Writing DK's HeartGold Nuzlocke Journey: Chapter 4. DK's First Gym Battle


Who else but Quagsire?

*Starts humming “Everybody wants to be a master, everybody wants to show their skills, everybody wants to get there faster, make their way to the top of the hill!”

I made the banner myself. I hope the banner is alright everyone. If it's too big, let me know so I can adjust the size. Sadly my MS paint skill's are a bit rubbish compared to how I used to be when using this program.

But anyway... *Boot's up game on the 3DS. Looks at old file. Oh lookie here, its another dead Nuzlocke run. Its only got 3 badges. Why has my team only got 5 Pokémon in it? Looks in PC. Oh crud. Looks like Whitney wiped out like my entire party, including my starter. Guess that's why I gave up on it. LOL.

Well Anyway's lets press L, R, Start and Select, to reset game. Now lets press Up, Select and B on the title screen.
Deleting game...

While that takes like 5 minutes, I'll introduce myself. Hi I'm DK. I joined the site back in May shortly after Pokebeach changed their home page. Whether its better or worse than it was before, I have mixed saying on it, but its growing on me, but anyway, lets get started. If my spaces between the paragraphs are to big, or too small, let me know so I can edit them afterwards.

The 10 Run Rules. (most of these are pretty standard ones)

-1. You may catch only the first Pokémon you see in each area. (No legendaries allowed)
-2. If a Pokémon faints, it counts as a dead Pokémon, and must be released or put in a death box in the PC
-3. All Pokémon to have Nicknames.
-4. Shiny Clause is on. (Find a shiny, it's yours to keep regardless)
-5. Species Clause is on. If your first encounter in an area is a Pokemon that has already been caught, then you may ignore that Pokemon and catch the next Pokemon. You may keep doing this in that area, until a new Pokemon is found. If every available Pokemon is found in the area. The first Pokemon you find must be caught.
-6. No In battle items. Healing items such as Potions, and items that restore status effects like Antidote, are limited to only be allowed to be used within battles only. No healing outside battles allowed!
-7. The first 3 Pokemon you caught, including your starter, must be kept on the team at all times. Those first few Pokemon you caught in the game should be treasured, since they are the ones that you will have fond memories with, when you first started the run. If one of those 3 Pokemon should die, the next oldest Pokemon takes its place.
-8. No Over grinding. No going over the level of your current gym leaders highest level Pokemon. If a Pokemon is the same level as the gym leaders highest level, and it levels above it, then that Pokemon can not be used for the match. If it levels up higher than that Pokemon during the gym match, then that is OK.
-9. All battles are to be played in the SET mode under the options menu. this means that the message, "Would you like to switch Pokemon?"does not appear, and the Pokemon must be manually switched out giving the new Pokemon the next attack hit.
-10. Poisoned clause. When you are walking with a Pokemon that is poisoned, and the message "Your Pokemon has survived the Poisoning" appears, you must treat this game as a previous generation game and ignore this text. Your Pokemon didn't survive the poisoning. it is dead. Treat the Pokemon as a Dead Pokemon and place it in the death box or release it.

I awaken in my room, after having a strange dream, I could of sworn an old man of some sorts, was leering over me, asking if I was a boy or a girl. *Shudders. What a nightmare.
I get dressed and go down for breakfast.

“Oh DK, your awake” a familiar voice says. That's my mum, she's really good at the house work, but she pretty much can't do anything else. Dad works far away, so he doesn't spend much time with us at all, but he transfers his earnings from his job, so mum can pay for the bills, and keep us fed, and so on. He always comes round for Christmas however.

I whiff at the air. “Smells good mum, but it smells like pancakes again”
“Well DK,” Mum replies, “Your dad hasn't sent me his latest pay packet, so we're running short on funds right now. I'm just using up the batter for now”
“OK fine. I have no complaints.” I say, pulling up a chair and sitting down. “Your pancakes are the best.”
Mum smiles “That's good, I'm glad you enjoy them”

We eat together and I help with the tidying up afterwards. I got to go to work soon, which helps pay off some off the bills, while dad is away, but its still not nearly enough.

What's that you say, “Work. Where?” I'm not a little kid, I'm in my 20's, of course I have a job. What kind of job. Just a convenience store check out employee. Nothing special.

I check the clock and grab my backpack. It's only a small one, enough for small essentials, like my lunch, when I hear a knock on the door.

“Who could that be” Mum said.
“I'll check.” I replied “I'm about to leave for work anyway”
I open the door to find my old girlfriend Lyra standing there. I wouldn't say we where boyfriend and girlfriend, but rather childhood friends.

“Oh hey Lyra,” I greet her. “Hey mum, it's Lyra,” I called to her.
“Good to see you DK” said Lyra. Unlike me, she goes everywhere with her own little Pokémon. A Marill she befriended and caught when we where back in school. I've never owned a Pokémon.
“Could I have a word with you.” she said anxiously.
“Sure” I said “Come in. What's up.”

We all sat down at the kitchen table.
“Good to see you, Lyra.” Mum said, sitting down. “What's the matter”
Lyra started “Well you see, as you know, I've started an intern ship up at professor Elm's laboratory, as his new intern, so I've been very busy lately, but recently something has popped up, which I need a favour from you for.”
“OK, sure. What can I help you with.” I glanced at the clock. “I need to be getting to work soon though.” I said.
“Well hear me out” Lyra started. “Professor Elm wanted someone to go and meet a friend of his over near Cherrygrove City, and I said that you might be able to do it.”
“But I'm working today.” I protested. “I can't do this, and besides, Cherrygrove city is like the next town away. And besides that... I don't have a Pokémon to defend myself. And I can't exactly swing my bag at whatever pops up. You have a Pokémon, why can't you do it”
“You got to do, this” Lyra cried. “I've got loads of paper work to go through. Look, I've asked Professor Elm if he can help in some way, and if your willing to assist him, we can give you a Pokémon to defend yourself with.”

“Hmmm” I thought. Up until now, I have never actually owned a Pokémon. I've played with and petted the tame ones in town, but that's it. This could be my chance to finally own a Pokémon.
I put some thought into this for a while. Pondering and thinking this over, before deciding.

“So I get my own Pokémon” I asked.
“Yep,” Said Lyra, “We normally give those Pokémon to beginning trainers, who wanted to be Pokémon trainers, but you and I decided to complete school instead, so we missed out, all those years ago. Today's a good, day, since there isn't any new trainers from this town.
I looked at mum “What do you think mum,” I asked.
“Well I think it's a great idea.” she said. “I can call your work to say you won't be coming to work. I know they'll be a bit cross that you won't be turning up, but I'm sure once I explain the situation they'll understand. Go on. Go!”
I scraped the chair back, and stood up. “Its decided. I'll go with you Lyra, to complete this Errand for Professor Elm, and get my very first Pokémon”
“Thats great” Cried Lyra, rushing over to hug me.”
“Woah there, don't get so eager,” I said blushing, putting my arm out to stop her.
“Sorry,” said Lyra, “lets get a move on.”

We headed up the road together, with Lyra's Marill following behind.
“How you been, Marill.” I said, looking back at it.
“Mar-ill, Mar-ill,” it replied happily.
“Marill's been really happy to see you,” Replied Lyra “when I told her, we'll be seeing you, she leapt for joy, and couldn't stop bouncing around.”
I smiled back at her.

As we approached the laboratory we walked up the stairs. I stopped as Lyra and Marill kept going. There was a teenage boy with red hair, peering through the glass off the window.
“Um hello there!” I called over. “what are you doing”
I walked over to him. He noticed me. “Back off!” He shouted” and before I had the chance to do anything he launched a strong kick towards me, which I just managed to avoid, but lost my footing and fell backwards. There wasn't many steps to the laboratory so I only fell down a few.
Lyra turned around when she heard the commotion “Are you OK?” She cried running over to me. “Hey what's the big idea!” she then yelled.
“Hmph, none of your business.” he grunted “You shouldn't of disturbed me”
“Darn kid” I yelled, “Wait until we call your parents”
He just smirked and walked off again. “Are you OK there.” said Lyra.
“Yeah I'm fine.” I said rubbing my behind “What kind of kid decides to kick up at adults anyway”
“I don't know, he was acting pretty suspicious if you ask me” said Lyra, as she grabbed my hand and helped me up. Even Marill was a little worried.

We got inside the laboratory where Professor Elm was there waiting for us. “Ah DK I've been waiting for you.” He said. “Come, come.” he said ushering us to follow him.
Professor Elm was no stranger to me. He sometimes did lectures at the college in town, and I often saw him waving off new trainers, with their new Pokémon.
We arrived in a room with a table containing three Pokémon.

“Now then. This Task I have for you is very important. Do you except this.”
I nodded. “Yep!”
“Teehee” Lyra giggled, “He just wants a Pokémon. He's never had one before.”
“Oh really! Well better late than never then. Here are the three Pokémon that we offer to our new beginning trainers. I need you to take one of these Pokémon, to use in-case any wild Pokémon decide to attack you” Elm Replied reaching his arm out pointing to his table with his palm.

I walked over to the table. With the Pokémon you are about to receive, I need you to go to a friend of mine, called “Mr Pokémon”, who claims he's made quite an amazing discovery, in some of his research, and he would like me to come and see. But as you see, My work here is very busy, and while I did ask Lyra for the job, she has other important things she needs doing. She said that you could be the one for the job.”

“That sounds cool!” I said looking over the 3 Pokéballs.
Professor Elm cleared his throat and then spoke over me as I stared down. “The Pokeball on the left contains Chikorita, a grass type Pokemon. The one in the middle contains Cyndaquil a fire type Pokemon. And the one on the right contains Totodile, a water type Pokémon.

Which Pokemon will DK pick, I'll let you decide. Also, if you would like a Pokémon to be nicknamed after you, you only have to say that you would like a nickname. I will then keep the list of names. Then when I catch a new Pokémon, the oldest name on the list will have that Pokémon named after them and so on. I hope you had fun reading this first chapter, and I hope you enjoy and root for me, as I struggle through the land of Johto.

Professor Elm had asked me to go see a friend of his called, Mr. Pokémon, and was about to give me my very first Pokémon. He then released each of the Pokémon from their Pokéballs for me to have a better look at each one.

Chikorita was a grass type with a leaf sticking out of it's head. It had a ring of seeds sticking out from around its neck, and stood on all four feet.
Cyndaquil was a fire type that resembled a mouse. It had its eyes closed, but could spout fire from its back, and could stand on it's hind legs.
Totodile was a water type that looked like a small Crocodile. It too could stand on it's hind legs but had claws, to scratch with. It also had spikes along it's back and tail.

“Which of these three Pokémon would you like to pick DK” said Elm, after I had had a long look at each one. They all looked very happy to see me.
“I think I've decided!” I said at last, as I approached the grass type Pokémon Chikorita. “I'm going to choose Chikorita. It looks so cute, and I just can't resist it.”
“CHIKA!!” The Pokémon Cried as I picked it up, and started stroking it's head.
“So it's settled” Said Elm. “Chikorita will be your first Pokémon. Here this is Chikorita's Pokéball”

Professor Elm handed me Chikorita's Pokéball which I then put in my pocket.
“Do you want to give your Chikorita a nickname at all?” Asked Elm.
“What gender is it,” I asked in return.
“It's male, I believe.” said Elm, “With Chikorita's its hard to tell”.
“Hmmm” I thought. “I think I'll name him Chris” I then said looking down at the cute Pokemon. “I hope that's OK with you Chikorita.”
“CHIK!” The Pokémon said nodding with approval.

“This is great!” said Lyra “Now you have your own Pokémon, and not only that, but you can walk around with your Pokémon like I do as well”
“That sounds like a good idea” I replied, as I Placed Chikorita on the ground. Chris was actually quite heavy for a small Pokémon.
“Here take these as well”, said Lyra handing me some bottles. “These are Potion items, that can restore your Pokémon's HP when they get low on health. You don't want your Pokémon to faint or worse in battles.”
“Thanks” I said Putting them into my bag.
“Good luck” said Elm as I departed for the door, with Lyra in tow. “Take care of that Chikorita.”
“I will. And thanks again” I said.

As I left through the door with my new partner Chris by my side, Lyra came up to me.
“You should let your mum, know your leaving now. Maybe you could show her the Pokémon you just picked”
“OK” I replied, as I started heading home again.
“See you later!” Called Lyra, as we waved to each other.

I walked back to the house. “This is where I live Chris. It's not much but it's home”
I opened the door to the house, and Chris followed behind me. “Hey mum, I'm home, and I have my new Pokémon to show you.”
“Oh hey there” Mum said. “Oh is that a Chikorita. It's looks adorable”
I noticed that Chris was blushing quite a bit. “OK you don't have to go on about that.” I said
“Oh OK.” She said. “Oh and since your here, why don't you take this Pokégear”, she said handing me a nifty watch looking device. You can call me whenever you like on it, as well as any other people you meet.”
I fastened it around my wrist “Thanks mum,” I said.
“Have a save trip now,” said mum. “Don't worry about work though. I've called them to say you'll be busy today.”
“OK see you later then!” I said as I left the house.

I started leaving town when I saw Professor Elm running after me.
“Ah I've caught you” he said, catching his breath. “If ever you need me, you can ring me on this number”
“Oh OK.” I said, as I jotted down his number.
“Sorry it seems all a bit sudden, but even though your grown man, I would feel responsible for sending you out there, and if you got hurt or anything.” Elm explained.
“Its fine,” I said. “I hope it's not too far where I'm going”
“It's just past the next town on Route 30, it should be easy to find.” said Elm
“Thanks again anyway” I said.
“Good luck,” said Elm as he headed back to the laboratory.

I then left town, and it wasn't long before I had to trek through the tall grass. Suddenly a wild Pokémon appeared, that could stand on its tail, and it lunged forward towards us.
“Woah! Go Chris” I cried “Tackle it”
“CHIKA!” he cried, pouncing on the Pokémon. I knew the Pokémon in the area well. After all, I had grown up in New Bark Town. It was a Sentret.
The Sentret used Foresight on me, but Chris kept using tackle, and the match was soon over, and Sentret fainted.
“Nice work Chris!” I said complementing him.
The Pokemon smiled at me, as we headed on along the route.

The route wasn't very long, but there where plenty of battles with the likes of Sentret, and Pidgey, another Pokémon that looked like a small bird. I found a Potion, that someone had just left lying on the floor, as well as an odd tree, with strange seeds growing on it.
We soon arrived at Cherrygrove City where we where greeted by an old man. I had been to Cherrygrove city before in the past with mum, and never knew this man. The man smiled at me, as I walked past him, and said “Is that a Pokémon with you. That makes you a trainer.”

I Looked at him in a strange way, and then at Chris and said “Eh yeah, I guess it does”
“That's good. Why don't I show you around the city!” he replied.
“Oh good. We're trying to get to a Mr. Pokémon's house on Route 30. do you know where it is?” I asked.
“Ah yes. Mr. Pokémon.” The old man began, “I can show you the way”

And with that, me, and Chris followed the old man around the town. “This is the Pokémon Centre. You can heal your Pokémon for free in here.” The old man said pointing to the building with the red roof.
“And next to it, is the Pokémart.” He said pointing to the building with a blue roof. “There you can buy all your items, like potions and Pokéballs that trainers use to catch Pokémon”
We then walked past a road. “Up ahead is the route 30, and the way to Mr. Pokémon's house”
“Oh that's great” I then said.
“Your welcome,” He replied, but come with me, and I'll give you something that can help you on your journey”
“OK then,” I said, and followed him.

We took a tour of the city a bit longer before winding up back at his house. “Here,” he said handing me a pair of shoes. “These are running shoes. They'll be able to make you run really fast.”
“Woah really, thanks” I said as I put them on.
“If you need someone to talk to, please visit me, at any time.” The man said, as he went inside his house.
I ran back to the Pokémon Centre, after all, if they could heal your Pokémon for free, why not use it.
With Chris fully healed, I headed to the north of the city when I head the voice of the old, man again. “Hey there. I found this. Maybe you could use it. It's a town map. It will be helpful if you ever get lost.”
“That's great. Thank you.” I said putting it in my bag.
“See you later” he said, and ran off again.

I ran onto route 30 with Chris following behind me. A strange Pokémon, appeared in the grass, that resembled a cocoon with a pointy nose. It was a Metapod.
It didn't do anything but sit there and use harden, and it took all of Chris' might to bring the bug down, giving me lots of experience points for beating it.
I finally found a house, which I thought was Mr. Pokémon's house. Right next to another of those funny looking trees.

“Hello, sorry to barge in like this. But are you Mr. Pokémon” I asked
“Nope sorry.” He said. “I just give out these boxes for people to put their Apricorns in. Here why don't you have one.”
The man gave me, one of his Apricorn boxes. “When you find a strange seed, or Apricorn as they're called, you can keep them inside that box. Collect a lot and someone might be able to help you with them.”
“OK. Thank you” I said in return.
“If your looking for Mr. Pokémon. You'll find him just a bit further north.
“OK. Thank you. Goodbye” I said, as I left.
I took the man's words, and took the berry of the tree next to his house, and headed further north a bit more.

There was more tall grass, which meant more wild Pokémon encounters. But by now, Chris was already Lv. 7, and was more than capable of defeating the Pokémon in the area.
I finally found another house, which also had a Apricorn tree next to it, which I picked up.
I then went inside the house.

“Is this, Mr. Pokémon's House?” I asked.
“Why yes it is.” Said the gentleman. There was actually two men in the house but one was a lot older. “What brings you here?” the younger one said.
“I'm running an errand for Professor Elm. He told me to come here and get something for him.” I explained.
“Hmmm. Is that so. Well if that's the case...” the younger man, went over to his closet, and took out what appeared to be an egg. “I want you to take this egg, to Professor Elm, since he will know more about it than I do. I was just discussing with Professor Oak here, about what could be in the egg.”

I gasped in shock. “What. Really. Your Professor Oak! The well renowned Pokémon expert!” I asked in surprise.
“Yes that's me,” replied the older gentleman. “So your a trainer are you. You look a bit old for a new trainer”
“Umm, yes” I said. “I've never had a Pokémon before, and I decided to go straight to work after finishing college.”
“Is that so? Well, it seems you might be needing one of these” Professor Oak said, handing me a red device that opened up with two screens. “Its a Pokédex. One of my inventions. It can record all the data of Pokémon you've seen. You can also have my phone number too.”
“Thank you,” I said, placing the Pokédex in my pocket, and jotting down his number.
“I have to go now. I have a talk show, to attend in Goldenrod City” Professor Oak explained.
And with that he left. “Here let me heal your Pokémon before you go back.” Mr. Pokémon said. “Its quite a trip back, but you'll have no problem if you take the ledges home.”
“OK Thank you.” I said as I left.

As I left the building, my Pokégear started going off. It had my favourite ring tone on it. DUCK TAILS!!
“Hello” I answered.
“Oh DK, you got to help, it's an emergency!”
“Wait what's just happened.” I asked
“One of my Pokemon has been stolen. Please help.” Said Elm. “I've already called the Police, but the thief has gotten away. Maybe you could stop him”
“OK. I'll try” I replied, as I hung up. This could be serious.

I ran south taking the ledges for a faster way back to Cherrygrove City, but as I headed east back onto Route 29, to New Bark town, I ran into the teenager from before, running towards, me. He bumped into me, and I cried. “Hey watch it punk” as he stepped back a second.
“Hey it's you,” the guy said. “Did you have a nice trip earlier. Ha ha!”
“So its you, the guy who knocked me over before, what are you doing here.” I said angrily.
“Not much. But is see you got, a weak Pokémon from that looser Professor Elm” the guy explained.
“CHIII!!!” cried Chris angrily.
“Hey, Chris is not weak,” I explained.
“You even gave it a nickname. How sad” he said grinning. “If its not weak, then prove it to me, in a battle.”

“Your on Punk,” I said angrily as Chris leapt forward, as the red headed guy threw his Pokéball towards us. The fire type Pokémon Cyndaquil, came out of it's Pokéball.
“Hey wait a second.” I cried. That's one of professor Elm's starting Pokémon.”
“Dang straight.” He explained “A tough Pokémon like this one deserves a strong trainer like me.”
“We'll see about that. Go Chris!”
“CHIKAAA!!!” Chris cried, as he lunged forward.
“Tackle attack now!” I cried.
Chris went forward knocking Cyndaquil back.
“Now you use you Tackle attack Cyndaquil” the guy called back.
I noticed, as Cyndaquils attack landed, that his attack was far weaker than mine. Chris had already grown a few levels, so this match was going to be a cake walk for me.
We both exchanged blows, but it was clear that Chris was stronger.
After three tackle attacks Cyndaquil, fainted, and Chris grew to level 8.
“Not bad,” The red haired guy said, as he returned the Pokémon to it's Pokéball. “But bare this in mind, I'm going to become the worlds best Pokémon trainer, so you better watch yourself.” and he ran off.

I noticed a card on the floor, which must of belonged to him. “Give me that!” he cried, as he came up to me, as if from nowhere, and snatched the card out of my hand. That's my trainer card.”
“Hey wait a second!” I cried, but it was too late. The guy had already run off. At least I had gotten a glimpse of what his name was.
I trekked along route 29 again, back home. I had failed to stop the thief in question, but I still had the egg Mr. Pokémon had given to me in my bag.
Back at New Bark town, I headed straight up to the laboratory.

Inside the lab I saw Professor Elm giving his report to the policeman, there. But as I approached them, the policeman pointed at me.
“Hey there, you look suspicious to me. Thief's always return to the site of their crime, so that must be you”
“Hey, woah, that's not me.” I cried. “I'm no thief.”
“Oh really, then why do you have that Pokémon with you!”
“STOP!!” Shouted Lyra, as she came running in. “DK is innocent. I saw a red haired teenager looking into the building here earlier, acting very suspicious. We Confronted him but it was no good.”
“That's right!” I explained. “I even battled him, in Cherrygrove City, but he ran off afterwards”
“Oh really, how convenient” the Policeman said. “But how do I know that the Pokémon with you wasn't stolen.”

Professor Elm stepped between us, turning to the policeman “DK's not the thief.” He explained “I gave him that Pokémon, out of the three. Notice that there's only one Pokéball remaining.”
The Policeman looked at the table then to me. “My mistake.” he said. “Say if you met him, did you manage to get his name from him, to help with this investigation.”
“Kind off” I explained. “Right after the match, when he started to run, he dropped his trainer card. When I picked it up, he must of realised he had dropped it, and came back and swiped it from me. His name is Silver.”
“Silver huh.” The policeman said writing this into his notebook. “Thanks for that, you've helped us out quite a bit with this investigation.”
“No problem I guess” I said, as the policeman left the building.

“Fancy being accused like that!” explained Lyra.
“Yeah,” I replied, “But at least I was able to bring you back this from Mr. Pokémon.”
I took the egg out from my bag, which made Elm gasp. “Is that an egg. Could you let me see it right away.”
“Sure,” I said, handing the egg over to him.
“Extraordinary” he explained as he place it carefully on the table. “Perhaps with your skills you might be able to take on the gym leader challenge. You could take on the gym leaders and collect their badges and aim towards becoming a Pokémon champion”
“Maybe.” I said. “But I think I've only got the day off.”
“Go on it will be fun!” said Lyra.
“Well OK. I can tell my mum, and she can tell work, that I've decided to become a Pokémon trainer.” I said.
“So it's settled then” said Professor Elm. “You can reach the nearest gym in Violet city. That's the next city over from Cherrygrove City. In the meantime, I'll be doing research on this egg, that you gave me from Mr. Pokémon.”

I left the lab and headed back home to see mum. “I'm back mum.” I said.
“Oh good. How was your trip” she asked.
“It was great. Me and my Pokémon Chris did well.”
“Oh that's good” she said in return.
“Mum” I asked. “I hope its OK if I say this but I've decided to quit my job and become a Pokémon trainer.”
“Oh DK.” she said. “I knew this day would come eventually. I'll let your work know your leaving, so you can go out on your adventure. I hope you have fun, and meet lots of cool Pokémon.”
“Thanks mum,” I said giving her a big hug, as I departed again.
“Good luck,” she called to me, from the door.

I then headed back onto route 29, where I bumped into Lyra.
“Oh there you are. Are you ready to become a Pokémon trainer?” she asked
I looked towards Chris by my feet, and replied “Yep”
“That's good. Before you go, I wanted to show you how to catch a Pokemon. Please watch me.” she explained.
We went into the grass, and where attacked, by a Sentret again. Lyra's Marill was able to tackle it, before throwing one of her Pokéballs at it. She caught it
“Give it a try DK. Here, I'll even give you some Pokéballs to get you started.”
“OK thank you.” I said taking them from her.
“I'm going back to help professor Elm. Keep it up DK!” and with that. Lyra left me alone.

“I wonder what kind of Pokémon will be the first one I catch here.” I explained, as me and Chris walked through the grass.
“SENTRET!!!!” Cried a familiar voice. It must be that one Sentret from earlier, because it had bruises on it, and it was very angry. It must be back for revenge for attacking it before. “I'm going to catch you!” I cried. “Tackle it Chris!”
“CHIKA!!” he cried, tackling it down. Chris was a lot stronger now, and took the Sentret to half HP. “Stop Chris!” I cried, as I rummaged in my pocket, and threw a Pokéball at it. We both watched the ball open in mid air, and with a flash of red, suck the Sentret inside. The ball landed with a thud on the ground as it shock, once, then twice, then three times, and then with a 'PING' sound the Pokémon was caught. I then picked the Pokéball off the ground, to open it. The newly caught Sentret came out.

“I want you to join my team” I explained. “I'm sure you'll be pretty powerful, but first lets give you a name. How about Frank?”
“SEN!” the Pokémon replied happily.
“So it's settled. Welcome to the party Frank!”

“Welcome to the party Frank!” I said joyously as I got my Pokédex out to view its stats.
Frank was my first caught Pokémon on Route 29, A Sentret. It was a Lv. 3 Male. It had Run away for it's ability. It was a Sassy Nature, with a characteristic of Often dozes off.

I decided, that now was the time to check Chris' stats too since I never really opened his stat screen. Chris was my Starter Chikorita. Male Lv. 8 (He had grown 3 levels since I had picked him from Professor Elm's laboratory in New Bark Town.) It had the Overgrow ability. It was Lonely, but loves to eat was his characteristic.

“Now then Frank, and Chris” I explained to my Pokémon. “The road ahead will be tough. We will be battling lots of people, and getting into all sorts of scrapes. We will meet new friends and we might loose some, but will you guys be up for the challenge?”
The two Pokémon looked at each other and then to me, and nodded with agreement. “That's great” I said. “Lets get this adventure started shall we?”
With my Pokémon following behind me, I then said, “Lets look through here and see if we can find some more Pokémon. Maybe even a new friend” as we headed to the north of route 29, and through a gate house onto route 46. There was no way through this route, but there was grass here, which would let me catch a Pokémon.

I ran into the grass, only to trip over a rock. “Ahhh! What the heck.” I cried, as a wild and very angry Geodude appeared. It must have been sleeping, and I woke it up when I tripped over it. “Tackle it Chris” I ordered.
Chris' Tackle didn't leave much of a dent on this Rock looking Pokémon, but if I knocked it out, with my Razor Leaf that could be bad, as I would have to look elsewhere for a Pokemon.
Geodudes Tackle didn't do much, and I ordered Chris to tackle again.
After Geodude had attacked, I threw a Pokéball to catch it. It moved once. Then twice, but it then came out of its ball. I then threw a second ball but this time it was caught.

I studied this new Pokémon closely. It was a Male Lv. 3, caught on Route 46. It had the Sturdy Ability. It had a brave Nature, with a characteristic of Quick to flee.
“Come join me” I said to the new Geodude, letting it out of its Pokéball. “You will become a great addition to the team”
“If you can handle my strengh, then sure!” The Pokemon said smiling, giving me a thumbs up at the same time.
I jumped back a bit. “Woah you can talk” I gasped in shock. “That bump on the head must of knocked me a bit”
“Nah,” Said the Geodude, “Most of us Pokemon, you humans like to call us, can talk. The ones who don't or just choose not to, can speak human, but only to those who they really trust. The names George by the way.”

As I headed back to the gate house, I went to ask “Hey Chris, and Frank can you talk as well?”
They both nodded, and Frank climbed up on my shoulder. “We sure do, but if you let anything bad happen to us, then we'll regret ever mentioning it”
“You don't have to be so hard on Master” said Chris, “all we need is a few more level gains”
“Oh OK. I can grind you guys. But Chris, Your level is high enough already, but you can provide support to the other guys. Oh and you guys, can just call me DK OK.”
“OK” Replied Chris as we went back to the Pokémon centre in Cherrygrove City.

We then grinded, to get our levels up a bit in the grass of Route 29. Both Frank and George, quickly grew to level 5. I then went to the Pokémart to buy 10 more Pokéball's and receive a free premier ball. A couple of antidotes and a couple of potions, until I had no money left remaining, before I headed to the north of Cherrygrove City to Route 30.

“I wonder what Pokemon we'll encounter here” I said. “There was a tough Metapod here earlier, but I don't think that will be very good for us, since all it knows is harden.”
Then there was a rustle in the tree. “I've got this” shouted George as he bounded up the tree on his 2 limbs and Tackled a Pidgey to the ground.
“That was a bit excessive” I said “But I like it”
The angry bird cried out in pain and went to tackle George, to little, to no effect.
George took the Pokémon HP down a bit before I chucked the Pokéball at it.
One, shake. Then two. Then three. And ping the Pokémon was caught.

“Hey what was the big idea!” Cried the Pokemon as I let it out of its Pokéball. “I was enjoying a nice feast of worms!”
The other Pokemon went green in the face, and felt sick at the thought of eating worms.
“Sorry there!” I explained. “George is my new Pokemon and he must of gotten carried away there.”
“My Bad. Sorry about that” George apologized
“Hmmph” The Pokemon grunted. “Well you caught me, so I'm your Pokemon, is that right. Well, are you gonna name me something stupid. like the last trainer who came through here. He caught my brother and called him “Feathers” of all things!”
“Well whats your name then?” I asked.
“Mines Melody” The Pokemon Replied. “Out of the nest I was always the one with the best voice, and just loved to sing.
“Well I wouldn't mind calling you Melody then,” I said.
“Thank you sir!” said Melody.
“Please. Call me DK.” I said.
I then took my Pokedex out to look at Melody. She was a Lv. 4 female Pidgey. She had Keen eye. Had a Rash nature, with a sturdy body for her characteristic.

As we headed north we ran into our first real trainer battle with Youngster Joey.
All he had was a Rattata, which George was easily able to dispose off, and leveled up on from the match. I then got Joeys phone number so he can call me back for a rematch.
As we headed a few steps north, we where met by Youngster Mikey who put up more of a challenge, with two Pokemon rather than one, but Melody and Frank where able to take his Pokémon down.

Further along the road, it started to go dark as, we went through some grass. Still on route 30, we encountered a Spinarak. Frank was the one for the job, but after 2 poison stings, Frank became poisoned. I then hesitated as to whether to continue the match or heal him him. “I Got this DK” Frank cried, as his last scratch attack Koed the Pokemon. But as we kept walking the poisoning got worse, which didn't help in battle against a Hoothoot.
With what little HP Frank had, Remaining I used both a Potion and an Antidote to heal Frank back up, and finish the match.

“That was a close one” I said to Frank.
“Yeah” said Frank, as we stepped onto Route 31 “lets not battle another one of those things”
Seconds later a blast of silk was shot at Franks face. “Woah, get it off me.” he squealed, as the Spinarak chuckled.
“Thats it, your asking for it!” I shouted, as I cleared Franks face of cobwebs.
“Yeah! Attack!!” he screamed, scratching it.
It smiled and used poison sting, and poisoned on the first turn. “You OK Frank. I have more Antidotes.”
“Your just wasting them” Frank explained as he stood on his tail weakly, “If you heal me, I'll just get poisoned again, so hurry up and catch it. Then deal with me later”
“Oh Right” I replied, and chucked a Pokéball at the Pokémon.
It shook a few times and ping, it was caught.

“Now lets check this thing out,” I said opening up the new Pokéball.
“Now that wasn't very nice,” I said to the Spinarak “What did we ever do to you?”
“You invaded my territory for a start” it explained.
“Oh sorry about that, but did you have to poison Frank?” I asked “There was no need for that”
“Not my problem.” It said. “and I can't fix it either. Its my only attacking move Poison Sting, and it has a chance to poison. That's a CHANCE!”
“Well,” I started, “at least apologize. After all, your now a part of the team.”
“So that's how it is now. Oh OK fine, I'll come along with you Mr. But don't come crying to me because my attacks suck. The names Jacob, if you wanted to know my name.”
“Sure Jacob” I said, pulling my Pokédex out. “And my names DK.
Jacob was a Lv. 3 male Spinarak. Caught on Route 31. It had Swarm as its ability. Serious nature, and quick tempered too.

We headed further along the path and to the north where we came across a cave. Frank was looking worse and worse, but we went inside anyway. As we walked around, feeling our way in the dark, a Pokémon flew into our face, with a SLAP.
I was knocked backwards, but was able to make it out being a Zubat. Melody attacked it and I used the next turn to heal Frank of his Poisoning. I then threw a Pokéball, at the close to dead bat thing, which was then caught. Now where was the Pokéball I threw, as I rummaged on the floor in the dark. “I can't see anything in this cave!” I explained.
“Here” said Frank handing me the Pokéball. “I'm good at finding things.”

I Opened up the Pokéball, to see the Zubat. “Hello” I explained “I'm on a journey, would you like to join me on it”
“Sure” The Zubat said. “But are you lost? I can help you find your way out?”
“That would be great thanks” I said.
“Look over here” Called out Frank. “Someone's left a potion here.”
“That's handy,” I said, as I picked it up.
With Zubats help I was able to find my way out of the cave.
“The names Mike” The Zubat said.
“Hello Mike,” I said. “Say hello to the rest of the gang”
“Heys guys” Mike called out flying around, But Jacob and Melody weren't too impressed.
“I was the first poison type.” Said Jacob.
“And I was the first flying type” Replied Melody.
Mike was saddened, that he wasn't going to get along very well with the rest of the group, but George, Frank and Chris, didn't mind him.
Mike was a Lv. 2 Male Zubat, with Inner Focus as its ability. Its nature was Jolly and Mischievous.
I had a full team of 6 Pokémon, and that was all that mattered to me right now.

We then quickly went through the rest of the route grabbing another Apricorn from a tree, and avoiding another trainer, and made our way to the gate house, where I was about to exit, when Lyra and her Marill showed up.
“Oh hey there you are” said Lyra. “I've been trying to catch up to you.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked. “I thought your where helping Professor Elm.”
“Well I was, but I have a great excuse to travel.” she said. I'm going to help him complete the Pokédex”
“That's great,” I said. “I wish you all the luck on your adventure.”
“Thanks” She said, looking around me and noticing all the different Pokemon around me. “You seem to be doing well, as well, with all those Pokemon”
“Thank you” I said. “I just hope I can take on all the other trainers out there.
Lyra smiled. “Of course you will, and hold on, I want to give you something” she said rummaging through her pockets, until she found and showed me a white flip phone looking item. “Its a VS recorder. Whenever you have a match with friends, or a really tough match, record it on this, OK.
“OK” I said, as I took the device from Lyra “Thank you”
“No problem, and keep it up. Bye!”
“Bye!” I called to her, as I hurried after her, but I lost her. At least we where now in Violet City now.

I explored the city fully, as soon as my Pokemon where healed up at the Pokemon Center, and even found the route to the south of the city, next to another Apricorn tree. We where now on Route 32.
There was grass here, so I led the team into the grass here. I noticed something moving, Like a purple tail in the grass, so went further into the grass to investigate. It was a Rattata.
“Hey you there.” I bellowed at the Pokémon. “Battle me!”
The Pokémon Looked at me, and started to charge towards me, but was met by Melody's tackle. The 2 Pokémon exchanged blows, until I threw the Pokéball at the Pokémon.
The Pokemon was caught after a few shakes, but the Pokeball had vanished. I thought perhaps someone had stolen it, until I went back to the Pokemon center to report it, to be told, to check my PC, and sure enough the Pokemon was in there. I deposited Mike, so I could add it to the party.

I released the Pokeball to see my new Pokemon. “Nice battle there” The Pokemon said. Haven't had a decent one in a while”
“Your welcome” I said. Just as I got a phone call from Youngster Joey, claiming to have the top percentage of Rattata.
“Hmmph” Rattata said. That guy calls his Rattata the best and all, but I've beaten him myself, single handedly, and my names also Joey. That guy gives my name a bad reputation, which stinks.”
“Wow I had no idea.” I said, as I checked my Rattata Joey's stats.
Joey was a Lv. 4 male Rattata. He had the Run Away ability like Frank did. Was naïve and often dozes off.
“Would you like to join the team?” I asked. “I'm sure your help will be needed at some point.”
“Sure DK” Joey said, “I'll be sure to aid you in what I can”
“That's great” I said. “But how did you know my name?”
“The other guy Joey said you name while on the phone. I have good hearing, and could hear you from here.” Joey replied.
“Oh OK. Well lets go and check out the tower to the north of this city next” I said to my current party. All the Pokémon agreed.

I made my way across some wooden bridges, and into the large tower decorated with Bellsprout's. There was lots of old people here. It looked like they where monks praying and making offerings off all things, as we climbed the ladder, a felt a cold presence close by. “Go Away!” a voice cried out.
“Whoever or whatever you are, show your self. We're not afraid!”
The Pokémon behind me, where actually a little bit scared about this, but I stood firm, and the image of a Pokémon's face appeared before me, wrapped in a cloud of gas. It was a Gastly.
“Leave this place now, or else!” it said.
“Or else what?” I said, pushing my luck.
“I will be forced to engage in battle with you” it said.
“Fine!” I said. “Its your loss” I said grinning.
The Pokémon was confused, but attacked me, with it's long pink tongue but Frank was there. Being a normal type, the Gastly's Lick attack didn't work on him. While Normal type moves have no effect to ghost types, Frank was my secret weapon. My key to this battle, since he had a move called Foresight.
By using the Foresight, Frank was able, to identify the Gastly, and hit it with his Scratch attacks, to it's shock and dismay, before I chucked a Pokéball at.

After a few shakes the Pokémon was caught. I then opened up the Pokéball.
“I was not expecting that” The Pokémon said to me.
“Well sadly your moves don't work on normal types like Frank here.” I explained.
“So I see. Well I can no longer stop you in your path. You have beaten me fair and square. Pehaps you would like my assistance in the tower here?” It asked.
“Sure” I said. “My Names DK”
“And my names Rick.” The Gastly replied.

I got my Pokedex out to have a look at Rick. He was a Male Lv. 3 Gastly. Caught in the Sprout Tower. Had the levitate ability. Was Quiet nature, and Alert to sounds.

Upon Catching Rick, the Gastly, I headed back to the Pokémon Center the withdraw him. Mike and Joey had to be left in the PC, since I could only carry 6 Pokémon with me at a time.

We took to the grass on route 31 again, and grinded like mad. I wouldn't quit until each and every member had reached level 10. Including Jacob, who was by far the worst attacking Pokémon in my party dealing next to no damage to most wild Pokémon, needing at times the support from the team to help him defeat a Pokémon for the sake of not dying on us. But we Pulled through, with no casualties in site.
With the team all at levels at least Level 10, I headed back to Rick's Capture grounds, The Old Sprout Tower. Here Melody showed off her true power, by one hit knocking out every Bellsprout the Elders threw at me, as I struggled my way to the top floor. But maybe she was a little strong, for her level quickly capped. (Read my Nuzlocke rules about having a Pokémon a higher level than the gym leaders highest level Pokémon).

“Woah Melody” I told her. “You need to stop. I know your flying type has given your a great advantage against all these trainers, but you need to cool off for a bit. Let some of the other guys handle the rest.”
“Awww!” said Melody sadly. “I was having fun beating up everything in one hit.”
Chris was angry. “Your level has overtaken mine, and I was DK's first Pokémon.” He said, turning to me. “Let me handle some of these other trainers.”
“Sure” I said “but if things get tough, remember your team mates are here to hep if need be.”

We took to the last floor, where the levels of the sages where doubled that of the previous floors, but they where still a lower level than our team.
As Chris said, he did take on the trainers by him self quite well, but when a Hoothoot was thrown at us, time was called, and George who had the worst possible match up against these trainers Bellsprouts had the best match up for this one. Upon defeating this Hoothoot he leveled up and learned the move Rock Throw, giving him his first same type attack bonus move (Or as we all call it... STAB)

With all the trainers defeating I thought for sure that was the end, until I peered around the central pillar holding the building in place to see that red headed teenager from before, Silver, battling with another Sage. His Cyndaquil had the advantage for sure here, as it burned the sages Bellsprouts to a crisp.
The sage had harsh words for Silver however upon defeating him. “You battled remarkably well there, young one, but the way you battle with your Pokémon however is too harsh. You should care more about your Pokémon, than just winning.
“Hmph” Silver grunted. “Some trainer you where, and you call your self the Sage leader. My Pokémon need to be tough in order to win, otherwise they're nothing more than weaklings.”
“All Pokémon can become strong” Said the old sage, “even something as weak as a Bellsprout can become a Pokémon to be reckoned with, if given the right training.”
“Yeah right” Silver said “So hand me over the Flash HM already”
“Well OK, here you are, but remember what I have told you” The sage said handling over a strange disk inside case.

I approached the two of them, just as Silver turned to leave. “Oh it's you again, Mr” Silver said. “I'm not in the mood for battling weaklings like you, now that I'm closer to getting into the first gym than you are.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well then. Trainers coming to this town must prove their worth by battling and defeating the Sage's in this Tower. Only by defeating them, will you be given this Item called a HM, which will grant you access into the gym”
“What seriously” I said. “I just came here for fun, and to raise my Pokémon's levels”
“Ha, really. You Dumb fool. Looks like you where just in the right place at the right time by mistake then” He laughed “Well Mr, whoever your name is, the next time we meet, you can expect a battle from me!”
Before I could say anything he pulled a rope out from his bag which he then latched onto one of the towers support beams.
“Hey wait, where are you going,” I said. “I have a name you know!”
“Maybe later. Catch you later looser!” He said as he slid his way between the holes of the floor to the ground level, and out the building.

“What a jerk” I thought to myself, as I turned to see the Sage that Silver had battled with me.
“You seem like a kind young man” he said complimenting me. “I can tell by the way your Pokémon look so happy towards you. You must have a strong bond with them”
“Thank you” I said, as I glanced at each of the Pokémon, that surrounded me, and then remembering something that Silver had said. “Is it true, what he said, that you need an item to gain access to the gym?”
“Yes that is right. The name's Li.” He said smiling. “You need one of these” Li said holding out a CD looking object in a case “But it is more than just an item. It is a HM. An item that can teach your Pokémon another Move. But once you teach a Pokémon a HM move they can not forget that move when they learn new moves. There are other items called TM's which work in the same way, giving your Pokémon another move, but unlike HM's they can be deleted. You must think carefully when teaching your Pokémon a HM move in this case.”
“Oh OK that sound cool” I said. “So I must battle you for this item, and if I win I can have it, and gain access to the gym”
“That is correct” The sage replied.
“Are you ready to battle Chris” I said.
“You can count on me DK” he said leaping in front of me.

Chris was able to defeat the sages Bellsprout no sweat, and even learned a move called Synthesis, which could heal half of his HP.
When Li sent out Hoothoot however, I was forced to call back Chris, and George came forth. George was able to land his new powerful Rock Throw attack, which was able to Knock it out.
One Pokémon to go. Jacob felt very Lonely by himself at level 10. By now everyone else was at level 11. I was worried for a second but then remembered that Jacob could resist a Bellsprouts vine whip, by both his types being Bug and Poison.
What was I worried about. Jacob's Poison sting did considerable more damage than Vine Whip, and I was able to win the battle.

“Well done young man” Said Li, recalling his last Bellsprout. “I could see that you really cared for your Pokémon. The way you let each of your Pokémon handle the battle means you don't just care for one Pokémon, you care for them all”
“Thank you Sir” I said as we celebrated our victory.
“Here. Have this.” Li said handing me the HM he had promised. “It contains the move Flash. With it you can light up even the darkest of places with your Pokémon. Even a dark cave or tunnel will be no problem.
“Wow this is great” I said, taking the case from him.
“But remember what I said, that once taught, they can not be forgotten.” Li warned.
“I'll remember” I said. “Come on guys, we need to get back to the Pokémon Center and pronto.”

Back at the Pokémon Center, with our team all healed up. I finished off Jacobs level up in the grass so everyone was at least level 11. With that I went towards the gym. With the HM Flash, I was able to enter the gym, and I looked around. I couldn't see anything, as I walked forward. Then suddenly the floor around me started spinning, and upwards towards the ceiling, until it stopped suddenly. I was in the rafters of the gym. I could see a path along the narrow beams I could take, but was stopped by the trainers as I tried to progress through. Luckily the Pokémon where only Flying types, which died pretty quickly to Georges Rock throw attacks.
After a quick trip back to the Pokémon center to heal George, I confronted the gym leader here.

“Welcome there” The gym leader said “I am Falkner, a flying type Pokemon trainer. I use my dad's treasured Pokemon that he gave to me, when I became a gym leader. Together we will beat you”
“Bring it then” I said, “Go George”
I told George that Pidgey would be to fast for him, so instead, try to raise his speed with Rock Polish. George was able to use it twice before being sand attacked lowering his Accuracy.
George then used Rock throw, which took out Pidgey in one hit.
“I'll show you! Go Pidgeotto!” cried Falkner as the larger bird came out.
George was able to use Rock throw, but this time, it didn't knock out Pidgeotto.
Pidgeotto was able to use Gust, but George shook the attack off, and attack again, but the move missed. It must have been that sand attack from earlier lowering my accuracy.
Pidgeotto then used Roost to recover its HP, undoing the damage I had dealt to it.
I used Rock Throw again, but this move hit. George was able to take another Gust, and with all odds struck the final Rock throw, bringing Pidgeotto crashing down with a KO.

“You have done well,” Said Falkner “and you used a Pokémon with a type advantage over me no less. Those are hard to find in these parts. I'm impressed. I want you to have this badge, called the Zephyr badge”
Falkner handed me a badge that looked like a pair of wings. “Thank you” I said, as I took it from him , and put it in my pocket.
“What you don't have a case?” Falkner asked. “Here” he said taking a small black case, from his pocket and flipping it open. There was 8 indents where badges could be placed inside “You can use this to hold all your badges”
He gave the case to me, and I Immediately placed my new badge inside one of the indents.
“So this is your first badge here in the Johto region then?” Falkner then asked me.
“Yes” I said.
“Then you should head south of here towards Azalea Town.” he said “There you will find Bugsy, who will give you your next badge. Oh and I almost forgot. Take this with you as well”
Falkner handed me another CD in a case like Sage Li had done. “This is a TM item. It contains the move Roost, which can be taught to flying type Pokémon. It allows the Pokemon to restore it's HP.”
“Thank you” I said taking the item from him, and leaving for the Pokémon Center.

Outside, I got a phone call from Professor Elm, asking me to go to the Pokémon Mart in Violet City to meet one of his assistants, saying that he wants me to look after the egg I gave him. I agreed and after a trip to the Pokémon Center to leave a Pokémon in the PC (sorry but it has to be you Jacob) I went to the Pokémon Mart, to meet with Elm's Assistant.

“Oh your here” He said, as I approached him. “Take this egg. We don't know what's inside, but we want you to hatch it?”
“OK” I said. As the guy hurriedly left for the door. “Life in that lab must be incredibly busy” I thought to myself.
I took the time to buy some new items like Super Potions, and more Pokéballs, before leaving.
Upon exiting a woman wearing a Kimono approached me. “Oh that egg you have. It seems to be very precious. You must remember to look after it, and keep it with you to hatch it, is that clear”
“Ummm, Yes. Of course” I said, startled by the woman standing before me.
The woman smiled at me and left. Now that was weird.

I then headed south like Falkner had said, and entered Route 32 again. Here I was able to access the rest of the route, where I man blocked my path before. I showed him my gym badge, and in return he gave me a Miracle seed for Chris to hold, to increase the power of his grass type moves.

I battled my way through the route, leveling up everyone to level 13 to match Melody's level. I even found some items like a great ball and another of those TM's. This one had Bullet Seed written on it. I exchanged phone numbers with more trainers here, Like Picknicker Liz and her Nidoran female, and Fisherman named Ralph who had a Qwilfish.
At the Pokémon Center I healed my team up and talked to a local Fisherman inside who was giving away free old rods, used for catching Pokémon near the waters surface.
Just south of the Pokémon Center, loomed a scary looking cave which must lead to Azalea Town. I slowly ventured inside wandering what Pokémon I would encounter here, as drop of water dropped onto my shoulder from the ceiling causing me to shudder.

This has been a Lengthy chapter already, so I'll keep the suspense for the next chapter. Stay tuned!

Chris is a Chikorita, who DK met Chris in New Bark Town at Level 5. He has a Lonely nature and Loves to eat. He also has the Ability Overgrow. DK choose Chris from Professor Elm so he can he could help him pick up an odd egg from Mr. Pokemon. But more importantly to start his adventure!

Frank is a Sentret, who DK Met on Route 29 at level 3. He has a Sassy nature and Often dozes off. He also has the ability Run away. This was DK's first caught Pokemon on his adventure, after Lyra had given him his first Pokeballs to catch Pokemon with. Frank will always be close to heart, and one to rely on in times of need.

George is a Geodude, who DK on Route 46 at level 3. He has a Brave Nature and quick to flee. He also has the ability Sturdy. DK met George on this dead end route, so close to the games start, and with his help DK quickly bonded with his other Pokemon. His defense has proved useful as well, for taking hits against weak Pokemon.

Melody is a Pidgey, who DK met on route 30, at level 4. She has a Rash Nature and sturdy body. She also has the ability keen eye. DK Met Melody on this route after he had Pokeball's in which to catch Pokemon with. Her strength's only came into fruition once she learned her Gust attack, and was able to take on all the trainers in the Sprout Tower. Since then she has been a valuable member of the team.

Jacob is a Spinarak, who DK met on Route 31 at level 3. He has a Serious nature and is quick tempered. He also has the ability Swarm. DK met Jacob upon reaching the end of Route 30, and going through the grass on route 31, and Poisoned Frank in the process. He is the weakest member of the party, but gets along well with the other Pokemon including Frank.

Mike is a Zubat, who DK met inside Dark Cave at level 2. He has a Jolly nature and is Mischievous. He also has the Inner Focus ability. DK Met Mike while lost inside this Dark Cave, but hasn't been used in Battle with DK yet. He is also the lowest leveled Pokemon DK has caught in he wild. Who knows what the future holds for him.

Joey is a Rattata, who DK met on Route 32 at level 4. He has a Naive nature and often dozes off. He also has the run away ability. Found just south of Violet City, DK encountered this Pokemon before he ventured into Sprout tower. Joey named coincidentally after a phone call with Youngster Joey, has yet to be used in a Pokemon battle. With a normal type already on the team, Joey might not be used, but there could be hope later.

Rick is a Gastly, who DK Met inside the Sprout Tower at level 3. He has a Quiet nature and is Alert to Sounds. He also has the levitate ability. Trying to Stop DK from entering the tower, Rick was caught using Frank's Foresight, and quickly became one of the team. He struggles against Normal types like Pidgey and Rattata since Ghost types can't damage Normal types. If only he could learn a move that could damage normal types.

The first chapter was more like a Prologue, but I like doing these long introductions. each of these chapters turn out to be about approximately 3 and a half MS Pages long, so I Hope that's long enough. The run doesn't officially start until I collect my first Pokeballs, so if my starter faints before then, (which I hope won't happen) it won't count.
If you have any comments or opinions you would like to say, then feel free to say them, but please be aware that you keep to the normal Pokebeach forums rules, terms and conditions and so on. If there is something that I should change or edit, in anyway, please let me know right away, and I'll get right on it.
I've already had to change one or two words, because I wasn't sure if it would be classed as a PG-13 friendly word or not.
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I totally vote for Chikorita! Best Johto starter. :3

Your last rule seems a bit harsh and RNG dependent (usually when I've seen/done Nuzlockes if you get a dupe you're allowed to skip over it and catch the next non-dupe), but hopefully it'll work well for you. :3
Nuzlocke! Sounds fun :]
Let's go with Chikorita! You could get PB members to suggest names instead of naming the Pokemon after the member, that would be cool as well :)
Your last rule seems a bit harsh and RNG dependent (usually when I've seen/done Nuzlockes if you get a dupe you're allowed to skip over it and catch the next non-dupe), but hopefully it'll work well for you. :3

Maybe your right. I have done Nuzlockes before where I've had 2 or more of the same Pokemon before however, and I've never really skipped them.
This can kind of, sort of guarantee me a slowpoke in slowpoke well however if I catch a Zubat in Dark/ Union cave. Maybe the last rule will be changed as I go along anyway, to allow the skipping of a Pokemon, because it does seem kind of harsh.

You could get PokéBeach members to suggest names instead of naming the Pokemon after the member, that would be cool as well :)
That sounds like a great idea. Forum members can either choose a name to to be chosen or have their user own name as a nickname for a Pokemon. I'll keep the votes open a bit longer so more people can decide on which starter I should pick first. So if your user name is some thing like "I Like Peanut Butter" for example, you can choose to have "Kevin" as your name instead. or have your forum name. Your choice
This thread now has my very own crudely made up Banner in my first post. It's kind of hard to miss. and my skills are no where near as good as other member's ones. If there are any problems with it, such as the size, please let me know OK.
Its also been over 3 days, since my last chapter. But here's my second part. Sorry this is a really long one, but I wanted to progress the story to the point where I caught my first wild Pokemon.
Only 2 posts since Tuesday morning. Wow. But anyway. You guys want me to use Chikorita, so that will be the starter I pick.

Professor Elm had asked me to go see a friend of his called, Mr. Pokémon, and was about to give me my very first Pokémon. He then released each of the Pokémon from their Pokéballs for me to have a better look at each one.

Chikorita was a grass type with a leaf sticking out of it's head. It had a ring of seeds sticking out from around its neck, and stood on all four feet.
Cyndaquil was a fire type that resembled a mouse. It had its eyes closed, but could spout fire from its back, and could stand on it's hind legs.
Totodile was a water type that looked like a small Crocodile. It too could stand on it's hind legs but had claws, to scratch with. It also had spikes along it's back and tail.

“Which of these three Pokémon would you like to pick DK” said Elm, after I had had a long look at each one. They all looked very happy to see me.
“I think I've decided!” I said at last, as I approached the grass type Pokémon Chikorita. “I'm going to choose Chikorita. It looks so cute, and I just can't resist it.”
“CHIKA!!” The Pokémon Cried as I picked it up, and started stroking it's head.
“So it's settled” Said Elm. “Chikorita will be your first Pokémon. Here this is Chikorita's Pokéball”

Professor Elm handed me Chikorita's Pokéball which I then put in my pocket.
“Do you want to give your Chikorita a nickname at all?” Asked Elm.
“What gender is it,” I asked in return.
“It's male, I believe.” said Elm, “With Chikorita's its hard to tell”.
“Hmmm” I thought. “I think I'll name him Chris” I then said looking down at the cute Pokemon. “I hope that's OK with you Chikorita.”
“CHIK!” The Pokémon said nodding with approval.

“This is great!” said Lyra “Now you have your own Pokémon, and not only that, but you can walk around with your Pokémon like I do as well”
“That sounds like a good idea” I replied, as I Placed Chikorita on the ground. Chris was actually quite heavy for a small Pokémon.
“Here take these as well”, said Lyra handing me some bottles. “These are Potion items, that can restore your Pokémon's HP when they get low on health. You don't want your Pokémon to faint or worse in battles.”
“Thanks” I said Putting them into my bag.
“Good luck” said Elm as I departed for the door, with Lyra in tow. “Take care of that Chikorita.”
“I will. And thanks again” I said.

As I left through the door with my new partner Chris by my side, Lyra came up to me.
“You should let your mum, know your leaving now. Maybe you could show her the Pokémon you just picked”
“OK” I replied, as I started heading home again.
“See you later!” Called Lyra, as we waved to each other.

I walked back to the house. “This is where I live Chris. It's not much but it's home”
I opened the door to the house, and Chris followed behind me. “Hey mum, I'm home, and I have my new Pokémon to show you.”
“Oh hey there” Mum said. “Oh is that a Chikorita. It's looks adorable”
I noticed that Chris was blushing quite a bit. “OK you don't have to go on about that.” I said
“Oh OK.” She said. “Oh and since your here, why don't you take this Pokégear”, she said handing me a nifty watch looking device. You can call me whenever you like on it, as well as any other people you meet.”
I fastened it around my wrist “Thanks mum,” I said.
“Have a save trip now,” said mum. “Don't worry about work though. I've called them to say you'll be busy today.”
“OK see you later then!” I said as I left the house.

I started leaving town when I saw Professor Elm running after me.
“Ah I've caught you” he said, catching his breath. “If ever you need me, you can ring me on this number”
“Oh OK.” I said, as I jotted down his number.
“Sorry it seems all a bit sudden, but even though your grown man, I would feel responsible for sending you out there, and if you got hurt or anything.” Elm explained.
“Its fine,” I said. “I hope it's not too far where I'm going”
“It's just past the next town on Route 30, it should be easy to find.” said Elm
“Thanks again anyway” I said.
“Good luck,” said Elm as he headed back to the laboratory.

I then left town, and it wasn't long before I had to trek through the tall grass. Suddenly a wild Pokémon appeared, that could stand on its tail, and it lunged forward towards us.
“Woah! Go Chris” I cried “Tackle it”
“CHIKA!” he cried, pouncing on the Pokémon. I knew the Pokémon in the area well. After all, I had grown up in New Bark Town. It was a Sentret.
The Sentret used Foresight on me, but Chris kept using tackle, and the match was soon over, and Sentret fainted.
“Nice work Chris!” I said complementing him.
The Pokemon smiled at me, as we headed on along the route.

The route wasn't very long, but there where plenty of battles with the likes of Sentret, and Pidgey, another Pokémon that looked like a small bird. I found a Potion, that someone had just left lying on the floor, as well as an odd tree, with strange seeds growing on it.
We soon arrived at Cherrygrove City where we where greeted by an old man. I had been to Cherrygrove city before in the past with mum, and never knew this man. The man smiled at me, as I walked past him, and said “Is that a Pokémon with you. That makes you a trainer.”

I Looked at him in a strange way, and then at Chris and said “Eh yeah, I guess it does”
“That's good. Why don't I show you around the city!” he replied.
“Oh good. We're trying to get to a Mr. Pokémon's house on Route 30. do you know where it is?” I asked.
“Ah yes. Mr. Pokémon.” The old man began, “I can show you the way”

And with that, me, and Chris followed the old man around the town. “This is the Pokémon Centre. You can heal your Pokémon for free in here.” The old man said pointing to the building with the red roof.
“And next to it, is the Pokémart.” He said pointing to the building with a blue roof. “There you can buy all your items, like potions and Pokéballs that trainers use to catch Pokémon”
We then walked past a road. “Up ahead is the route 30, and the way to Mr. Pokémon's house”
“Oh that's great” I then said.
“Your welcome,” He replied, but come with me, and I'll give you something that can help you on your journey”
“OK then,” I said, and followed him.

We took a tour of the city a bit longer before winding up back at his house. “Here,” he said handing me a pair of shoes. “These are running shoes. They'll be able to make you run really fast.”
“Woah really, thanks” I said as I put them on.
“If you need someone to talk to, please visit me, at any time.” The man said, as he went inside his house.
I ran back to the Pokémon Centre, after all, if they could heal your Pokémon for free, why not use it.
With Chris fully healed, I headed to the north of the city when I head the voice of the old, man again. “Hey there. I found this. Maybe you could use it. It's a town map. It will be helpful if you ever get lost.”
“That's great. Thank you.” I said putting it in my bag.
“See you later” he said, and ran off again.

I ran onto route 30 with Chris following behind me. A strange Pokémon, appeared in the grass, that resembled a cocoon with a pointy nose. It was a Metapod.
It didn't do anything but sit there and use harden, and it took all of Chris' might to bring the bug down, giving me lots of experience points for beating it.
I finally found a house, which I thought was Mr. Pokémon's house. Right next to another of those funny looking trees.

“Hello, sorry to barge in like this. But are you Mr. Pokémon” I asked
“Nope sorry.” He said. “I just give out these boxes for people to put their Apricorns in. Here why don't you have one.”
The man gave me, one of his Apricorn boxes. “When you find a strange seed, or Apricorn as they're called, you can keep them inside that box. Collect a lot and someone might be able to help you with them.”
“OK. Thank you” I said in return.
“If your looking for Mr. Pokémon. You'll find him just a bit further north.
“OK. Thank you. Goodbye” I said, as I left.
I took the man's words, and took the berry of the tree next to his house, and headed further north a bit more.

There was more tall grass, which meant more wild Pokémon encounters. But by now, Chris was already Lv. 7, and was more than capable of defeating the Pokémon in the area.
I finally found another house, which also had a Apricorn tree next to it, which I picked up.
I then went inside the house.

“Is this, Mr. Pokémon's House?” I asked.
“Why yes it is.” Said the gentleman. There was actually two men in the house but one was a lot older. “What brings you here?” the younger one said.
“I'm running an errand for Professor Elm. He told me to come here and get something for him.” I explained.
“Hmmm. Is that so. Well if that's the case...” the younger man, went over to his closet, and took out what appeared to be an egg. “I want you to take this egg, to Professor Elm, since he will know more about it than I do. I was just discussing with Professor Oak here, about what could be in the egg.”

I gasped in shock. “What. Really. Your Professor Oak! The well renowned Pokémon expert!” I asked in surprise.
“Yes that's me,” replied the older gentleman. “So your a trainer are you. You look a bit old for a new trainer”
“Umm, yes” I said. “I've never had a Pokémon before, and I decided to go straight to work after finishing college.”
“Is that so? Well, it seems you might be needing one of these” Professor Oak said, handing me a red device that opened up with two screens. “Its a Pokédex. One of my inventions. It can record all the data of Pokémon you've seen. You can also have my phone number too.”
“Thank you,” I said, placing the Pokédex in my pocket, and jotting down his number.
“I have to go now. I have a talk show, to attend in Goldenrod City” Professor Oak explained.
And with that he left. “Here let me heal your Pokémon before you go back.” Mr. Pokémon said. “Its quite a trip back, but you'll have no problem if you take the ledges home.”
“OK Thank you.” I said as I left.

As I left the building, my Pokégear started going off. It had my favourite ring tone on it. DUCK TAILS!!
“Hello” I answered.
“Oh DK, you got to help, it's an emergency!”
“Wait what's just happened.” I asked
“One of my Pokemon has been stolen. Please help.” Said Elm. “I've already called the Police, but the thief has gotten away. Maybe you could stop him”
“OK. I'll try” I replied, as I hung up. This could be serious.

I ran south taking the ledges for a faster way back to Cherrygrove City, but as I headed east back onto Route 29, to New Bark town, I ran into the teenager from before, running towards, me. He bumped into me, and I cried. “Hey watch it punk” as he stepped back a second.
“Hey it's you,” the guy said. “Did you have a nice trip earlier. Ha ha!”
“So its you, the guy who knocked me over before, what are you doing here.” I said angrily.
“Not much. But is see you got, a weak Pokémon from that looser Professor Elm” the guy explained.
“CHIII!!!” cried Chris angrily.
“Hey, Chris is not weak,” I explained.
“You even gave it a nickname. How sad” he said grinning. “If its not weak, then prove it to me, in a battle.”

“Your on Punk,” I said angrily as Chris leapt forward, as the red headed guy threw his Pokéball towards us. The fire type Pokémon Cyndaquil, came out of it's Pokéball.
“Hey wait a second.” I cried. That's one of professor Elm's starting Pokémon.”
“Dang straight.” He explained “A tough Pokémon like this one deserves a strong trainer like me.”
“We'll see about that. Go Chris!”
“CHIKAAA!!!” Chris cried, as he lunged forward.
“Tackle attack now!” I cried.
Chris went forward knocking Cyndaquil back.
“Now you use you Tackle attack Cyndaquil” the guy called back.
I noticed, as Cyndaquils attack landed, that his attack was far weaker than mine. Chris had already grown a few levels, so this match was going to be a cake walk for me.
We both exchanged blows, but it was clear that Chris was stronger.
After three tackle attacks Cyndaquil, fainted, and Chris grew to level 8.
“Not bad,” The red haired guy said, as he returned the Pokémon to it's Pokéball. “But bare this in mind, I'm going to become the worlds best Pokémon trainer, so you better watch yourself.” and he ran off.

I noticed a card on the floor, which must of belonged to him. “Give me that!” he cried, as he came up to me, as if from nowhere, and snatched the card out of my hand. That's my trainer card.”
“Hey wait a second!” I cried, but it was too late. The guy had already run off. At least I had gotten a glimpse of what his name was.
I trekked along route 29 again, back home. I had failed to stop the thief in question, but I still had the egg Mr. Pokémon had given to me in my bag.
Back at New Bark town, I headed straight up to the laboratory.

Inside the lab I saw Professor Elm giving his report to the policeman, there. But as I approached them, the policeman pointed at me.
“Hey there, you look suspicious to me. Thief's always return to the site of their crime, so that must be you”
“Hey, woah, that's not me.” I cried. “I'm no thief.”
“Oh really, then why do you have that Pokémon with you!”
“STOP!!” Shouted Lyra, as she came running in. “DK is innocent. I saw a red haired teenager looking into the building here earlier, acting very suspicious. We Confronted him but it was no good.”
“That's right!” I explained. “I even battled him, in Cherrygrove City, but he ran off afterwards”
“Oh really, how convenient” the Policeman said. “But how do I know that the Pokémon with you wasn't stolen.”

Professor Elm stepped between us, turning to the policeman “DK's not the thief.” He explained “I gave him that Pokémon, out of the three. Notice that there's only one Pokéball remaining.”
The Policeman looked at the table then to me. “My mistake.” he said. “Say if you met him, did you manage to get his name from him, to help with this investigation.”
“Kind off” I explained. “Right after the match, when he started to run, he dropped his trainer card. When I picked it up, he must of realised he had dropped it, and came back and swiped it from me. His name is Silver.”
“Silver huh.” The policeman said writing this into his notebook. “Thanks for that, you've helped us out quite a bit with this investigation.”
“No problem I guess” I said, as the policeman left the building.

“Fancy being accused like that!” explained Lyra.
“Yeah,” I replied, “But at least I was able to bring you back this from Mr. Pokémon.”
I took the egg out from my bag, which made Elm gasp. “Is that an egg. Could you let me see it right away.”
“Sure,” I said, handing the egg over to him.
“Extraordinary” he explained as he place it carefully on the table. “Perhaps with your skills you might be able to take on the gym leader challenge. You could take on the gym leaders and collect their badges and aim towards becoming a Pokémon champion”
“Maybe.” I said. “But I think I've only got the day off.”
“Go on it will be fun!” said Lyra.
“Well OK. I can tell my mum, and she can tell work, that I've decided to become a Pokémon trainer.” I said.
“So it's settled then” said Professor Elm. “You can reach the nearest gym in Violet city. That's the next city over from Cherrygrove City. In the meantime, I'll be doing research on this egg, that you gave me from Mr. Pokémon.”

I left the lab and headed back home to see mum. “I'm back mum.” I said.
“Oh good. How was your trip” she asked.
“It was great. Me and my Pokémon Chris did well.”
“Oh that's good” she said in return.
“Mum” I asked. “I hope its OK if I say this but I've decided to quit my job and become a Pokémon trainer.”
“Oh DK.” she said. “I knew this day would come eventually. I'll let your work know your leaving, so you can go out on your adventure. I hope you have fun, and meet lots of cool Pokémon.”
“Thanks mum,” I said giving her a big hug, as I departed again.
“Good luck,” she called to me, from the door.

I then headed back onto route 29, where I bumped into Lyra.
“Oh there you are. Are you ready to become a Pokémon trainer?” she asked
I looked towards Chris by my feet, and replied “Yep”
“That's good. Before you go, I wanted to show you how to catch a Pokemon. Please watch me.” she explained.
We went into the grass, and where attacked, by a Sentret again. Lyra's Marill was able to tackle it, before throwing one of her Pokéballs at it. She caught it
“Give it a try DK. Here, I'll even give you some Pokéballs to get you started.”
“OK thank you.” I said taking them from her.
“I'm going back to help professor Elm. Keep it up DK!” and with that. Lyra left me alone.

“I wonder what kind of Pokémon will be the first one I catch here.” I explained, as me and Chris walked through the grass.
“SENTRET!!!!” Cried a familiar voice. It must be that one Sentret from earlier, because it had bruises on it, and it was very angry. It must be back for revenge for attacking it before. “I'm going to catch you!” I cried. “Tackle it Chris!”
“CHIKA!!” he cried, tackling it down. Chris was a lot stronger now, and took the Sentret to half HP. “Stop Chris!” I cried, as I rummaged in my pocket, and threw a Pokéball at it. We both watched the ball open in mid air, and with a flash of red, suck the Sentret inside. The ball landed with a thud on the ground as it shock, once, then twice, then three times, and then with a 'PING' sound the Pokémon was caught. I then picked the Pokéball off the ground, to open it. The newly caught Sentret came out.

“I want you to join my team” I explained. “I'm sure you'll be pretty powerful, but first lets give you a name. How about Frank?”
“SEN!” the Pokémon replied happily.
“So it's settled. Welcome to the party Frank!”

What do you think. If you think I need to make any changes or have any suggestions and ideas let me know.
Also if you have any ideas for nicknames then please let me know. You may also choose whether to use your own user name or choose your own name for a Pokemon. If you post a comment, but don't ask for a name, then I won't name a Pokemon after you.
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Wow it's been over a week since I last made a post or chapter update. wanted to make a chapter post on Wednesday, but you, know. E3 happened.
I made a few changes to the rules in this run. First of all. There will now be a dupes clause, for if the first Pokemon in the area is one you've already caught, you can find another Pokemon until, you find a Pokemon you haven't caught before. even if that Pokemon is an evolved form of a Pokemon you have already.
Another addition is to make the challenge a little harder. No healing items can be used outside of battles. Potions and status removing items like antidotes must be used against wild Pokemon and trainers etc... I will add this to the first post soon.
I also wanted my Pokemon to have a little more personality, since it will mostly be just me on my own with my Pokemon, you'll see however, as the chapter progresses.

Other additional rules added are, always keeping the first 3 Pokemon in the party at all times, and unless one of those dies, it can not be replaced with a PC Pokemon. if one does die, then the next OLDEST Pokemon you caught in the game MUST take it's place.
And No over grinding for gym leaders. wheres the fun in that A? If a Pokemon is a higher level than a gym leaders highest level it can't be used, but if it levels up higher than that gym leaders, highest level Pokemon during that gym battle, then that is OK.

I want to make it a 10 rule run. So I'll continue to think about it. I guess the "wait until you get Pokeballs" rule could count as well, at the start of the game.

“Welcome to the party Frank!” I said joyously as I got my Pokédex out to view its stats.
Frank was my first caught Pokémon on Route 29, A Sentret. It was a Lv. 3 Male. It had Run away for it's ability. It was a Sassy Nature, with a characteristic of Often dozes off.

I decided, that now was the time to check Chris' stats too since I never really opened his stat screen. Chris was my Starter Chikorita. Male Lv. 8 (He had grown 3 levels since I had picked him from Professor Elm's laboratory in New Bark Town.) It had the Overgrow ability. It was Lonely, but loves to eat was his characteristic.

“Now then Frank, and Chris” I explained to my Pokémon. “The road ahead will be tough. We will be battling lots of people, and getting into all sorts of scrapes. We will meet new friends and we might loose some, but will you guys be up for the challenge?”
The two Pokémon looked at each other and then to me, and nodded with agreement. “That's great” I said. “Lets get this adventure started shall we?”
With my Pokémon following behind me, I then said, “Lets look through here and see if we can find some more Pokémon. Maybe even a new friend” as we headed to the north of route 29, and through a gate house onto route 46. There was no way through this route, but there was grass here, which would let me catch a Pokémon.

I ran into the grass, only to trip over a rock. “Ahhh! What the heck.” I cried, as a wild and very angry Geodude appeared. It must have been sleeping, and I woke it up when I tripped over it. “Tackle it Chris” I ordered.
Chris' Tackle didn't leave much of a dent on this Rock looking Pokémon, but if I knocked it out, with my Razor Leaf that could be bad, as I would have to look elsewhere for a Pokemon.
Geodudes Tackle didn't do much, and I ordered Chris to tackle again.
After Geodude had attacked, I threw a Pokéball to catch it. It moved once. Then twice, but it then came out of its ball. I then threw a second ball but this time it was caught.

I studied this new Pokémon closely. It was a Male Lv. 3, caught on Route 46. It had the Sturdy Ability. It had a brave Nature, with a characteristic of Quick to flee.
“Come join me” I said to the new Geodude, letting it out of its Pokéball. “You will become a great addition to the team”
“If you can handle my strength, then sure!” The Pokemon said smiling, giving me a thumbs up at the same time.
I jumped back a bit. “Woah you can talk” I gasped in shock. “That bump on the head must of knocked me a bit”
“Nah,” Said the Geodude, “Most of us Pokemon, you humans like to call us, can talk. The ones who don't or just choose not to, can speak human, but only to those who they really trust. The names George by the way.”

As I headed back to the gate house, I went to ask “Hey Chris, and Frank can you talk as well?”
They both nodded, and Frank climbed up on my shoulder. “We sure do, but if you let anything bad happen to us, then we'll regret ever mentioning it”
“You don't have to be so hard on Master” said Chris, “all we need is a few more level gains”
“Oh OK. I can grind you guys. But Chris, Your level is high enough already, but you can provide support to the other guys. Oh and you guys, can just call me DK OK.”
“OK” Replied Chris as we went back to the Pokémon centre in Cherrygrove City.

We then grinded, to get our levels up a bit in the grass of Route 29. Both Frank and George, quickly grew to level 5. I then went to the Pokémart to buy 10 more Pokéball's and receive a free premier ball. A couple of antidotes and a couple of potions, until I had no money left remaining, before I headed to the north of Cherrygrove City to Route 30.

“I wonder what Pokemon we'll encounter here” I said. “There was a tough Metapod here earlier, but I don't think that will be very good for us, since all it knows is harden.”
Then there was a rustle in the tree. “I've got this” shouted George as he bounded up the tree on his 2 limbs and Tackled a Pidgey to the ground.
“That was a bit excessive” I said “But I like it”
The angry bird cried out in pain and went to tackle George, to little, to no effect.
George took the Pokémon HP down a bit before I chucked the Pokéball at it.
One, shake. Then two. Then three. And ping the Pokémon was caught.

“Hey what was the big idea!” Cried the Pokemon as I let it out of its Pokéball. “I was enjoying a nice feast of worms!”
The other Pokemon went green in the face, and felt sick at the thought of eating worms.
“Sorry there!” I explained. “George is my new Pokemon and he must of gotten carried away there.”
“My Bad. Sorry about that” George apologized
“Hmmph” The Pokemon grunted. “Well you caught me, so I'm your Pokemon, is that right. Well, are you gonna name me something stupid. like the last trainer who came through here. He caught my brother and called him “Feathers” of all things!”
“Well whats your name then?” I asked.
“Mines Melody” The Pokemon Replied. “Out of the nest I was always the one with the best voice, and just loved to sing.
“Well I wouldn't mind calling you Melody then,” I said.
“Thank you sir!” said Melody.
“Please. Call me DK.” I said.
I then took my Pokedex out to look at Melody. She was a Lv. 4 female Pidgey. She had Keen eye. Had a Rash nature, with a sturdy body for her characteristic.

As we headed north we ran into our first real trainer battle with Youngster Joey.
All he had was a Rattata, which George was easily able to dispose off, and leveled up on from the match. I then got Joeys phone number so he can call me back for a rematch.
As we headed a few steps north, we where met by Youngster Mikey who put up more of a challenge, with two Pokemon rather than one, but Melody and Frank where able to take his Pokémon down.

Further along the road, it started to go dark as, we went through some grass. Still on route 30, we encountered a Spinarak. Frank was the one for the job, but after 2 poison stings, Frank became poisoned. I then hesitated as to whether to continue the match or heal him him. “I Got this DK” Frank cried, as his last scratch attack Koed the Pokemon. But as we kept walking the poisoning got worse, which didn't help in battle against a Hoothoot.
With what little HP Frank had, Remaining I used both a Potion and an Antidote to heal Frank back up, and finish the match.

“That was a close one” I said to Frank.
“Yeah” said Frank, as we stepped onto Route 31 “lets not battle another one of those things”
Seconds later a blast of silk was shot at Franks face. “Woah, get it off me.” he squealed, as the Spinarak chuckled.
“Thats it, your asking for it!” I shouted, as I cleared Franks face of cobwebs.
“Yeah! Attack!!” he screamed, scratching it.
It smiled and used poison sting, and poisoned on the first turn. “You OK Frank. I have more Antidotes.”
“Your just wasting them” Frank explained as he stood on his tail weakly, “If you heal me, I'll just get poisoned again, so hurry up and catch it. Then deal with me later”
“Oh Right” I replied, and chucked a Pokéball at the Pokémon.
It shook a few times and ping, it was caught.

“Now lets check this thing out,” I said opening up the new Pokéball.
“Now that wasn't very nice,” I said to the Spinarak “What did we ever do to you?”
“You invaded my territory for a start” it explained.
“Oh sorry about that, but did you have to poison Frank?” I asked “There was no need for that”
“Not my problem.” It said. “and I can't fix it either. Its my only attacking move Poison Sting, and it has a chance to poison. That's a CHANCE!”
“Well,” I started, “at least apologize. After all, your now a part of the team.”
“So that's how it is now. Oh OK fine, I'll come along with you Mr. But don't come crying to me because my attacks suck. The names Jacob, if you wanted to know my name.”
“Sure Jacob” I said, pulling my Pokédex out. “And my names DK.
Jacob was a Lv. 3 male Spinarak. Caught on Route 31. It had Swarm as its ability. Serious nature, and quick tempered too.

We headed further along the path and to the north where we came across a cave. Frank was looking worse and worse, but we went inside anyway. As we walked around, feeling our way in the dark, a Pokémon flew into our face, with a SLAP.
I was knocked backwards, but was able to make it out being a Zubat. Melody attacked it and I used the next turn to heal Frank of his Poisoning. I then threw a Pokéball, at the close to dead bat thing, which was then caught. Now where was the Pokéball I threw, as I rummaged on the floor in the dark. “I can't see anything in this cave!” I explained.
“Here” said Frank handing me the Pokéball. “I'm good at finding things.”

I Opened up the Pokéball, to see the Zubat. “Hello” I explained “I'm on a journey, would you like to join me on it”
“Sure” The Zubat said. “But are you lost? I can help you find your way out?”
“That would be great thanks” I said.
“Look over here” Called out Frank. “Someone's left a potion here.”
“That's handy,” I said, as I picked it up.
With Zubats help I was able to find my way out of the cave.
“The names Mike” The Zubat said.
“Hello Mike,” I said. “Say hello to the rest of the gang”
“Heys guys” Mike called out flying around, But Jacob and Melody weren't too impressed.
“I was the first poison type.” Said Jacob.
“And I was the first flying type” Replied Melody.
Mike was saddened, that he wasn't going to get along very well with the rest of the group, but George, Frank and Chris, didn't mind him.
Mike was a Lv. 2 Male Zubat, with Inner Focus as its ability. Its nature was Jolly and Mischievous.
I had a full team of 6 Pokémon, and that was all that mattered to me right now.

We then quickly went through the rest of the route grabbing another Apricorn from a tree, and avoiding another trainer, and made our way to the gate house, where I was about to exit, when Lyra and her Marill showed up.
“Oh hey there you are” said Lyra. “I've been trying to catch up to you.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked. “I thought your where helping Professor Elm.”
“Well I was, but I have a great excuse to travel.” she said. I'm going to help him complete the Pokédex”
“That's great,” I said. “I wish you all the luck on your adventure.”
“Thanks” She said, looking around me and noticing all the different Pokemon around me. “You seem to be doing well, as well, with all those Pokemon”
“Thank you” I said. “I just hope I can take on all the other trainers out there.
Lyra smiled. “Of course you will, and hold on, I want to give you something” she said rummaging through her pockets, until she found and showed me a white flip phone looking item. “Its a VS recorder. Whenever you have a match with friends, or a really tough match, record it on this, OK.
“OK” I said, as I took the device from Lyra “Thank you”
“No problem, and keep it up. Bye!”
“Bye!” I called to her, as I hurried after her, but I lost her. At least we where now in Violet City now.

I explored the city fully, as soon as my Pokemon where healed up at the Pokemon Center, and even found the route to the south of the city, next to another Apricorn tree. We where now on Route 32.
There was grass here, so I led the team into the grass here. I noticed something moving, Like a purple tail in the grass, so went further into the grass to investigate. It was a Rattata.
“Hey you there.” I bellowed at the Pokémon. “Battle me!”
The Pokémon Looked at me, and started to charge towards me, but was met by Melody's tackle. The 2 Pokémon exchanged blows, until I threw the Pokéball at the Pokémon.
The Pokemon was caught after a few shakes, but the Pokeball had vanished. I thought perhaps someone had stolen it, until I went back to the Pokemon center to report it, to be told, to check my PC, and sure enough the Pokemon was in there. I deposited Mike, so I could add it to the party.

I released the Pokeball to see my new Pokemon. “Nice battle there” The Pokemon said. Haven't had a decent one in a while”
“Your welcome” I said. Just as I got a phone call from Youngster Joey, claiming to have the top percentage of Rattata.
“Hmmph” Rattata said. That guy calls his Rattata the best and all, but I've beaten him myself, single handedly, and my names also Joey. That guy gives my name a bad reputation, which stinks.”
“Wow I had no idea.” I said, as I checked my Rattata Joey's stats.
Joey was a Lv. 4 male Rattata. Caught on Route 32. He had the Run Away ability like Frank did. Was naïve and often dozes off.
“Would you like to join the team?” I asked. “I'm sure your help will be needed at some point.”
“Sure DK” Joey said, “I'll be sure to aid you in what I can”
“That's great” I said. “But how did you know my name?”
“The other guy Joey said you name while on the phone. I have good hearing, and could hear you from here.” Joey replied.
“Oh OK. Well lets go and check out the tower to the north of this city next” I said to my current party. All the Pokémon agreed.

I made my way across some wooden bridges, and into the large tower decorated with Bellsprout's. There was lots of old people here. It looked like they where monks praying and making offerings off all things, as we climbed the ladder, a felt a cold presence close by. “Go Away!” a voice cried out.
“Whoever or whatever you are, show your self. We're not afraid!”
The Pokémon behind me, where actually a little bit scared about this, but I stood firm, and the image of a Pokémon's face appeared before me, wrapped in a cloud of gas. It was a Gastly.
“Leave this place now, or else!” it said.
“Or else what?” I said, pushing my luck.
“I will be forced to engage in battle with you” it said.
“Fine!” I said. “Its your loss” I said grinning.
The Pokémon was confused, but attacked me, with it's long pink tongue but Frank was there. Being a normal type, the Gastly's Lick attack didn't work on him. While Normal type moves have no effect to ghost types, Frank was my secret weapon. My key to this battle, since he had a move called Foresight.
By using the Foresight, Frank was able, to identify the Gastly, and hit it with his Scratch attacks, to it's shock and dismay, before I chucked a Pokéball at.

After a few shakes the Pokémon was caught. I then opened up the Pokéball.
“I was not expecting that” The Pokémon said to me.
“Well sadly your moves don't work on normal types like Frank here.” I explained.
“So I see. Well I can no longer stop you in your path. You have beaten me fair and square. Pehaps you would like my assistance in the tower here?” It asked.
“Sure” I said. “My Names DK”
“And my names Rick.” The Gastly replied.

I got my Pokedex out to have a look at Rick. He was a Male Lv. 3 Gastly. Caught in the Sprout Tower. Had the levitate ability. Was Quiet nature, and Alert to sounds.
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What I particularly like about this Nuzlocke is how different it is to other playthroughs I've seen around PokeBeach. There seems to be much mor ecreativity and flesh put around simple things like catching, which I quite like.
My Next chapter is here, and with it comes a few updates.
I will compile a list of all the Pokemon I have encountered and caught in a spoiler in post one, which will contain their nicknames etc, for those new to this Nuzlocke fan fic. That way when you read through the recent chapters without reading the earlier ones, you'll know who each of the Pokemon are, when I say their names.
To some of my rules. A friend of mine said that I should switch my battle options to SET. This means that the message "Would you like to switch Pokemon" does not appear and I will be forced to continue battling with the Pokemon I just used, and manually switch if I have to.
Also in this generation Pokemon don't faint from walking while Poisoned, and instead the message "The Pokemon cured itself from the poisoning" or something along those lines will appear, leaving the Pokemon on 1 hp. I have lost a few Pokemon in the past from walking while poisoned, especially in an old play through on Pokemon Emerald, which makes it even more heart braking when that Pokemon dies. With this in mind, I have decided to disregard the message that appears, and to treat that Pokemon as dead. I want to remember how heart braking it is to loose a Pokemon in this game, which is why this rule is in place.
With that out the way. Heres my new chapter!

Upon Catching Rick, the Gastly, I headed back to the Pokémon Center the withdraw him. Mike and Joey had to be left in the PC, since I could only carry 6 Pokémon with me at a time.

We took to the grass on route 31 again, and grinded like mad. I wouldn't quit until each and every member had reached level 10. Including Jacob, who was by far the worst attacking Pokémon in my party dealing next to no damage to most wild Pokémon, needing at times the support from the team to help him defeat a Pokémon for the sake of not dying on us. But we Pulled through, with no casualties in site.
With the team all at levels at least Level 10, I headed back to Rick's Capture grounds, The Old Sprout Tower. Here Melody showed off her true power, by one hit knocking out every Bellsprout the Elders threw at me, as I struggled my way to the top floor. But maybe she was a little strong, for her level quickly capped. (Read my Nuzlocke rules about having a Pokémon a higher level than the gym leaders highest level Pokémon).

“Woah Melody” I told her. “You need to stop. I know your flying type has given your a great advantage against all these trainers, but you need to cool off for a bit. Let some of the other guys handle the rest.”
“Awww!” said Melody sadly. “I was having fun beating up everything in one hit.”
Chris was angry. “Your level has overtaken mine, and I was DK's first Pokémon.” He said, turning to me. “Let me handle some of these other trainers.”
“Sure” I said “but if things get tough, remember your team mates are here to hep if need be.”

We took to the last floor, where the levels of the sages where doubled that of the previous floors, but they where still a lower level than our team.
As Chris said, he did take on the trainers by him self quite well, but when a Hoothoot was thrown at us, time was called, and George who had the worst possible match up against these trainers Bellsprouts had the best match up for this one. Upon defeating this Hoothoot he leveled up and learned the move Rock Throw, giving him his first same type attack bonus move (Or as we all call it... STAB)

With all the trainers defeating I thought for sure that was the end, until I peered around the central pillar holding the building in place to see that red headed teenager from before, Silver, battling with another Sage. His Cyndaquil had the advantage for sure here, as it burned the sages Bellsprouts to a crisp.
The sage had harsh words for Silver however upon defeating him. “You battled remarkably well there, young one, but the way you battle with your Pokémon however is too harsh. You should care more about your Pokémon, than just winning.
“Hmph” Silver grunted. “Some trainer you where, and you call your self the Sage leader. My Pokémon need to be tough in order to win, otherwise they're nothing more than weaklings.”
“All Pokémon can become strong” Said the old sage, “even something as weak as a Bellsprout can become a Pokémon to be reckoned with, if given the right training.”
“Yeah right” Silver said “So hand me over the Flash HM already”
“Well OK, here you are, but remember what I have told you” The sage said handling over a strange disk inside case.

I approached the two of them, just as Silver turned to leave. “Oh it's you again, Mr” Silver said. “I'm not in the mood for battling weaklings like you, now that I'm closer to getting into the first gym than you are.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well then. Trainers coming to this town must prove their worth by battling and defeating the Sage's in this Tower. Only by defeating them, will you be given this Item called a HM, which will grant you access into the gym”
“What seriously” I said. “I just came here for fun, and to raise my Pokémon's levels”
“Ha, really. You Dumb fool. Looks like you where just in the right place at the right time by mistake then” He laughed “Well Mr, whoever your name is, the next time we meet, you can expect a battle from me!”
Before I could say anything he pulled a rope out from his bag which he then latched onto one of the towers support beams.
“Hey wait, where are you going,” I said. “I have a name you know!”
“Maybe later. Catch you later looser!” He said as he slid his way between the holes of the floor to the ground level, and out the building.

“What a jerk” I thought to myself, as I turned to see the Sage that Silver had battled with me.
“You seem like a kind young man” he said complimenting me. “I can tell by the way your Pokémon look so happy towards you. You must have a strong bond with them”
“Thank you” I said, as I glanced at each of the Pokémon, that surrounded me, and then remembering something that Silver had said. “Is it true, what he said, that you need an item to gain access to the gym?”
“Yes that is right. The name's Li.” He said smiling. “You need one of these” Li said holding out a CD looking object in a case “But it is more than just an item. It is a HM. An item that can teach your Pokémon another Move. But once you teach a Pokémon a HM move they can not forget that move when they learn new moves. There are other items called TM's which work in the same way, giving your Pokémon another move, but unlike HM's they can be deleted. You must think carefully when teaching your Pokémon a HM move in this case.”
“Oh OK that sound cool” I said. “So I must battle you for this item, and if I win I can have it, and gain access to the gym”
“That is correct” The sage replied.
“Are you ready to battle Chris” I said.
“You can count on me DK” he said leaping in front of me.

Chris was able to defeat the sages Bellsprout no sweat, and even learned a move called Synthesis, which could heal half of his HP.
When Li sent out Hoothoot however, I was forced to call back Chris, and George came forth. George was able to land his new powerful Rock Throw attack, which was able to Knock it out.
One Pokémon to go. Jacob felt very Lonely by himself at level 10. By now everyone else was at level 11. I was worried for a second but then remembered that Jacob could resist a Bellsprouts vine whip, by both his types being Bug and Poison.
What was I worried about. Jacob's Poison sting did considerable more damage than Vine Whip, and I was able to win the battle.

“Well done young man” Said Li, recalling his last Bellsprout. “I could see that you really cared for your Pokémon. The way you let each of your Pokémon handle the battle means you don't just care for one Pokémon, you care for them all”
“Thank you Sir” I said as we celebrated our victory.
“Here. Have this.” Li said handing me the HM he had promised. “It contains the move Flash. With it you can light up even the darkest of places with your Pokémon. Even a dark cave or tunnel will be no problem.
“Wow this is great” I said, taking the case from him.
“But remember what I said, that once taught, they can not be forgotten.” Li warned.
“I'll remember” I said. “Come on guys, we need to get back to the Pokémon Center and pronto.”

Back at the Pokémon Center, with our team all healed up. I finished off Jacobs level up in the grass so everyone was at least level 11. With that I went towards the gym. With the HM Flash, I was able to enter the gym, and I looked around. I couldn't see anything, as I walked forward. Then suddenly the floor around me started spinning, and upwards towards the ceiling, until it stopped suddenly. I was in the rafters of the gym. I could see a path along the narrow beams I could take, but was stopped by the trainers as I tried to progress through. Luckily the Pokémon where only Flying types, which died pretty quickly to Georges Rock throw attacks.
After a quick trip back to the Pokémon center to heal George, I confronted the gym leader here.

“Welcome there” The gym leader said “I am Falkner, a flying type Pokemon trainer. I use my dad's treasured Pokemon that he gave to me, when I became a gym leader. Together we will beat you”
“Bring it then” I said, “Go George”
I told George that Pidgey would be to fast for him, so instead, try to raise his speed with Rock Polish. George was able to use it twice before being sand attacked lowering his Accuracy.
George then used Rock throw, which took out Pidgey in one hit.
“I'll show you! Go Pidgeotto!” cried Falkner as the larger bird came out.
George was able to use Rock throw, but this time, it didn't knock out Pidgeotto.
Pidgeotto was able to use Gust, but George shook the attack off, and attack again, but the move missed. It must have been that sand attack from earlier lowering my accuracy.
Pidgeotto then used Roost to recover its HP, undoing the damage I had dealt to it.
I used Rock Throw again, but this move hit. George was able to take another Gust, and with all odds struck the final Rock throw, bringing Pidgeotto crashing down with a KO.

“You have done well,” Said Falkner “and you used a Pokémon with a type advantage over me no less. Those are hard to find in these parts. I'm impressed. I want you to have this badge, called the Zephyr badge”
Falkner handed me a badge that looked like a pair of wings. “Thank you” I said, as I took it from him , and put it in my pocket.
“What you don't have a case?” Falkner asked. “Here” he said taking a small black case, from his pocket and flipping it open. There was 8 indents where badges could be placed inside “You can use this to hold all your badges”
He gave the case to me, and I Immediately placed my new badge inside one of the indents.
“So this is your first badge here in the Johto region then?” Falkner then asked me.
“Yes” I said.
“Then you should head south of here towards Azalea Town.” he said “There you will find Bugsy, who will give you your next badge. Oh and I almost forgot. Take this with you as well”
Falkner handed me another CD in a case like Sage Li had done. “This is a TM item. It contains the move Roost, which can be taught to flying type Pokémon. It allows the Pokemon to restore it's HP.”
“Thank you” I said taking the item from him, and leaving for the Pokémon Center.

Outside, I got a phone call from Professor Elm, asking me to go to the Pokémon Mart in Violet City to meet one of his assistants, saying that he wants me to look after the egg I gave him. I agreed and after a trip to the Pokémon Center to leave a Pokémon in the PC (sorry but it has to be you Jacob) I went to the Pokémon Mart, to meet with Elm's Assistant.

“Oh your here” He said, as I approached him. “Take this egg. We don't know what's inside, but we want you to hatch it?”
“OK” I said. As the guy hurriedly left for the door. “Life in that lab must be incredibly busy” I thought to myself.
I took the time to buy some new items like Super Potions, and more Pokéballs, before leaving.
Upon exiting a woman wearing a Kimono approached me. “Oh that egg you have. It seems to be very precious. You must remember to look after it, and keep it with you to hatch it, is that clear”
“Ummm, Yes. Of course” I said, startled by the woman standing before me.
The woman smiled at me and left. Now that was weird.

I then headed south like Falkner had said, and entered Route 32 again. Here I was able to access the rest of the route, where I man blocked my path before. I showed him my gym badge, and in return he gave me a Miracle seed for Chris to hold, to increase the power of his grass type moves.

I battled my way through the route, leveling up everyone to level 13 to match Melody's level. I even found some items like a great ball and another of those TM's. This one had Bullet Seed written on it. I exchanged phone numbers with more trainers here, Like Picknicker Liz and her Nidoran female, and Fisherman named Ralph who had a Qwilfish.
At the Pokémon Center I healed my team up and talked to a local Fisherman inside who was giving away free old rods, used for catching Pokémon near the waters surface.
Just south of the Pokémon Center, loomed a scary looking cave which must lead to Azalea Town. I slowly ventured inside wandering what Pokémon I would encounter here, as drop of water dropped onto my shoulder from the ceiling causing me to shudder.

This has been a Lengthy chapter already, so I'll keep the suspense for the next chapter. Stay tuned!

Oh and here's is what to expect from the first post from now on. Its the full list of Pokemon I have, and will continue to grow as I catch more Pokemon.

Chris is a Chikorita, who DK met Chris in New Bark Town at Level 5. He has a Lonely nature and Loves to eat. He also has the Ability Overgrow. DK choose Chris from Professor Elm so he can he could help him pick up an odd egg from Mr. Pokemon. But more importantly to start his adventure!

Frank is a Sentret, who DK Met on Route 29 at level 3. He has a Sassy nature and Often dozes off. He also has the ability Run away. This was DK's first caught Pokemon on his adventure, after Lyra had given him his first Pokeballs to catch Pokemon with. Frank will always be close to heart, and one to rely on in times of need.

George is a Geodude, who DK on Route 46 at level 3. He has a Brave Nature and quick to flee. He also has the ability Sturdy. DK met George on this dead end route, so close to the games start, and with his help DK quickly bonded with his other Pokemon. His defense has proved useful as well, for taking hits against weak Pokemon.

Melody is a Pidgey, who DK met on route 30, at level 4. She has a Rash Nature and sturdy body. She also has the ability keen eye. DK Met Melody on this route after he had Pokeball's in which to catch Pokemon with. Her strength's only came into fruition once she learned her Gust attack, and was able to take on all the trainers in the Sprout Tower. Since then she has been a valuable member of the team.

Jacob is a Spinarak, who DK met on Route 31 at level 3. He has a Serious nature and is quick tempered. He also has the ability Swarm. DK met Jacob upon reaching the end of Route 30, and going through the grass on route 31, and Poisoned Frank in the process. He is the weakest member of the party, but gets along well with the other Pokemon including Frank.

Mike is a Zubat, who DK met inside Dark Cave at level 2. He has a Jolly nature and is Mischievous. He also has the Inner Focus ability. DK Met Mike while lost inside this Dark Cave, but hasn't been used in Battle with DK yet. He is also the lowest leveled Pokemon DK has caught in he wild. Who knows what the future holds for him.

Joey is a Rattata, who DK met on Route 32 at level 4. He has a Naive nature and often dozes off. He also has the run away ability. Found just south of Violet City, DK encountered this Pokemon before he ventured into Sprout tower. Joey named coincidentally after a phone call with Youngster Joey, has yet to be used in a Pokemon battle. With a normal type already on the team, Joey might not be used, but there could be hope later.

Rick is a Gastly, who DK Met inside the Sprout Tower at level 3. He has a Quiet nature and is Alert to Sounds. He also has the levitate ability. Trying to Stop DK from entering the tower, Rick was caught using Frank's Foresight, and quickly became one of the team. He struggles against Normal types like Pidgey and Rattata since Ghost types can't damage Normal types. If only he could learn a move that could damage normal types.
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I love the thought and care you've given to all the Pokémon you've caught; it's wonderful. :D
I tried a Nuzlocke myself for the first time in X....I died right after the first city.....It's harder than it looks....Good luck! Also, I like your pokemon! Will you be using Jacob? It can be quite strong when it evolves.