Zuruggu and Kibago


Aspiring Trainer

Personal request by IcySalamence. Semi-abstract landscape wallpaper with 2 pokemon and 1 tree.

I am pleased with how it turned out I always hate drawing foliage because of the quantity and quality of the brush strokes but apparently I just can't resist being a glutton for punishment sometimes OTL

Full res (1440x900) http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/322/6/3/zuruggu_and_kibago_by_xierh-d333nat.png

Development overview:

Approximately 3-4.5 hours of work. 3 days if you count the time I spent not working on it from the moment I commenced, because of exam studies.
Wow...that's fantastic! Two of my favorite 5th Generation Pokemon! Amazing work, keep it up- I look forward to seeing more.
Your artwork is amazing. You have actually showed the steps to your designs by building up the color slowly and adding more things into the picture. I would like to see more of your art soon. Keep it up.
Ice Arceus said:
You have actually showed the steps to your designs by building up the color slowly and adding more things into the picture.

That's how most people do it. The sequential procedure in general is:

Sketch --> Line --> Colour --> Diffuse (may be split into 2 steps for separating shades and highlights) --> Specular

However more skilled artists tend to merge the last 3 steps into a single colouring step, as they are proficient enough to select varying shades on the spot instead of using a layer mode on a separate layer to do shading/highlights. At even higher levels of proficiency, the lineart step is skipped entirely to create a more 'realistic' seamless image

Nah, Im lazy to maintain 2 separate art sites. My DeviantArt link is in my sig's pic always, and you can click it to view stuff.