SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

That munchlax is GOOD in stall
That hoopa can be put in ANY deck. I don't think it does enough damage, though.
Ooooh these are all nice, finally some good reveals! That Hoopa is especially strong since it's a basic and splashable. Damage cap is a bit low though, but even if it won't be good upon release it's one of those cards that has the potential to become a staple, based on what the meta looks like.
In expanded, Hoopa could be a nice tech card against Trevenant decks, considering how it hits for weakness for any energy.
Evil Admonition is BACK!
The 20x hurts, though. Doesn’t do enough damage on the whole.
Giratina is nice as it’s a 1Prize Kartana GX, but it does specify only Active.
Munchlax is back from the vault!
Would any of these new baby Pokemon really be overpowered without either the coin flip, the turn end clause or both?
Giratina is kind of eh. We already have Kartana GX, which has a good GX attack. Leaves something to be desired.

Hoopa is good in Expanded. With Trev being huge atm, we now have a Basic 1-prize attacker that can be splashed in any deck that can counter it more efficiently than Giratina.

Munchlax just makes Vileplume stall even better. You can put hammers on the top of your deck, Steven's, Unown HAND, etc.
Would any of these new baby Pokemon really be overpowered without either the coin flip, the turn end clause or both?
That's why I think we might have a tool/stadium to buff their effect. Maybe not end the turn, or ignore coin flip... Or both...
Yay, more Baby Pokémon!

The last Munchlax card was printed in Rising Rivals. This means that, by the time this card is released in English in our August set, it will have been 10 years, 74 days since the last Munchlax card.
I am going to play that Hoopa in Buzzshrine! Also I love that Munchlax in stall decks. Finally some good non-Gxs.
  • Munchlax - Still weak to Weavile and the ability is flippy and it ends your turn. Who cares? Some stall decks might take advantage of it. If I were making a deck, I may choose this or Cleffa. 3-4 Geodudes
  • Hoopa - Its ULP Weavile but as a Basic Pokemon and 10+X not 50X. Gosh darmit! It can do up maximum of 130 for C but... You don't get KOs in that stage, you can even KO a Frikin Lele in the case if CB and Devoured Field is in play (Just use Black Market). 3 Geodudes
  • Giratina - If Kartana rotates, people will use this as an alternative. The ability is still an Enhanced Hammer but only to the active. And Giratina is another Psychic mon that do flat 70 for 3 nrg. 4 Geodudes
I've never seen a cards with just an ability, are the Sun and Moon babies the first?
It's rare but it's happened before. Ditto from the Fossil set is the earliest instance that I recall; EX Dragon Frontiers Snorlax is another example.
We have baby Zoroark, baby Buzzwole, baby Sceptile, baby Charizard....
We also have baby Cleffa and baby Tyrogue from the previous Japanese set...

And now we have baby Munchlax!
