Zune-style artwork

Paper PokeMaster

<witty usertitle goes here>
Hey. :D
I just wanted to see what everyone thinks of a new style I'm trying. I'm making stuff with a Zune look to it. Zune is Microsoft's iPod competitor, if you didn't know. It's shine-less, with none of the glassiness you see on most button-type things now. Very simple and cool. :cool: Look at my avvy. :O Cool, isn't it?
Here's some of my work. Please tell me what you think.

Windows Live Messenger Background (no text)

iPhonePod Lockscreen (lockscreen)

Half-Size Desktop Wallpaper (computer)
I will PM the full-size (1440x900px) version of it upon request.

EDIT: Fro people interested in making stuff like this, the font I used is Segoe UI. It gets installed with Windows Live.
If you made those brushes, wow great job. If not, well I guess it looks sleek. You certainly have the landscape of the piece well thought out. Nice job :)