"Do not revive old threads older than 2 weeks'' work with Trade Reputation?

Ice Pokemon Master

The Amazing Race/Heroes>You
Titel says it all. So can you do it in Trade Reputation. Eg. You request a thread to Porygon and it is over 2 weeks old and nobody post on it. Then, someone has successfully traded with you, but will that *lock* that thread?
The Trading Corner is the only forum where we're pretty lax about thread revival. Rep threads won't get locked and neither will trade threads. Most of the time though, active traders keep their lists up to date, so you shouldn't have to worry about that.

Also, if you update your trade list and it's been over two weeks since a reply, that will also be okay. Just make sure your post says something along the lines of "list updated" or something like that.
About reviving these old threads, does this rule apply to stickied threads?
Generally sticky threads are there for informatory purposes, but they are stickied for a reason. It's up to your justification whether or not it deserves a reply. "Report if ___________ happens" threads are obvious examples, but replying "hey thanks for this thread it helped me lots" is probably not going to cut it.

I'd say yes, it's allowed, but be wary that we keep special eye on stickied threads for unnecessary posts.
When I get my next issue of nintendo power and post about a new smash bros brawl character that I want to update when I get it. Will it get locked because I am planning on updating with the new character when I get my issue this week or next week.:)
I'm not extremely sure about this, but I once heard that unless that you have a very valid reason to post or you have a vital update you may start another thread or post in that old thread. But I'm not too sure. Let a moderator confirm this before proceeding.
xxashxx - I would say that is fine, since a newly revealed character counts as a relevant development, but make that the character that is revealed isn't already confirmed. You'll also want to provide a scan if you are able.

I'd also like to add an additional comment or two about trading.

Yes, you are allowed to revive topics past the two week mark, but please use some common sense. Look at the last post of the thread you want to post in. If it's been a month since today and the last post in that topic... don't revive it. If you really want to strike up a deal with a trader with a long-dead thread, send that person a PM and let them revive it.

I don't think two weeks is sufficient time to declare a trade topic dead. I know I've gone more than two weeks without updating mine. A month is probably sufficient. If the person does still want to continue to trade, a reminder through PM should be enough to get the list updated.

And here's something everyone can do...

Do you have old trading threads? Get them locked.

If you created a thread just to get attention (like "I need 3x Scizor ex fast"), and let's say in a week you were able to get those 3 Scizor ex, report your first post and get your topic locked. This will prevent your thread from being dug up from the depths after it is long dead.

If you would like to hold off on trading for a while, a moderator would be more than happy to lock your topic. They can also unlock your topic when you're ready to start up trading again, so hold off on creating a brand new topic.

I would think that the Trading Corner is the only subforum in which older topics are revived, so I wouldn't worry too much about having ALL your older topics locked (in all other subforums).

That's all from me.
I can't provide scans but I can tell you what issue it is in or on nintedo's page but I can't do scans sorry I am not allowed to even though I am of age.:)