Team underappreciated

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Aspiring Trainer
For this team, I have decided to use only gen V pokemon that I find to be underused.

-stealth rock
-knock down
4 hp 252 def 252 spd
Salac berry

I am surprised that this is never used. It seems to be quite hard to kill. What I do is set up rocks and the foe hits me first turn. The salac berry the boosts my speed and I get another free move. The reason I chose dwebble is because crustle is actually slower than dwebble.

-future sight
Shadow tag
252 hp 4 def 252 sp def

Ever since I first saw gothitelle, I knew this thing was the stuff of nightmares. Now that I know it has shadow tag as well as a high sp defense stat, I was even more afraid of it. My strategy is to trap them and toxic them, with damage growing until the foe eventually dies. Taunt stops disruption, rest heals, and future sight is the best offensive move in my arsenal (since it now overpowers psychic).

-leaf blade
128 hp 252 atk 128 spd
Liechi berry

Having seen this strategy used with other relatively slow sweepers, I decided to try it on leavany. I basically just set up substitutes until swarm activates, then sweep them. I can usually get an agility or two in between substitutes, so this set seems to work out despite leavany's shortcomings

-knock off
Big pecks
128 hp 252 def 128 sp def 124 spd
Shed shell

This thing, when used effectively, can be very aggravating. Knock off enemy items and whirl winding the foe away can be very painful for foes. Punishment makes for an excellent attack, especially against shell break users. Roost is for cheap recovery.

-ice beam
-hp electric
-rapid spin
-flash cannon
4 hp 252 sp atk 252 spd
Life orb

After running disruptive cryogonals in the past, I decided to try a offensive one for a change. Ice beam and hp electric create perfect coverage, Rapid spin is great for obvious reasons, and flash cannon is filler.

-earth power
-boil over
-sludge wave
-focus blast
Water absorb
4 hp 252 sp atk 252 spd
Choice scarf

This is my revenge killer. Earth power and boil over provide STAB while the others are there for other pokemon that annoy me. There is really not much strategy here other than hit and run.
Can you do pics of the pokemon please? if you want to add the pokemon heres how to do it. Click the image insertion button then in the url type for landlos you would put his dex number 645)/front.png
I'm sorry, but my machine doesn't do that. If you need name clarification, here it is:

aahhhh!! you have a HUGE weakness to rock. 4 of your pokemon are weak to rock, to be exact. your team will also be destroyed by a conkeldurr, in which cokeldurr knows rock type moves and only one move is super effective against it in your team (future sight by Gothitelle). Try using rock resistant pokemon, like cokeldurr. haha! conkeldurr rules! anyway, two of ur pokemon know knock off, so try switching mandabuzz's knock off with something else like nasty plot. with nasty plot and mandabuzz's bulk, you could also pair those up with a STAB dark pulse for a devastating blow. btw, love the leavanny substitute, it's very strategic!:)
^two things:

1. This was never intended to be competitive

2. There is a difference between knock off and knock down
Why would you even post your team in the RATE MY TEAM section if you just rebuff rates by saying "this was never intended to be competitive"? Either respond to the rates properly saying why or why not those changes would be good or just don't post your team...
If this team was not intended to be competitive then it has no business here. Then go post in the fifth generation forum. Locking.
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