“Scarlet & Violet” English Set Revealed for March: Silver Borders, Three Holos Per Pack, Price Increases

I'll miss the set symbols. One of my favorite rituals was getting a hi-res image of the set symbol, printing it out on a circular label, and slapping it on the binder for the new set. Sad that that's going away.

Very intrigued by "three guaranteed foil cards per booster," though.
NOOOOO that was a wonderful thing. repost this to pokemon please, dont lose this :(
As a consumer, 50 cents more for a guaranteed 1-2 extra holos is a decent value. Pretty smart because logistically it likely doesn't cost much to print all rares in foil, but the perceived value of two extra rares is much more than $0.50.

Still though, most profitable media empire ever, with the most popular Pokemon has ever been would have been cool if they just swallowed the margins.
Wth, man?

Imagine purchasing an ETB and the 1-colored die is a plain worded set symbol? That would be too L for that, man. What'll they use for sites like limitlesstcg for decklists and such? Explain to me, so that I can enlightened myself
The code? Just like Bulbapedia does when displaying japanese sets (
). The code is now basically the set symbol but much easier to read.
My god, finally, silver border!!!! Horrendous choice for the energies. But by far the most disappointing thing here is the confirmation of all Teras just having bench barrier instead of it being like Ancient Traits, that's a REAL bummer, it's a whole layer of complexity that could've been amazing, being utterly wasted.
I think all of these changes are amazing, silver boarders=win, so far what looks to be a minimal price increase but with guaranteed foils=win, overall more parody with the Japanese sets=win. I’m just severely going to miss the set symbols, it seems stupid but I loved finding out what each new set’s symbol was going to be and if there’s any references to the actual set etc. But this little nitpick of my is minimal compared to all the good change’s happening.
Has it actually been confirmed that terastal effects are  all just bench barrier? Or are we just guessing based on the 1 we've been shown so far. Seems like bad reporting if it's the latter.
RIP set symbols. I see the appeal of codes but the symbols were always nice to look at. Happy about the rest of the changes though. I feel like it cant be understated how nice it will be to rip open a pack and never again get a non holo rare.
Has it actually been confirmed that terastal effects are  all just bench barrier? Or are we just guessing based on the 1 we've been shown so far. Seems like bad reporting if it's the latter.

Apparently it has, which is completely beyond me, such an absolute waste. Also, if it has to be all the same, why in hell was bench barrier the one effect chosen for this? It seems so random. Absolutely beyond me why they did that instead of having each card have an individual trait.
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I always felt like the silver borders work better on some cards than others. On the whole, though, despite being thematic, the yellow could feel kind of silly, and I think a hueless silver border makes more sense. It works better with anything, and, like they said, the artists probably design the art to go with the silver.
Now I just need to shake the feeling that they're all World Championship cards...
Am I the only one who hates these changes? I like the yellow borders it's nostalgic. Also, releasing virtually in April is big oof, when the novelty of the new gen has well worn off. Sad day of news

Edit: Oh this was before I saw the guaranteed holo. Devastated
The changes are interesting. I am on board with the silver borders, as it signifies a change in direction. I hope they never change the back of English cards though, that's one of the things I always found tacky about Japanese cards. The guaranteed holofoils per pack seems nice, but, does that mean that there will simply be that many more holofoils per set or are we just going to hit that many repeats in a box. Not a fan of the symbols going away, it means my little website will need to take that into account in the future. Finally, the price increase; I think it's rich of them to increase the price by that much considering how much they would make. I noticed someone rip into that fact that it's only 50c; however, that is a LOT per booster pack and that is USD. That means that in my country, the price of a booster pack will be approximately just under $1 more expensive which means a booster box will be at least $220 minimum by the time it gets here. A shame really, but I already was determined to only get a single box from now on. But hey, thanks to the border shift, we will see a trend 10~15 years down the line about pre-silver bordered cards being a thing haha.