Recent content by chearn

  1. C

    Bad Timing with Virizion / Genesect?

    Hello everyone, I'm finally getting to look at assembling my first competitive deck. I've been absolutely obsessed with one deck since I started playing Pokemon and that deck is VirGen. I enjoy the idea of the play style, I think all of the card art is fairly superb, and Genesect is my...
  2. C

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello everyone! I am a new PokeDad from Ohio. My six year old and I are hooked! He's not very competitive but I know I will be. I joined here because the competitive discussion seemed top notch compared to a lot of the sites I have been to. My main hobby is Live Action Roleplay (White...
  3. C

    TDK (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem)

    Hello everyone. I am incredibly new and looking at building my first semi-competitive deck. I noticed some comments in the last few pages about how the deck is in its decline. Is it a bad time to make this deck? It's cost and the fact that nearly all of the decks I saw at my first league...