“Temporal Forces” Set Officially Revealed for March!

They are listed in the Wild Force & Cyber Judge article which is linked in this article if you haven't seen that one yet.
Right, it's just odd that they wouldn't be mentioned in the set description. Wouldn't be the first time cards are pulled from the main set because reasons
This is a weird nitpick, but all the booster packs for the SV era so far feel very same-y. These boosters, Paldea Evolved, Paradox Rift and base Scarlet & Violet all blend together in my eyes. Just lots of red and purple/blue. Compared to say, the 2021 expansions, where Battle Styles, Chilling Reign, EVS and FUS are all extremely distinct and easy to pick apart. And just very visually appealing overall
I am so happy that Wugtrio is being created, hope it involves mill because I can but it in my Wugtrio list.
Sadly this confirms no new energy style for 2024,not that the current one is bad but I always like to see more different styles
They are listed in the Wild Force & Cyber Judge article which is linked in this article if you haven't seen that one yet.
I know they're in the Japanese set, I just think it's weird they aren't mentioned in the English promo material, which kinda makes me worried we won't see them in this set
Wait…there isn’t any Full Arts in the listing of set specs - it has info listed for Illustrations/ SIRs / Gold-Etched and then the ACE-SPECs - are we starting the “H” block without Full art Trainer and Pokémon ? Are the AceSpec taking its place in the set as a special level of rarity ? I just noticed because I’m doing my “binder math” on how this set will sit and wish I realized sooner when people would be active on this news story