Pokemon Your worst luck ever!

Yesterday I had a 50CP Pidgey break out of 2 Poke Balls in a row.
Seeing Kabuto and Squirtle among the nearby Pokémon, and not be able to go for them because I was on the highway
The actual first day that I went out with my phone to play Go after it came out here, I ran across a Lickitung on my way home. Unfortunately, due to the constant server problems that were going on at the end, I had to keep restarting the program and I was unable to catch it. :\ I figured I would come across another one, but that's the only one I've seen since then.
So for today's bad luck, my 10km egg hatched into another Magmar so out of 4 10km eggs, I've only gotten two different Pokemon. I also had one gym sniped from me as I was taking over the other and was about to collect. It wasn't worth it for me to do a round trip walk of around 1km just to try and get it back. Most likely it was a driver who drove off because that happens a lot.
I managed to encounter Hitmonlee! Unfortunately, he ran away after one attempt! Right after that I encountered another Pidgey, and to add to frustration, it dared to ran away as well. I really felt how the game is mocking me :(
As my phone has almost to none cell service, i can only play GO with internet. I have 1 pokeball left and can't go to a pokestop to get more unless it has internet. I'm saving it until something good comes up.
I have had 47 Tentacool candies for over a week, in that time I have seen at least a dozen Tentacool and every single one of them has fled. Ultra Balls, berries... all wasted.

I am not meant to have a Tentacruel.
I encountered a Mr. Mime, but it ran away D:

And Pidgeys that eat all of my pokeballs like Whiscash did in the anime :U
For the first time, I managed to take a gym for more than 21 hours. I was minutes away from collecting my second rewards from that gym when I ended up getting the blank screen. I still have the gym, I just can't collect the rewards. A few hours later, I'm able to access the shop, but I no longer have the gym. :mad:
I've had both a Blastoise and Venusaur run from me. I hope the trend doesn't continue with Charizard...
Last weekend, I was at a Geodude nest, trying to get enough Candy for Golem. I'm almost there when I accidently evolve a weaker Geodude, wasting 25 candies. I go back later that day and there's no Geodude, then it starts pouring rain. I run back to my car and that's when the Geodude start spawning. I end up getting myself and my phone soaking wet trying to catch these things and end up getting the phone damaged (though it's fine now after I put it in rice).

When I do get Golem the next day, I get the "room for improvement" appraisal. At least I got an okay moveset (I usually get the worst ones).
I had a Venusaur and Scyther at 1100+ CP each run from me within five minutes. There have also been several huge Pokémon like Golem, Snorlax, Poliwrath, Machamp, and Arcanine spawning across my college campus as I'm biking back to my dorm and I check my radar >.>
I recently had charizard spawn near me and I was out of poke and great balls, but i still had one ultra ball. I wasted it when it was knocked away by charizard.
I had a Blastoise on my radar but I couldn't find it, even with the help of incense. Of course my luck I wouldn't have been able to catch it since all I have are Great Balls.
I encountered a Dragonair a couple days ago. Gave it a Razz Berry, threw a curve ball with an Ultra Ball and got Great Throw. IT broke out of the ball and fled.