B B Breakfast Cereal Mar 16, 2013 Wow, it seems neither of us can catch the other online this time. Yeah, Monday's fine. Sorry, I'll throw in something good- my fault this time.
Wow, it seems neither of us can catch the other online this time. Yeah, Monday's fine. Sorry, I'll throw in something good- my fault this time.
B B Breakfast Cereal Mar 15, 2013 Hey, I'm in the wifi room. EDIT: Almost half an hour later, you aren't there... Maybe we should just cancel this trade. That alright with you?
Hey, I'm in the wifi room. EDIT: Almost half an hour later, you aren't there... Maybe we should just cancel this trade. That alright with you?
B B Breakfast Cereal Mar 13, 2013 Erm... It seems something went wrong with your comment. You didn't say anything.
B B Breakfast Cereal Mar 11, 2013 Alright, great! I'm on right now, I'll be on for a little while longer.
B B Breakfast Cereal Mar 10, 2013 Hey, sorry about the wait on the trade. I had to be away from my DS for a few days. Can you trade tomorrow at 4:30 UTC -5?
Hey, sorry about the wait on the trade. I had to be away from my DS for a few days. Can you trade tomorrow at 4:30 UTC -5?
Yakkov Mar 8, 2013 egoista1996, For the trade, you'll need to add my Black friend code. All my events are on that game.