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Alt. Format The Queen's March (Night March / Vespiquen)


Aspiring Trainer
Here's a deck that I came up with for next season that utilizes stock Night March (minus Mew-EX) with the Vespiquen from Ancient Origins to re-create the old Flareon/NM concept. It might be good next year!

  • 4 Pumpkaboo PHF
  • 4 Joltik PHF
  • 4 Lampent PHF
  • 2 Combee ANO
  • 2 Vespiquen ANO (10/81)
  • 4 Battle Compressor
  • 4 Acro Bike
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Revive
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Shauna
  • 4 Dimension Valley
  • 2 Head Ringer
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 3 Psychic Energy

Now, there are a few things I need to explain. Why 4 Revive? For the Night Marchers. I hate to admit it, but the little guys drop like flies if you have a slow start, and without Mew-EX, you'll run out of Marchers pretty fast, whether it be by discarding them to do max damage, or them just being prized. Revive is just the card we need to get them back quickly. People may frown at the 4, but trust me, you want as many as possible in order to get back your valuable Pumpkaboos and Joltiks. Why so thin on the Vespiquen line? Because back when Flareon was the card to play, you didn't run too heavily on it either. Not to mention that Combee is a terrible starter.

Anyway, that's the deck and it's strategy! Feel free to share you opinions and suggestions below!
Looks like a nice deck, I've been thinking about playing Bee March myself and it's good to see someone else trying the concept.

In my list I've got 3 Unown from the new set, which lets you discard it when it's on your Bench to draw a card. I have this as it's a Pokemon that contributes towards Vespiquen and gets you a card at the same time. Level Ball is being reprinted and searches out every Pokemon in this deck, so it might be worth considering, but Ultra Ball allows you to discard Night Marchers so it might be better. I also have a Bunnelby (PCL) to get DCEs back into the deck, but I have no idea how useful that'll be. Nonetheless, this strikes me as a deck that can afford to give up a prize at the cost of recycling DCE, because we're not playing Mew.

I'd personally replace the Acro Bikes with Unowns, but it depends how consistently you get a NM Pokemon in your Acro Bike draws. I'm hesitant to play the card without LTC in the format- what if you discard a DCE or something crucial, for example- but I haven't tested the deck and you have, so your call.
I definitely see your point with the Unknown, since how it feeds Vespiquen, but Unknown is a pretty poor starter, so maybe going 2 Acro Bikes and 2 Unknown could be good? I'm really just trying to boost Night March without Mew, so I'm just trying to use Vespiquen as a side addition for if things don't go according to plan for NM. I remembered how Level Ball was going to be reprinted when I made my list, I kept with Ultra Ball because I've had so many situations where I've been stuck with a few Lampent in my hand and have been able to get rid of them with my Ultra Balls. Anyway, thanks for the advice! I appreciate it!

Hey emskas! been a while! Anyway, Here's my list

4-4-4 marchers
2-2 vespiquen
2 shaymin EX
4 unown

4 sycamore
4 birch
4 battle compressor
4 ultra ball
4 roller skates
4 trainer's mail
4 muscle band
3 vs seeker

3 basic electric energy

It's SUPER consistent and alot of fun to play. After 50 matches, never had unown start. Pumpkaboo is a different story but...

Also, only once did I have bad start! Hope this helps.

Works really well only thing wrong with it is i dont think you should run 4 revive maybe 2 and add like this

-2 revive +2 ace trainer
Idk if you want 2 Ace trainers. If anything i would go 1 teammates and 1 ace trainer and see which is more useful.
I am gonna put in some Unown to my night match deck, but i have 2 baby deoxys for back up attack. With dvalley and one energy it can do 90 damage turn two or draw cards turn one for free .