

Video Gamer
Advanced Member
This is such a fun hobby. If you don't know what it is, read this or watch this.

I've been doing this lately around my town and it is a ton of fun. I do it with different friends - It's great with other people. I have the app on my iPhone, which is AMAZING. It is a bit expensive however. ($9.99) But I think the price is worth the fun. $10 would buy a movie and popcorn, and this app has been a lot more fun than just a movie.

I've found a total of 30 caches around my town so far, and me and a friend are going to try to set up some. Anyways, just discuss Geocaching here.
I have wanted to geocache now for what, like five years? I have tried it a few times but it's just impossible without a GPS. One day...

But once I found two by chance when I wasn't even looking for them or anything. lol
This is curious...I got a question, what exactly is inside the geocache? Like what have you found?
You can put anything you like in it. For example a piece of lego. Or a lucky stone. And sometimes there is a small guest booklet. And you can take the thing from it and put it somewhere else, and put something from somewhere else in it instead. (If that made any sense.) asdf I will just quote from the linked site.
In its simplest form, a cache always contains a logbook or logsheet for you to log your find. Larger caches may contain a logbook and any number of items. These items turn the adventure into a true treasure hunt. You never know what the cache owner or visitors to the cache may have left for you to enjoy. Remember, if you take something, leave something of equal or greater value in return. It is recommended that items in a cache be individually packaged in a clear, zipped plastic bag to protect them from the elements.

Quite often you may also find a Trackable, a sort of geocaching "game piece" that you can learn more about here.
I read that :p but I'm just curious like, what is something common people put in the caches?
Well there is ALWAYS a log paper. Where I live, most caches are nanos. So they don't have room for items. Usually they are small tubes with rolled up log slips in them. But I've found some big caches too. I've found two ammo boxes, which are really cool.
I've found things like golf balls, army men, bracelets, necklaces, little toys. (like mcdonalds toys or stuff like techdecks) My favorite thing to find is dice because I collect those.

It is possible to find special items like Geocoins. Geocoins are trackable items. When you take one, you MUST put it in another cache. You also MUST go online and mark where you put it. Items like this are called 'Trackables' because you can track their movement online. It sounds awesome, but I have yet to find one near where I live.
Oh man, one time I was wandering around in a canyon, and I found a geocache with a bunch of fake horses in it and a few cat puzzles, so I took it, made the puzzles, jumped them on the scooters, and then made this video:
This thread inspired me to download the app since I live by a large park. The app seems a little complicated, however, and had a hard time getting it to work with my phone.
It is pretty complicated at first, I admit. But after a few hours messing with it, you'll get the hang of it.
Were you able to at least load any nearby caches?