Your Greatest Fears & Phobias


A Mach Punch User
As the title says, this thread is for fears, phobias, or what ever you'd like to call them. It'd be nice to hear some of the fears other people have to deal with, and maybe even inspire some new fears for everyone else (<--consider that a warning). I guess I'll start this off with a fear of my own, the ocean. I love swimming, I love pools, I love lakes, etc etc... But the ocean seemed way to vast for me to leave the shores when ever I'd go to the beach as a kid. I'll also never go on a cruise ship as long as I live, because Arceus knows the one I'll go on will end up breaking down as we're passing someplace along the lines of a shark infested mating area. I'll post some more later, but for now I'd like to hear some of your own fears! Unless you have a fear of people knowing your fears, in that case you should leave now.
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

This will probably sound weird, but I have a legitimate phobia of plants, botanophobia. Specific things that set me off are thick stems, long stamen of flowers, visible growth, drooping heads of flowers, very large flowers, and touching plants of any kinds. I hate walking barefoot through grass and the bouquet for my wedding had more ribbons than flowers to stop my hands from having to touch the stems. Some plants are worse than others; flowers are generally the worst, though I've grown accustomed to some common ones (daisies and roses are cool for limited time periods) and useful ones (I can tolerate aloe enough to break off a bit to use in case of burns). Oddly enough, some of the "weirder" plants are also ones that I am okay with; cacti are cool, and so are venus fly traps. I still prefer no plants at all, though; we have fake ones on our windowsill.
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

I actually do! :D A lot of my favourite Pokémon are Grass-types. Maybe it's just easier knowing they're fake.
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

Hmm... This is a tough topic.
Besides the common fears that usually involve death (I'm sure everybody is afraid of those), there aren't too many real-world things that really scare me. I say real-world, because I have to say my #1 fear is possessed dolls or other creepy supernatural events (I don't believe in that stuff irl).
I suppose my worst fear would be heights. When I look at a really tall building, I always can imagine myself falling from it. Being up really high in the air makes me dizzy and I worry about my footing.
However, like previous fears I've had (dark, spiders) it's time to get over it.
I used to be deathly afraid of the dark, and would never go out alone at night (oh the irony). However, as I pushed myself, I learned that it was the same as during the day... Just a little darker. In fact, since my eyes are sensitive to harsh light (and bright sun in particular) I go out at night all the time now, since I don't have to rely on sunglasses to see.
Spiders was just as hard to get over. However, I got over that years ago, when I started crushing tyrantulas. :p
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

Keeper of Night said:
Spiders was just as hard to get over. However, I got over that years ago, when I started crushing tyrantulas. :p

I'm a bit concerned on how you got the tyrantulas you crushed o.o... but it's good ya got over your fear!
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

In a few of the places I've lived, they live wild. When working outside, you can see them around (also, when you start to remove cacti, they can start swarming out).
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

Keeper of Night said:
In a few of the places I've lived, they live wild. When working outside, you can see them around (also, when you start to remove cacti, they can start swarming out).

If I saw a swarm of tarantula I'd leave and never come back xD..
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

Afraid of heights, flying, space and what I call the "void of inexistence".
The first doesn't need much explanation, I'm afraid of it (and I'm always afraid my glasses are going to fall off for some unknown reason).
The second...I thought I'd might like it. It was a two way trip and I found it awful, the liftoff just made my heart beating faster, I spent my whole going trip with my hands closing tight an ankh I wore in a string, I tried looking at the window but the height was too much and the blue above was starting to seem like space, and I only rested assure after going to the luggage terminal. The coming trip was almost the same but I took some sleeping pills which didn't worked entirely since I spent the trip almost falling asleep but when was right to it I wold wake up and again try to fall asleep, I caught some turbulence which at first I found ok but as time went on I thought we're going to fall and, to end it, when approaching the airport, the pilot made a tight curve to the left while passing above the river and already flying low...The worst of all: since now I know how it is, sometimes I actually dream of it and so it that "dream" is actually a nightmare. If I had dreams before that ended in nightmare with me falling and waking up with my stomach felling "funny", now I also fly on a plane.
The final ones... how sometimes I wish I was just blissfully ignorant, not knowing about the universe and the big boom theory (I think that's how it's called the theory that the universe will shrink, the opposite of the Big Bang). So, if I lift my head to the point my neck is bended and I can only see the sky I start getting the same feeling about heights, more so if it's a starry night because I realise how small I am compared to the planet and then compared to the whole universe.
The "void of inexistence" is not only the fear of my death but the fear of total emptiness, without gods, without the laws of the universe, the fear that the Big Bang would not even exist, just an endless black slate of nothing without life and death. Sometimes I'm in my room at night, in total darkness and silence and when I start thinking of it I get scared but it also drives me to enjoy life even more, the sun, nature, friends and the joys of life (including videogames =P).
That's it.

PS: while not a phobia or fear of how they look or something, I'm afraid of geckos and cockroaches because they're very fast (the firsts to catch and then release (sometimes they fall from my chimney and into my kitchen) and the second...sorry to say, but to smash it)

Athena said:
(...) Oddly enough, some of the "weirder" plants are also ones that I am okay with; cacti are cool, and so are venus fly traps. I still prefer no plants at all, though; we have fake ones on our windowsill.

Cacti and flytraps are my favorite plants!! That's why I love the Bellsprout line (and you to it seems! :D ), the joyful look on Carnivine and Cacnea (and Roserade because it's elegant but the whole sense of masquerade and deception) is very present with the mask and the bouquets hiding poison and powders).
I have a lot of cacti from the same species (though I cannot tell which one) that are round (hence Cacnea) and they're all "sprouts" from a couple of them my father brought from work some twelve years ago! I even started offering them to friends since I also think that I'm somewhat like them: not looking friendly but with a good core!
I've been thinking of getting not a venus but a pitcher plant (due to liking Victrebell more than Carnivine) but since they're from hot and tropical places I'm afraid it won't survive Winter and I wouldn't like to keep it inside.

PS: I've been wishing for another carnivorous plant Pokémon but based on those that have "spikes" with sweet transparent tips that trap prey as glues and whose leafs bend over.
PS2: well, while looking for the above plant, I found one native to my country...I'll try to find it and get it.
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

I don't know if this is a fear, but it definitely scares me.. when ever I look outside a window at night I instantly get frightened that there could be something outside, looking at me through the window. Another fear is I have is that one day I'll wake up to someone at the end of my bed, or next to it, looking down at me. When I was about 7 I had a dream about that happening, and every once in awhile it'll randomly cross my mind, and keep me from sleeping for a good hour or so.
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

I have some fairly irrational fears

I'm scared of flying, (ironic, given my username) and whenever I hit turbulence when travelling by plane I fear for my life.

I'm also scared of bees/hornets/wasps. I've been stung 18 times and they've all hurt like hell.

Scared of dogs too. I've had many traumas with them so I have to walk closely behind random strangers/my friends when I see a dog.

Rollercoasters. Ohhhhhh boy rollercoasters.

Death, but mainly death by heart attack. I'm a hypochondriac so whenever I have a little chest pain I immediately associate it with something much worse than it actually is. For example, today I found that my veins in my arms were bulging out slightly so I got really worried. I also find myself checking my heart beat and my breathing at least 10 times a day.

i have more but i'll save it for later discussion :)
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

My fears are:
-heights: this is only really bad when doing something like abseiling. If I'm in a plane, then the fear is still there, but not as bad.
-clowns: I'm not sure if this stemmed from films such as It, but clowns have always placed fear in me. Probably something to do with the way they dress.
-gore: this doesn't have to be in a film; even if I fleetingly see a roadkill then it will still make me feel very uncomfortable. This is why I never watch films that have gory moments in it. (curiously, I'm not too bad if I'm reading it. I'm not sure why this is; words can often leave a bigger picture in my head than an image)
-The deep ocean: I'm talking about vids/pictures where there is literally nothing for miles around except ocean. The thought of how deep it is and what could be in there has always made me feel uncomfortable.
RE: Your greatest fears and phobias.

Interesting thread! A bit on the personal level, but I will say a few things that I am afraid of:

Heights: it's getting worse and worse. I can't go up/down stairs that have windows in them/are clear glass/no rails without almost having a heart attack. I refuse to go higher than 10 floors, especially now that I know that fire truck ladders can only go up to the 10th floor. (I have been up way higher in my youth/teens, like 70+ floors (the top of the Cologne Cathedral, for example was pretty high up)). Lately, even being on the 3rd floor is rattling me. I am constantly having dreams where I must go up an elevator to the 70+ floor or up ridiculously high highways, which freaks me out.

Water (the ocean, beaches, swimming pools, etc): When I was about 7, I almost drowned when I slipped and fell overboard on my dad's yacht. Slowly, over the years, that has been taking a toll. This fear didn't start immediately--maybe around 15ish. It's been getting better. I can go near the ocean and step a foot in, but that's about all. I am not a beach person, to be sure. Not what I call relaxing. ^.^

Germs: I am a bit OCD and have a bit of a germ phobia. I am a crazy hand washer and hand sanitizer user. I'm becoming a Monk. I can't even open up my family's refrigerator without a paper towel or open many door knobs without a paper towel or using hand sanitizer afterwards. It's especially worse at home because I am surrounded by people that don't wash their hands (much or properly).

People: I am very aware of what people are doing around me. I don't like people to touch me, touch my things, or "breathe my air."

Fire: Pretty normal fear. My reason, probably because one of my brothers loves fire and was a pyromaniac in the making. He made me fear fire. He has come close to burning down the house many times. Plus, I have burnt myself many times while cooking, and it is not pleasant. Note, I will never be a fireman.

Public speaking: I cannot stand in front of a class without having a anxiety attack. My face reddens, my voice shakes, my body shakes, my voice comes out really fast, my blood pressure rises, etc. Unfortunately, I would like to teach English abroad, so I am not sure how this will work.

Hospitals: one of my most long-lasting and most life effecting fears. When I was 3, I had to get my stomach pumped after taking my brother's pills. Since then, I have feared hospitals and everything surrounding them, such as doctors, dentists, medical equipment, patients, people missing body parts, burns, scars, entering a hospital, medical shows, wheelchairs themselves, etc. One of the worst parts about this fear is that I come face-to-face with much of this on a regular basis. But, having to constantly face this, has helped over the years. I have had family members in and out of hospitals, and I cannot even go in to see them. If I must go in after having fits or anxiety attacks, I only focus my eyes on the floor and have a family member drag me to where I need to go. Hospitals are very painful for me to be in.

Death: Naturally. All of the above nouns (plus more I won't divulge) can lead to this experience. I would like to be immortal, but that's not possible (at least not without divine intervention).
RE: Your Greatest Fears and Phobias.

Uhh... Fear of small spaces. I am deathly afraid of being in a tight spot. It's just a thing.

And fear of... Falling down stairs. Whenever I go up any stairs, I feel like i'm going to fall backwards and tumble down. That's always been in my mind.
RE: Your Greatest Fears and Phobias.

I have a horrible fear of the dark. Like leave-the-door-open-so-light-from-the-next-room-over-can-shine-in fear, or still-uses-a-nightlight-though-past-the-age-of-20 level of fear. I start hallucinating big time if I'm outside too long in the dark (about 15 - 20 minutes). Full on seeing/hearing things that aren't really there type thing.
RE: Your Greatest Fears and Phobias.

I'm cool with spiders until I see one in my bed. Nope.
I was afraid of the dark (aka still had a night-light) until about 7th grade when I started getting migraines, since then, I can only sleep in the dark.
Getting stuck in a tight spot is pretty scary to think about... like during underwater caving. No thanks, dude.

My "fear" would have to be mirrors, specifically at night... walking past them... looking into them in the darkness.
Another fear of mine would be that point underwater where the "shelf" just drops off completely (I hope someone knows what I'm talking about).

Staring into your pupils for awhile in a mirror can also get pretty freaky.
RE: Your Greatest Fears and Phobias.

Me? I am a bit afraid of.... yes, slides. Well, at least I used to be. Starting from two Thursdays ago, I decided to finally tell myself that nothing happens. Maybe it's that tickling feeling or the thought of going downhill really fast (this doesn't apply to two metre slides or less). I am now trying to get over it, since it is stopping me from doing the thing I most love; having fun. And I'm almost 13, so I have to go through that slide while being a child.

Another fear is Missing No. Just imagining playing my Pokemon games - and it suddenly glitches - scares me, although you would have to go through certain steps, saves and processes. Also, I have nightmares about glitches disrupting my games.
RE: Your Greatest Fears and Phobias.

Axell Starr said:
I start hallucinating big time if I'm outside too long in the dark (about 15 - 20 minutes). Full on seeing/hearing things that aren't really there type thing.
Have you seen a psychologist?

The only thing I'm scared of is death. The thought of just ceasing to exist is literally the worst fate imaginable to me. I don't really buy into the idea of an afterlife because it seems too good to be true/something people lie to themselves about because of the alternative. Spiders and unprotected heights (as in a ledge with no railing. I have no problems with a railing on a ledge or being in an airplane) make me uncomfortable but I wouldn't say I fear them.
RE: Your Greatest Fears and Phobias.

Cinesra said:
Axell Starr said:
I start hallucinating big time if I'm outside too long in the dark (about 15 - 20 minutes). Full on seeing/hearing things that aren't really there type thing.
Have you seen a psychologist?

The only thing I'm scared of is death. The thought of just ceasing to exist is literally the worst fate imaginable to me. I don't really buy into the idea of an afterlife because it seems too good to be true/something people lie to themselves about because of the alternative. Spiders and unprotected heights (as in a ledge with no railing. I have no problems with a railing on a ledge or being in an airplane) make me uncomfortable but I wouldn't say I fear them.

Oh, but I need that kind of help for other things. Also I highly doubt a psychologist can help me get over a severe fear that's been present all my life. And that sort of thing is expensive, I don't have that kind of money. Though, I have gotten a little better. I used to not be able to make myself go outside alone after nightfall for any reason.
I'm very afraid of spiders & clowns.
When I was little I had been on the toilet and as I was pulling my pants up, a spider decided it would be fun to jump right down in them. I just jumped out of my pants and shook them lieke I've never shook pants before. Since then every time I see a spider, I either kill them or scare them away, by nearly stomping on them. It didn't really help, when another suicidal spider decided to jump in my mouth and let itself being swallowed. I nearly passed out the second I figured out what happened.

Clowns because they're super creepy looking, and, thanks to the medias help often is portrayed scary in movies and tv. That doesn't really help me, since that just makes them even more scary.