Flapple, Appletun, Applin from Paradise Dragona!

Flapple, Appletun, and Applin have been revealed from the Japanese set Paradise Dragonawhich releases in Japan on September 13th. We expect most of its cards to become part of our Surging Sparks set in November.

Applin – Dragon – HP40
Basic Pokémon

[C] Nutrients: Heal 30 damage from 1 of your Pokémon.

[G][R] Trip Over: 20+ damage. Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.

Weakness: None
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1

Flapple – Dragon – HP80
Stage 1 – Evolves from Applin

[C] Sour Spit: 20x damage. This attack does 20 damage for each damage counter on your opponent’s Active Pokémon.

[G][R] Speed Dive: 70 damage.

Weakness: None
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1

Appletun – Dragon – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Applin

[C][C] Sweet Melt: 50 damage. During your opponent’s next turn, the Defending Pokémon can’t attack.

[G][R] Wild Tackle: 130 damage. This Pokémon also does 20 damage to itself.

Weakness: None
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1

80HP on a Stage 1 is just abysmal. If we're already powercreeping, then a Stage 1 singleprizer should have a minimum of 120HP, and a Stage 2 should have a minimum of 200HP. A 200+HP Pokemon actually has some chance of surviving a single attack from an ex Pokemon.
Appletun might be my least favorite of the line but it does have my favorite AR out of all of them, it’s so gooood
People who are disappointed by this "dragon" set - first time?

TPC rarely theme sets beyond a few Pokemon, some sets have titles centered around 1 Pokemon. This is not a special set, it's a normal expansion set.

I'd say they've already exceeded expectations with at least 11 or 12 Dragon lines and so far all the AR have been fantastic.
Honestly rather disappointed in the dragon lineup this set. We are down to a stage 1 family or 2 basic dragons to be revealed.

The next card after Appletun in the set is Swablu. If Hydrapple is in this set, it would have to be grass type. Really doubt that happens like that here.
next card in the set after flapple is #48 (unrevealed) with rufflet being #49 so it's either hydrapple or a colourless basic, pretty safe bet on hydrapple I'd say