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Reshiram/Typhlosion is probally the cheapest deck and also the easiest to play.
Both of them are availble in promo's. I mostly bid on cards on ebay because i can get it cheap then. but you can try sites like trollandtoad.
I'll type a quick skeleton list.

4 Reshiram
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime (HGSS Cyndaquil, the Quilava from HGSS/CoL is the same)
2-2 Ninetails HGSS/CoL (HGSS/CoL Vulpix)
-------------------------------- 16 Pokemon
3 Rare Candy (various sets)
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Junk Arm TR (some people run 4 but it dependes on what else you play too)
2 Revive BW
2 Pokemon Catcher EP
3 Pokemon Collector HGSS/HSTK
3 Professor Oak's New Theory HGSS/CoL
3 Professor Juniper
-------------------------------- 27 T/S/S/
12 Fire Energy
------------------------- 12 Energy

Now I know this skeleton only leaves 7 spaces but, keep in mind that you do not have to follow this exact list, mainly follow the staple T/S/S/ (Rare Candy, Communication, Junk Arm, Catcher, Collector, Oak's and Juniper) and the pokemon lines.
Even if that is a skeleton, it could use some work...

Anyways, if you can't get your hands on some Ninetales, you could always run a Supporter-based engine to draw cards. Running a few Sage's Training or maxing your Juniper count helps.
bigbija said:
Can I use any energies or do I have to have basics from HGSS-on. I may have to buy some energies then too.

What do you recommend I fill the five spots with as well?

You can use any English Basic Energy cards in your deck.

To fill in those five spots, I'd recommend maxing your Cyndaquil and Typhlosion lines from that last to 4-2-4, and adding three Sage's.
bigbija said:
ok thanks gliscor. And just to be clear, does that mean I could use basic or jungle fire energies??

The Energies should be fine, although if you are considering to use reprints of the same cards, be aware of the appropriate ruling or new naming systems. Trainers = Items or Plus Power/Defender from older sets ruling =/= New Plus Power/Defender (stays in play even if you switch pokemon). If someone could confirm this, it would be much appreciated.
In call of legends and unleashed there is Dual Ball, which allows you to flip 2 coins, and for each heads you search your deck for a basic. It's an alright replacement, but it still doesn't really come close to Collector.
bigbija said:
Just to be extra clear :)P), I can use basic fire energies from basic, jungle, fossil and neo sets, correct?
yes, you are correct.

Here is a pretty good skeleton list (I think) if you can't have collecter:
4 Reshiram
4-2-4 Typhlosion Prime (HGSS Cyndaquil, the Quilava from HGSS/CoL is the same)
2-2 Ninetails HGSS/CoL (HGSS/CoL Vulpix)
1-2 Cleffa COL/HGSS
-------------------------------- 18-19 Pokemon
3 Rare Candy (various sets)
3 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm TR
2 PlusPower (various sets)
2 Switch (various sets)
2 Revive BW
2 Pokemon Catcher EP
3 Dual Ball Call of Legends
3 Professor Oak's New Theory HGSS/CoL
3 Professor Juniper
-------------------------------- 27 T/S/S/
12 Fire Energy
------------------------- 12 Energy
That leaves you 1-2 spaces depending on if you want the cleffas. You can buy the promos of all the cards for pretty cheap on ebay.
Even if that is a skeleton, it really needs to be fixed up a bit imo. Without Collector you absolutely need 4 dual ball. 4 Communication is also a must. Also, Reshiphlosion doesn't need switch because you can retreat manually and re-attach the enegry with typhlosion. Maybe you could run 1 switch if you want. Also, with Ninetales, you can afford to cut down on the amount of PONT. Manaphy is also a good card to consider over Cleffa since it can't be donked as easily. Also, you don't need the 4th Typhlosion and the 4th Cyndaquil is debateable, although I guess its okay because you can't search out basics as well. A couple more energy wouldn't hurt, but the specifics of the deck are up to you. I know this isn't the deck garage but I don't want to waste the OP's money getting some cards that aren't needed.
I built a Reshiphlosion deck, and I realized that I couldn't get my hands on a collector. It happens to all of us- sometimes we just can't afford a card we need.
I replaced them with Stantler. While they're not the greatest, they're still pretty good to start out with. Attach one energy and you can search your deck for two basic Pokemon and put them on your bench.
I fixed up the skeleton list I posted a little bit, I probobly posted in when I was tired, hence the unnesessary cards and the messed up Ninetails line. :p
Here is the fixed up skeleton list:
4 Reshiram
4-2-4 Typhlosion Prime (HGSS Cyndaquil, the Quilava from HGSS/CoL is the same)
2-2 Ninetails HGSS/CoL (HGSS/CoL Vulpix)
1-2 Cleffa COL/HGSS
-------------------------------- 18-19 Pokemon
3 Rare Candy (various sets)
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm TR
2 PlusPower (various sets)
2 Switch (various sets)
2 Revive BW
2 Pokemon Catcher EP
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory HGSS/CoL
3 Professor Juniper
-------------------------------- 28 T/S/S/
12 Fire Energy
------------------------- 12 Energy
You can buy promo typlosions cheap, and reshiram promos cheap. Quilava and Cynadquil will be cheap, then you have to get ninetales.