Help Starting from the bottom...

Angel Duran

Aspiring Trainer
I recently bought a nintendo3DS along with the US game,It's been almost 6 years since I last played a pokemon VG (since black 2) so i need help with,how do i start in competitive? Like,what is the ideal start? i see a lot of people playing landorus but with what moves?

I'll be very gratefull if you can help me:D
Well, before I can mention anything you need to say which formats you intend to play in. Are you going for singles, VGC, etc.
If you go Landorus-T, rock slide is common with earthquake and u-turn with adamant nature and intimidate. I propose abomasnow or mamoswine to counter as Landorus has no good flying attacks to run. although, lando does get superpower
IV breeding. Figure out what Pokemon you want and what IVs you want them to have. Then start breeding them according to what you need
If you go Landorus-T, rock slide is common with earthquake and u-turn with adamant nature and intimidate. I propose abomasnow or mamoswine to counter as Landorus has no good flying attacks to run. although, lando does get superpower
Thanks For the abomasnow TIp,it Help's Me to prepare myself!
What are those IV that you're talking o_O This is all alien to me
IVs are Individual Values. They help boost certain stats of a Pokemon once they hit level 100, which pokemon are set to in competitive battles. There are six categories IVs go into: HP, Atk, Def, Spa. Atk, Spa. Def, Speed. IVs can come in factors of 0-31, with 0 being the worst while 31 is the best. You can find an IV judge in every game, and since USUM is the newest, here is the location and how to get him: If you breed Pokemon with high values of the same IV, it is likely that they will inherate a higher stat. There are certain items that can be used to increase the value inherited.
If you need more help, just message me. I can explain EVs too