Recent content by Malachai Wallace

  1. Malachai Wallace

    News Japan's SM6b, 'Champion Road'!

    Sableye/Energy denial
  2. Malachai Wallace

    News Japan's SM6b, 'Champion Road'!

    Banette GX just screams bye bye Buzzwole and hello Zoroark or you could play this as a Zoroark variant
  3. Malachai Wallace

    New Shaymin Promo

    I think we might get this as a shining legends promo or blister pack promo with different art
  4. Malachai Wallace

    Help Turbo Dark Help

    Yeah turbo dark belongs in the trash
  5. Malachai Wallace

    New Shaymin Promo

    Or in some cases you can use Seal of Gratitude in some desperate situations then N your opponent away
  6. Malachai Wallace

    New Shaymin Promo

    The attack could be good with Shining Genesect but the ability is garbage other than that I don't see any use for it