Finished Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game: End Game, Brawler wins!

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PokeKid Brandon said:
I CAN'T WAIT!!!! GONNA PWN YOU ALL AGAIN! actually I just hope I get a good role.

You should also hope that you don't get yourself modkilled at the last minute. :p

But I merely jest.

@ gengar the baller:

If you miss it, you can always sign up as a replacement. Although there seems to be a lot of new interest in this game, I still think you'll have 2-3 days to get signed up. Even if you can't be on tomorrow, there is still a chance there will be room left for you. Of course, this all depends how many roles z-man has. But anyway, you can always sign up a replacement. Heck, Brawler, who was a replacement for Wailerman, won the game!
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