Fakemon Mars & Venus - The Yfror Region

Been figuring out the new mascot legendaries..

..and I got the Version symbols set by now:
proper Logos!:
I forgot to post the updated map for the region:

Also here's a quick summary about it:

It has a big cold snow-covered mountain (covers several routes and locations, and it's even where the E4-equivalent is when you access it from the south), which is of course one reason why I went for that Shinx Variant. But it also has a volcano, a big geyser field, a long glacier you basically slide/climb down on, and the usual things like a big lake, connecting caves, forests, bridges going over valleys and rivers... Think Sinnoh but more rough, dangerous, and less populated (there is hardly any actual cities, mostly settlements and resting posts).

And the noteworthy part about it is that instead of gyms there is 6 type-themed lighthouses. You obtain a special lighthouse-challenge key item at the beginning. And then you have to climb each lighthouse (which is basically like gyms, but way longer puzzles and special wild Pokémon rather than trainers, making them more akin to dungeons), solve it to light it up, then hold your challenge thing into the light so it leaves a mark.. of course you can enter the "E4" once your items has "lightprints" of each lighthouse. And as the lighthouses are located all around the edges of the region, you have to travel pretty much everywhere as usual.

Also, as implied with the smaller towns, there would be a theme of raw nature and isolation, as there aren't that many humans living there. Random trainer battles are almost nonexistent, and basically replaced by special wild Pokémon battles. In that most areas have a handful of "boss" pokemon that you can battle (and re-battle at some point), who basically send a team (~1-3) of regular Pokémon to battle you and only then fight you themselves etc..

I had the idea that most of the dialogue you read is from Guide-Posts or things other adventurers have written down at special Rest-stops, rather than from actually talking with other NPCs. (And then there'd be some twists like later finding out one of the big trainers at the end is one you read notes from etc.)

This adventure is not undertaken by 10 year olds. The locals and main figures suggest that trainers have had 5 years adventure experience from travelling in another region before going out alone in Yfror (even local young upcoming trainers usually travel to some other region instead of starting here).
...Or Ill just tease some more with both while I'm finishing the second one xD


As for their battle-theme, imagine if Junichi Masuda was inspired by "Year of no light: Persephone I & II", and made a faster pokemon-game music track from it xDD
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Another Yfror variant appeared. Starly!

Fletchinder has competition, as Yfror Staravia is going to claim back it's place in the skies...by being an Electric type!

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These are all very beautiful and amazing! I especially love the Dolphin Pokemon, being something I've wanted for a long time, and I think the legionaries are very interesting. The starly line looks very cool, and I love it as electric type. I LOVE the shinx line. Shinx is one of my favorite Pokemon, and it looks amazing as Ice type.

Really looking forward to seeing more of these!
These are all very beautiful and amazing! I especially love the Dolphin Pokemon, being something I've wanted for a long time, and I think the legionaries are very interesting. The starly line looks very cool, and I love it as electric type. I LOVE the shinx line. Shinx is one of my favorite Pokemon, and it looks amazing as Ice type.

Really looking forward to seeing more of these!

I'm glad you like them ^o^

Was gonna make another fakemon before I did more regional variants...but I just had a funny idea that I couldn't wait with xD


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whew, that was a load of crap :'D
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These regional variants are perfectly inspired! I could definitely see this urban design pop up in official game at some point - or even in an apocalyptic Hoenn (not that an apocalyptic Hoenn will ever happen...). Had you thought of what typing would suit these variants?

Also, you probably should use spoiler tags for your art in future, since the images are on the large side (spoilering them will save load time each time viewers open this thread). Keep up the good work! :D

Finally updated the starter designs to match my current vector-based style.

But also finally continued working on their evolutions.

I'm done with the middle stages:


The reason I stopped last time I was working on my starters, was because I didn't want to continue before I knew I had designs for the final stages that I was satisfied with at least as rough sketches...which I have picked up and done recently. Currently working on Herbaahs final stage.
Aaaaand Fire starter:


Didn't think I'd manage to finish it this weekend as well but here it is :D

This is my latest attempt at a Fakémon project, with a region, a story and of course a fakédex (will include fakémon and Yfror variants of existing Pokémon).

Summary / Progress

The region is inspired by Iceland and its rough desolate landscapes.


It has a big cold snow-covered mountain (covers several routes and locations, and it's even where the E4-equivalent is when you access it from the south), which is of course one reason why I went for that Shinx Variant. But it also has a volcano, a big geyser field, a long glacier you basically slide/climb down on, and the usual things like a big lake, connecting caves, forests, bridges going over valleys and rivers... Think Sinnoh but more rough, dangerous, and less populated (there is hardly any actual cities, mostly settlements and resting posts).

And the noteworthy part about it is that instead of gyms there is 6 type-themed lighthouses. You obtain a special lighthouse-challenge key item at the beginning. And then you have to climb each lighthouse (which is basically like gyms, but way longer puzzles and special wild Pokémon rather than trainers, making them more akin to dungeons), solve it to light it up, then hold your challenge thing into the light so it leaves a mark.. of course you can enter the "E4" once your items has "lightprints" of each lighthouse. And as the lighthouses are located all around the edges of the region, you have to travel pretty much everywhere as usual.

Also, as implied with the smaller towns, there would be a theme of raw nature and isolation, as there aren't that many humans living there. Random trainer battles are almost nonexistent, and basically replaced by special wild Pokémon battles. In that most areas have a handful of "boss" pokemon that you can battle (and re-battle at some point), who basically send a team (~1-3) of regular Pokémon to battle you and only then fight you themselves etc..

I had the idea that most of the dialogue you read is from Guide-Posts or things other adventurers have written down at special Rest-stops, rather than from actually talking with other NPCs. (And then there'd be some twists like later finding out one of the big trainers at the end is one you read notes from etc.)

This adventure is not undertaken by 10 year olds. The locals and main figures suggest that trainers have had 5 years adventure experience from travelling in another region before going out alone in Yfror (even local young upcoming trainers usually travel to some other region instead of starting here).

On the legendary scope, it is in a way a continuation of the cosmic legendary theme of Sun&Moon.


The legends of Yfror speak of the end of the world. Not the world we know, but a world like it was before, during a so-called golden age, when the original light was shining fixed in a warm and peaceful sky.

At some time the sky began to fall apart. The original light was attacked by its relative (differing by version), which grew ever stronger and more threatening, engulfing half the sky in a bright display of energy (picture the version symbols).

On the horizon below it, the legendary appeared to signal the end. As the manifestation in the sky came in contact with the earth, it literally took it apart in a thunderous way of unimaginable proportions.

The original light was chased from the sky and has never returned. That was the end of the golden age and the beginning of a chaotic order to which life had to adapt from scratch.

(of course in a third version, it would turn out that the 2 legendaries are actually representing 2 aspects of one event, with Mars being the destroyer of the earth and Venus the extinguisher of the primal sun...which of course will also have a legendary to represent it.)

Current version of the starters:


The interesting thing about Yfrors fauna, is that due to the region being so isolated from the rest of the world, combined with its harsher climate and environment, any previously known Pokémon that appear in it, are quite different than their regular counterparts. These are naturally called Yfror forms. One example are Shinx, who have adapted to the colds of the main Yfror mountainrange, becoming more vicious and wild in the process, gaining the Dark type that otherwise wouldn't really fit Luxrays normal good-hearted nature:

Any thoughts? Ideas? Questions?

I'll make posts and keep this one updated as I make progress with the project.

I've been developing my own Pokémon generation since I was what... 12? I don't know exactly, but I have nearly 300+ Pokémon, 4 regions, and more, I just need to actually put them on my PC, as I drew everything on paper.