unown, or unknown, or mabey it's known or nown? Who knows ya know? I'm sure unown know that it's to be spelled unkown, and i'm sure it knows that it is known, but it is still unknown, making it unown, the unknown, nown pokemon that is known and should be spelled unknown, rather then unown and should be changed to nown, which would then become known. The reason why this is unknown, is known to be unkown for unkown reasons known only to unown AKA unkown AKA known or nown.

Lurb, is
Lurb is life, Lurb is power, Lurb is deat, Lurb is loss, Lurb is everything and Lurb is nothing. That's why Lurb is so Lurby. AKA
To Lurb

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Somewhere in My Head (no pineco's here!)
Pokemon Involvement
  1. TCG Player


qnetykz said:
I also think you're overkill on your Rose's and Bebe' 3 really is enough...