Second Pokemon TV Soundtrack Released – Loads of Nostalgic Music!

Last September, a two-disc soundtrack titled TV Anime Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Best 1997-2010 was released in Japan containing background music from the animé’s thirteen-year run; most of the music featured was adapted from the video games. Due to the popularity of the first volume, a second volume was just released which focuses on animé-exclusive music rather than the show’s video game adaptations. The first disc is completely devoted to Kanto music while the second disc features music from Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. I have uploaded two tracks below for your listening pleasure; the first is from the Kanto CD while the second is a Johto piece from the second CD. If you would like to purchase this volume (as I have!), you can order it through CD Japan or Amazon for around $30. I hope they release more music eventually!