Finished RAF SPIN-OFF > SHOOT and KILL !!! : Anime Audience

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Game Fact

You don't need to specify either left or right foot or hand. It doesn't matter as the game mechanic would treat it as loosing 1 hand/foot not a specific hand or foot.

Let say 2 people shot your foot. You loose both feet.
Let say you 2 player shot their own foot and each other foot. Each shot would will counter resulting both player loosing a foot.
Phase 01

*Only they themselves knew the amount of tension being build up as each of them so the number of suspicious character looming around the hall. Some of them look quite familiar but nevertheless still high is the suspect list*

Announcer : "Dear guest, the festival is about the start, please turn on the device which has been provided at the entrance to enjoy the full extend of the festivities"

*As everyone turn on their device, the room turn more like the fantasy world. It's a hold new level of technology, you can even taste the different of the advanced virtual world*

Ash's Greninja waste no time in an analyze the new environment. Using Water Shuriken he manage to deflect a Shotgun which was hurled to his feet. Satisify with his defend, the frog decide to try Grass Knot on one of the enemy foot. As he finishes, a bundle of Bubble and Explosion hit directly at his body and one of his hand

Roy Mustang manage to secure a date inside the hall. It is fitting that his date is non-other that Riza Hawkeye. The Flame Alchemist flickers his finger and manage to shoot flame which in return deflect and one the incoming harpoon. The other one however hit his body. Riza startled by the harpoon accidently fire her sniper towards the foot of one of the guest.

Megumin quickly get along with the other Megumin available. The started enchanting

"Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortion! Dance, Dance, Dance! I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force: a destructive force without equal! Return all creation to cinders, and come from the abyss!"

and manage to summon an EXPLOSION Spell to his the blue frog's hand and body.

Armin truly doesn't want to do nothing. He took out 2 Harpoon gun and aim both at the hand and body of his target. After firing, successfully at his target, he was about to do a little cheer when one of the harpoon come back with an added flame and severe one of his hand.

Kirito although being a master swordsman decide to pick a unique shotgun from a booth earlier. Using the little skill he have with the shotgun he fired it. Two shotgun come out of the bullet hole. As one heads to his target the other decided that Kirito doesn't need his foot and come fell down. As the other shotgun flew to the target, a shuriken deflect it and return the weapon back to the sender. Both of the Swordman's feet was obliterate by the both special bullets.

Fai was pleased by this virtual world decided to Whistle out an attack. Such humongous surge of power form from a single whistle that it heads toward the unsuspected yellow duck's foot.

Psyduck act as clueless as ever trying not to draw suspicious much. He tried to use Bubble to hit the body of 2 people. One of it was a direct hit however the other failed as the target was dead. Suddenly the yellow duck's feet was tangled by Grass Knot which later shot by a sniper before being blown away by a Whistling Surge.

*The other guest didn't bother much and just enjoy what they assume to be a show. Not a single soul cared that others are being injured. Out of nowhere a few shrouded figure appear and slit the throat of 2 of the suspect before carrying the lifeless body away.

Chariman : "I'm guessing you hired those shrouded individual."

Drac : "Not exactly hired, more like commanded. They are AI which I recently developed. I hope you don't mine I'm doing a test run today."

Chairman : "I see, go on. I trust your inventions. However why does two?"

Drac : "Simply said they owe me."

@NinjaPenguin - 1 Hand, 2 Feet & 1 Lethal Shot

@mordacazir - 2 Hands, 2 Feet & 1 Lethal Shot

@simsands - 2 Hands, 2 Feet, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot

@Epist - 1 Hand, 2 Feet, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot

@Jadethepokemontrainer - 2 Hands, 1 Foot, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot

@double o squirtle - 2 Hands, 2 Feet, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot

@Celever - 2 Hands, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot

@PikaMasterJesi & @TheSceptileMaster has been MODKILLED
Phase 02

As the virtual world is an enhanced version, the severed body parts didn't cause any bloody leaks. It's like all the wound have been seared to seal shut.

PSYDUCK had nowhere to move with both feet gone. He had to just sit by and plan his action. Somehow this wonky world interpret the attack AMNESIA as a psychic wave. The attack spread out and target the body of different victims. Not long after a flaming spear made from ALCHEMY shot through and burn his hand to dust.

MEGUMIN was unharmed although they was a huge commotion earlier. With her group she started chanting
"Oh, blackness shrouded in light Frenzied blaze clad in night In the name of the crimson demons, let the collapse of thine origin manifest. Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands of the kingdom of demise!"
to cast another EXPLOSION toward her prime victim's hand & foot. Her luck is not so great now as a GUNSWORD powered by AMNESIA went straight into her body.

ARMIN was still capable of handling two weapon with his single hand. He decided to use RUSTY MUSKET to pick a single target but 2 different place. After firing it, the bullet was caught by GLUTTONY and thrown back to destroy his last hand. At the same time a SHADOW SNEAK attack also help obliterate the last hand.

ASH'S GRENINJA still stay strong even though loosing 1 hand and having a heavily injured body. With his sneakiness, he launch a SHADOW SNEAK attack to get the hand of his target. While the frog tried to use MAT BLOCK to defend himself, he accidentally cut of his own hand.

ROY MUSTANG only has injury on his body and nowhere else. With his optimal strength he clasp his hand and used ALCHEMY to summon a flaming spear and launch it towards his target's hand. He then summon a miniture GLUTTONY homunculus which split itself into 2. The first one blocks the RUSTY MUSKET's bullet and return it to the sender while the 2nd blob deflect an incoming CLAWS back to the user.

KIRITO was able to stand straight even though loosing 1 leg. With both arm still intact he threw a pair of GUNSWORD toward his unsuspecting victim's body. Lucks was surely in his favour as both weapon hits the intended target.

FAI luck was about to change. From being the nobody it looks like he was now well targetted. He quickly uses a simple spell to grew CLAWS and launch an attack towards the swordsmand. However the attack was deflected and instead injured his own hand. A surge of psychotic AMNESIA attack pass though his body and seriously wound it, not before a GUNSWORD stuck itself just below the heart. And here he thought nothing else was gonna happen. The EXPLOSION spell was completed and rain down severing the magician's hand and foot.

Drac : "So Chairman, you still think hiring them was a good idea."

Chairman : "Disregarding the two you dispose of, I still think the threat is still around."

1. @Celever - 1 Hand, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot
2. @simsands - 2 Hands, 2 Feet & 1 Lethal Shot
3. @Epist - 2 Feet, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot
4. @NinjaPenguin - 2 Feet, & 1 Lethal Shot
5. @mordacazir - 2 Hands, 1 Foot & 1 Lethal Shot
6. @Jadethepokemontrainer - 2 Hands, 1 Foot, 1 Body & 1 Lethal Shot
7. @double o squirtle - 1 Foot & 1 Lethal Shot

You have 48 hours (after receiving my update PM) to submit your action for Phase 03
Phase 03

Drac : "Looks like no one has yet team up and target 1 person. No one had yet to die since the last clean up. My AI lacks their field test now."

MEGUMIN still has fully functional limbs. She manage to convince the other cosplayers to chant another EXPLOSION spell.
"Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds, though I promulgate the laws of nature, I am the alias of destruction incarnate in accordance with the principles of creation. Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me! ... Burn to ashes within the crimson."
but this time her target is the YELLOW DUCK's hand & body. However the effect of CONFUSION made the destructive blast hit the witch instead. In the aftermath she lost one of her hands.

ARMIN somehow manage to set up a nice angle to use his POTATO GUN using his feet as he no longer has ability to move his hands. With so much hardwork being put in the set up, he was certain that the his shot would be precise. Hence he fired it directly at the unsuspecting PLATYPUS's body. The bullet his the target however as he started to enjoy, he accidentally shot another one at his own foot resulting a big hole rendering the foot useless. Just a second after a FLAMING LIGHT shine and burn his body.

KIRITO although having 1 foot left still capable of using his double sword technique with both hands. He decide this is the best time to use DARK REPULSER & ELUCIDATOR to perform his deeds. As the targetted duck was close, he decided just to sneakily attack. Unfortunate for him When he swung the dark sword, the effect of CONFUSION made him miss and cut his other hand. Still in shock he lost balance and fall right above the severe limb which still hold the forged blade. The blade was so sharp that it damage the remaining hand. Thing didn't stop there as a blast of HYDRO PUMP slices his body.

PSYDUCK got a premonition earlier and was certain he had a big bull-eye painted all over his body. Unable to change location he decided to use CONFUSION hoping that it would protect him. He was right about what was gonna happen to him, multiple attack started to rain upon him. At first the was this EXPLOSION spell large enough to obliterate his whole being, then there is another weird spell cast a another magician with a MAGIC STAFF with the same power level and there was this attempt by the use of DARK REPULSER. Psyduck was glade that his attack proof to be fruitful and manage to evade such powers. He never did manage to enjoy the satisfaction as a bullet shot from a POTATO GUN put a hole in his body.

ASH's GRENINJA was lucky that don't really require the uppers limb for attacks. He muster strength and choose the swordsman as he target. He opens his mouth and fire a HYDRO PUMP at the body of his target. He overjoyed as he manage to attack without being target back by anyone. He decided to LICK his own foot to reduce an itch that has build up. It so happen that there are still poison remain on the tip of his tongue. As he forgot about it, he slowly started to kill the cell on his foot but it stop spreading after the frog use his other foot to cut off the soon to be dead limb.

ROY MUSTANG still as skillful as ever even with the wounded body parts. With both has still intact he uses his alchemy to summon a FLAMING LIGHT bright enough to scorched the body of the titan standing not far. As he prepared to summon a FLAME BULLET a sudden fluke in his pain receptors interrupt it resulting the bullet to hit his own foot instead.

FAI's body was so lifeless, he only have 1 functional limb to do his bidding. With his barefoot he manage to get a hold of his MAGIC STAFF. He grasp it and start to cast a spell to kill of the yellowish flippers. However the the spell was rebound by the CONFUSION used and decided to come back at him. He was lucky that it only hit part of his body which are no longer usable in the first place.

@simsands - 1 Hand, 2 Feet & 1 Lethal Shot

@Epist - 1 Foot

@Jadethepokemontrainer - 1 Foot & 1 Lethal Shot

@Celever - 1 Hand & 1 Lethal Shot

@NinjaPenguin - 1 Foot & 1 Lethal Shot

@mordacazir - 2 Hands & 1 Lethal Shot

@double o squirtle - 1 Foot & 1 Lethal Shot

You have 48 hours to submit your action for PHASE 04
Unfortunately the update would be delayed as I'm preoccupied with stuff. Will get on it as soon as I possibly can
Phase 04

Drac : Looks like the finale is about to begin. I wonder if the assassin would be eliminated or otherwise. Regardless I'm bored. Bored A49952zf, please remove the obstacle.

*The AI obeys and slit the smash the head of one of the contracted bodyguard*

It's amazing how a master swordsman like KIRITO manage to handle weapon with only 1 foot remaining. He skillfully manage to reassemble the REMOTE LASER GUN. With 2 shot left, he was certain atleast one of the them would have a huge impact. As such, he choose the Witch as his main target and Alchemist as the secondary one. He was lucky that both target's foot are easy to target. KIRITO (@Jadethepokemontrainer) body was depleted of any energy that he collapse on the floor.

MEGUMIN somehow manage to sustain limited injury. With most limb still intact she manage to summon one more EXPLOSION
"By my efflux of deep crimson, topple this white world!" Like most time, the spell would split itself into two parts. But this time one of it appears to be bigger than the other. Like she intended, the bigger one when straight to the foot of the flame shooter while the smaller one when straight to the foot of the titan slayer.
Surely she manage to get the attention of the others. An incoming QUICK ATTACK manage to severe her hand completely. Her first foot was shot by a GUN before being mowed by the STEAM POWERED BAZOOKA. Not long after her last foot was dismembered by a REMOTE LASER GUN. With so many injury at the same time MEGUMIN (@simsands) bled to death.

With both hands intact, ROY MUSTANG was glad that his alchemy aren't effected much. He is too tired to usele two consecutive summoning hence he took out his GUN and shot the foot of the witch. He didn't intent to show of, but the RING OF FIRE that he summon surely have other intention, it decide that the frog's foot should go down in flaming glory. Once finishing the job, one of his hand was blown into pieces by an incoming bullet from a STEAM POWERED BAZOOKA while the other one was wash to non-existance by HYDRO PUMP. The collision wipe of ROY MUSTANG (@mordacazir) from the face of the earth.

The injury sustain by ARMIN prevent him from activating his titan powered. With one foot and no hands remains, he decided to use the STEAM POWERED BAZOOKA and shoot the foot of the witch and the second shot headed to the hand of the flame alchemist. However a small EXPLOSION come by and completely obliterate ARMIN (@Epist).

PSYDUCK seems to have a death wish, with all the power running around before, somehow the others totally forget the existence of the yellow duck. Feeling optimistic, the platypus decided to use PSYCH UP to build some defense. Unfortunately for him, the wave hit nearby stand and topple it. The falling object cut through the last limb before smashing PSYDUCK's (@Celever) body into a pile of ooze.

ASH's GRENINJA had enough with the others and determined to be eliminate everyone else. He uses QUICK ATTACK to cut of the hand of the witch while preparing HYDRO PUMP for the hand of the state alchemist. He was in luck that both target was successfully hit. But the luck seems to run out as his last limb was simultaneously hit by an incoming REMOTE LASER GUN, RING OF FIRE & EXPLOSION. The combined fire power was enough to completely remove every trace of ASH's GRENINJA (@NinjaPenguin) existence.

Drac : Oh my, I wonder if the revive function is fully functional. JJE3718 do your thing.

@double o squirtle has been MODKILLED

Drac : "Are you okay? You were lucky the AI was able to revive you from the dead. After looking at the background of each one of you all, it seems that none were the notorious killer. Since the Chairman no longer breath, I assume he was the intended target from the start. Maybe the police can catch the killer. But I don't really care. I already manage to squize every penny from the corpse before the event started. Enough with my rumbling. Now rest."

*Looks like no one in the ANIME AUDIENCE FESTIVAL notice the death mostly because all the robot has tidies out the place removing any evidence. One of the AI picks' up the swords left unclaimed to be taken to the patient still in bed. When the robot reach the room, it enters and lay down both blue and black sword beside the resting body.

Jadethepokemontrainer for being the first ever SnK Champion. Like my usual reward, you may provide me one word that would be incorporated in the next game that I host

I really appreciate feed back from everyone about this game. Do tell so that I can improve it for the future.
wow. I really thought I was gonna get shot. Let's go with Marvel for my one word :D
I liked SnK because it was a bit longer, and there is more strategy involved. As such, I'd love to see another edition run!
It felt as if you had much more control of your own destiny, which was nice. Also, it's much more fun to stay in a game for a while rather than one phase. I'd certainly be down for playing it again.
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