Pokemon Your own justice league

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(Kinda an opposite of "Your Evil Reign" thread, can't find any regulations to this, but if this is wrong, please delete.)

All the evil organizations in the pokemon world have united, they are about to take over the world with their brutal strength. However, all the legendaries have come together to help you, and they advise you to make your own team to counter them, what will the name of the team be? What are the ranks? Which legendaries would be your greatest ally? Who do you want in your team?
My team would be the IJLGLFB. That stands for Interregional Justice League of Gym Leaders and Frontier Brains. The group would be organized as sort of a confederation to regulate power between all the regions. Each gym leader and frontier brain would have an equal representation in the confederation and the confederation would work together to establish pokemon related regulations and defeat the evil organizations. Each gym leader would have the trainers in their gym to use as their allies when fighting evil. As far as legendaries are concerned, Mewtwo would be a representative in this group as well since he is probably the most battle knowledgeable legendary.
Just because the other thread says "evil" doesn't mean you can't discuss what else you'd do as a trainer and such. This has low discussional value, and can be discussed in the other thread. *Lock*
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