Discuss: Rough, Tough, Jigglypuff

I wouldn't go that far. I've managed to see quite a bit of the anime. I'v always been fond of it. Preswntly I don't have cable. So, I dont see the show that often.

If I manage to get my way and create the next generation for the games, I'm gonna put in a very strict term of exchange. I will ask for box-sets of each season with EVERY SINGLE EPISODE THAT EVER AIRED. In order by Japanese episode number. BANNED EPISODES INCLUDED!
hey people how's it going? i realy liked rought tough jigglipuff it was way cool. but i'm going to ask something and please dont ban me. i saw in the main page that some episodes were going online on the site but i cant see them yet I dont know what time is it there but if it's too soon sorry!

The episodes will be up within the next two or three hours. I am uploading Regirock now, and have to rip, edit, and upload Psyduck next.
sorry again to ask this (please I'm really sorry) but I cant seem to find the episodes. can anyone help me?
RE:  Discuss: Rough, Tough, Jigglypuff

cute-mew said:
Loved it, anyways flamethrower? And the sing looked just silly, it was just strange to see those music notes bounce off the metal, why use music notes, we can hear it anyways.
it was ember
xxashxx said:
I liked that episode and I hoped the proffesor who ever he was would catch jigglypuff after all the work they did to catch him but why did he not catch him? He had an easy catch and the way the trapped him in that room to catch him was an awesome idea and I hope ash catches more pokemon too.:)  
ash caught squirtle the same way.
Larsson said:
Wow, great episode! Two favorites: Loudred and Jigglypuff.
Did anybody else think about Super Smash Bros Mele Jigglypuff? Rollout and floating about in the air...
i sure did