Recent content by Jaymz76

  1. Jaymz76

    Discussion How to Destroy the Mega Mewtwo Decks!

    I played in a league challenge today and I know of at least four people that were playing Mega Mewtwo/Garbodor. I ran a not quite finished Mega Kyogre deck got slammed by one, hammered the other the difference was Garbodor and Parallel City; take them out spread damage to the bench, hit, move...
  2. Jaymz76

    Collecting Finishing Previous Sets Before Starting New Ones?

    I too try to complete master sets and also don't want to just purchase the ones I'm missing, as yes I also don't feel right about it but... have you considered trading for your missing cards? After all it is the Trading Card Game(TCG). It makes me feel better and it can be fun, way cheeper also...
  3. Jaymz76

    Skyrocketing Card Prices?

    I assumed also that the jump was due to the cards from that set, when I went looking into product, all Roaring Skies product has skyrocketed. Like the Elite Trainer Box for $80, crazy. Are they not printing Roaring Skies anymore? And should I pick up whatever I can before it climbs higher or wait?