Ruling MT Ursaring Pout?


Chino CHolo :] Contact Me on Aim
C][C] Pout: 30 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Confused. During your opponent’s next turn, any damage done by the Defending Pokemon to any Active Pokemon is increased by 60.

I dont understand this move can you explain it to me.
I'm thinking that it's supposed to mean they get 90 damgae instead of 30 for Confusion, but that's Counters. Otherwise, the Confusion blocks their attack, or you get smashed for an extra 60 damage. Very odd move.
Confusing isn't it.
Probably a bad translation, that should say to any Defending Pokemon. Or says to any of your active pokemon.
Otherwise, this card will be called in every game. The real question is what is considered an Active Pokemon(that sounded n00bish)
Since your using the attack, it should be reffering to your active pokemon (saying any as a double battle clause)
But, as soon as it's your opponent's turn, your active pokemon is treated as the defending pokemon.
My guess. An double battle clause. If both you and your opponent have 2 active pokemon, and they get heads on confusion(induced by Pout) then they do +60 damage to either of your active pokemon)
Likewise, if they get tails, it does 90. But I highly doubt that. Far too broken
To my understanding, if the foe gets heads on confusion, they bomb you for 60 plus whatever other damage they do. But if they land tails, they rip themselves apart for 90.
For all my understanding. Ursaring hits the opponents pokemon for 30 and it's now confused.
On your opponent's next turn, if the opponent's active pokemon that got hit, gets heads for confusion, it's attacks does 60 more damage to the defending pokemon.

BUT, if the opponent's pokemon gets tails for confusion, it gets 3 damage counters. (To my knowledge, confusion is still damage counters, not damage. So it won't get a boost from anything that ups attack power).
I think it means:
Your turn: Use Pout, Defending Pokemon gets 30 damage and its confused.
Opponents turn: Attack. If heads, its attack does +60 to you. If tails it does +60 to itself.
I'm not sure, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
Confusion's self-damage rule was altered to "put three damage counters" rather an "20 damage to itself" as, it seems, that Pokémon weak to itself i.e. Dragons, Psychics will do 40, and Pokémon resistant to themselves (can't think of many right now) will do none. Thus, self-damage won't do anything.
Lt. Houndoom.
It's 30 damage (or 3 damage counters). I figured as much, but I normally think damage. It's just like that Machoke with Paranoid. Nothing special.