Meganium δ VS Nidoqueen δ

Psychic Pokemon Master

Aspiring Trainer
Lately, I keep on seeing players using Meganium δ in their deck to search for 3 pokemon when it comes into play(only!) & as a defender to Water decks especially Empoleon decks. Another pokemon which can be used to search for pokemon is Nidoqueen δ. Nidoqueen allows you to search for a pokemon every turn & has a good attack called Vengeance & you can do up to 90 damage compare to Meganium but players use Meganium more than Nidoqueen.
So my point here is, between Meganium & Nidoqueen, which one is better in terms of their power & attack because I think Nidoqueen is better but I want to get some opinions on this...
It is to do with meta-game and weakness/resistance. Also, Meganium has a wicked effect with it's first attack. But personally I like Nidoqueen better. In Australia, I would personally use Nidoqueen. Simply because there are no threats to it and there is no need to use Meganium.

However in places like America, I would use Meganium. Simply because Blissey and Electivire are so popular over there and they have fighting weakness. See what I am getting at?
Krucifier is absolutely right. In any place where they play higher levelled (So rule out Australia ;) ) you oughtta run Meganium. The instant 3 to hand is very useful, and there is the fact that Meganiums attacks work early on and the first only requires 2 energy.
Krucifier and Lou are right. Except I prefer Meganium everywhere. 3 is much better than 1. Meganium is defanitley a beast in US`s metagame.
1) Almost no way to shut down megs power (minus cesss and zam). 2) Better weaknes. 3) More hp (110 is sooo much better then 100 today. 4) Better attack (not stronger, better). 5) Resistance ftw. 6) Line is soo good (that new bayleaf is soo amazing). And by the time you start swinging with queen (very hard to do btw minus dres....which makes it attack only 80, which is only average), the game is probly over and the opponet can probly 1 shot it.
Thanks to all who have posted... :D
Ok, ignore the metagame, so you're saying that Meganium δ is better than Nidoqueen δ, right??
If so, a 2-1-2 line is better or a 3-2-3??
Thanks in advance.... :D
I'd have to say, if it wasn't for the likes of Empoleon or Blissey (plus others) with Meganium being good against them, I'd always say Nidoqueen as the searcher and as a great secondary attacker. However, with those cards in the format, Meganium is the play as a searcher.
The line should depend on how dependant your deck is on the searcher. If very, 3-2-3 is needed. If it's just useful for it to be in the deck, a 2-1-2 line should be fine without running into consistency problems. You could, if you really wanted, run it like a tech line as 1-0-1, but that tech style of line only ever worked for Fearow (1-1 obviously), so I wouldn't even bother doing that for a stage 2 line.
Meganium, a much useful attack. And it's instant 3 Pokemons. But it really depends, some uses Nidoqueen MT with Nidoqueen DF and some uses Meganium MT with Meganium DF. Or it's just preference.
RE: Meganium ? VS Nidoqueen ?

Nidoqueen all the way. I got thrashed by a Nidogatr deck once - i was using Altaria PK and ex DF.
Nidoqueen is one of the better late game attackers, and the good thing is that the Power is useful all the way until late game. This while Meganium rocks early-game with a lightning-speed setup, but probably will have to retreat once 3 for 60 isn't so good anymore. At least he has the type advantage, but he has a weakness disadvantage as well.
I always liked Nidoqueen better and now that I play it, I still do, but I'll have to admit that Meganium is nice too, for other purposes.