Writing TelePATHETIC


been here forevs yo
I looked out the window, hoping to see something...someone. Besides the grass on the ground. Nope. I thought Looks like I'm still just an avoided person... "Isn't that right Garde?" Orcet... my Gardievor sent to my head Your dry sense of humor is depressing. Just because your human just in the day does not give you an excuse to be a drama queen.. What a boring and parent-like nag... I thought. I heard that. Of course she did. She always does. She is my sister after all.
Have fun tonight.
Well, to explain lets just say that, back in my dad's day. Pokemon learned to speak telepathecally with thier trainers. After that started, some trainers began to fall in love with thier pokemon, and out came us. Me, Orcet, and my sister Gardievor. My dad is human. My mom is a Gardievor. We were born ini the day, so they assumed that was the way it was, me, human, my sister, a pokemon. Well, that all change that night when they realized that at night, I turned into a Gardievor, and Gardievor turned into a human. No one knows except us, and we plan to keep it that way. No other kids were like us. They were called Pokemorphs, and were usually half pokemon, half human, but it would be too much for universe to give us some slack and make us at least a bit normal. I've already learned my lesson. Why attach to anyone? If I won't even be human long enough for a dinner party?
She's so melodramatic.... I thought. She was the lucky one, really. At least humans could appreciate her humaness, I could only be human at night. We can't even become Pokemon trainers. There would half to be so much planning....
We would never get through that far. I could walk around if I wanted to, but trainers owuld probably attack me, thinking I was a wild pokemon. Me and Orcet are really the same person, just at different times of day. When together, I was the positive one, her being the negative. But once she was gone, I think we're both negatives. Well, at least I could go in the safe orb of our backyard to train.

Okay, I just wrote a little input, just too see if anybody is interested first, then I put more.