News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

Everyone completely overlooks Crawdaunt. It’s attack may have an absurd energy cost, and it may be a low amount of damage, but discarding 2 Energy with no coin flips is spectacular. Insta lock, build up damage, and Aqua Patch acceleration. Guys, it’s pretty dang good.

Sad, no Goomy in the set.
It’s basically confirmed that Tapu Fini will be getting some sort of collection box, as it was removed from the English set.
Not really sence he has to be active pokemon to heal

There's ways to do that though, while still keeping your momentum. Attach a Float Stone to it, Guzma it out, attach two energy to your benched Gardevoir to heal 180, and then just retreat it. On paper it sounds awesome. No clue if it'll actually work well or not.
A little weird having the SR Warp Energy in this set instead of Shining Legends, but at least we still get it. Mainly glad to get Counter Energy - that is going to be amazing for non-GX-centric decks (spread especially). Also glad that thus seems to be a much more support-centric set - there's nothing here that leaps off the page as a contender on its own, which is a good thing. Having a lot of more moderate & supportive Pokemon is always better than having a few big hitters - leads to more deck possibilities, and a more open meta.

Prereleases will also be interesting with this set - lot of good Pokemon for that format, and some interesting match-ups & possibilities... though Bewear will likely be one of the most reliable (along Kartana, if you're really lucky to get it).
Not a big fan of the prize card manipulation that this set focuses on, the only GX I would consider is Kartana. A little bit disappointing considering the past 3 sets.
A little weird having the SR Warp Energy in this set instead of Shining Legends, but at least we still get it. Mainly glad to get Counter Energy - that is going to be amazing for non-GX-centric decks (spread especially).

Counter Energy is the only card i am really interested to in this set. Planing on trying to make a deck that focuses on hitting the weakness of my opponent following a similar idea i am using with My Ninja Toolbox. Shining Mew to accelerate (Rainbow, Counter and DCE). After, when hes down, Ninja Boy into one of these depending on the weakness you need:

Fire: Entei XY AOR (OHKO on Metagross or Solgaleo Gx)
Lightning: Tapu koko SM-Promo (OHKO on Ho-oH Gx, for the retreat and spread dmg)
Grass: Shining Genesect SL (OHKO on anything depending what is attached but can also transfer Rainbow or Counter Energy depending if needed)
Water: Articuno XY RS (OHKO on any competitive Gx or Ex pokemon)
Fighting: Zygarde XY-Promo (OHKO Darkrai Gx, Tauros Gx, Drampa Gx, Zoroark Gx or Raichu Gx)
Psychic: Giratina XY-Promo (OHKO on Espeon Gx or Buzzwole Gx and a good counter to Greninja, Trevenant or Zoroark Turbo)
Darkness: Hoopa Unbound (OHKO on Trevenant and most likely for the ability)

Those are all basic pokemon's that can OHKO most Gx pokemon with the help of Counter Energy. Might be a bad feeling to always feel behind in prizes but i have hope i can make it work.
Can Counter Energy provide 2 different types of energy? It says it provides every type of energy but only 2 at a time but could it provide 1 grass and one colourless?