card restrictions?


Aspiring Trainer
Hey I'm fairly new to actually playing the pokemon tcg game, so I'm wondering if there are any restrictions to the cards i can use in a deck? for example, if i wanted to use base set cards along with cards from the EX and diamond pearl sets all in the same deck, would that be tournament legal?
Thanks in advance!

You may use cards from the following sets:
Ex: Holon Phantoms
Ex: Crystal Guardians
Ex: Dragon Frontiers
Ex: Power Keepers
Diamond and Pearl
Diamond and Pearl: Mysterious Treasures
Diamond and Pearl: Secret Wonders
Diamond and Pearl: Great Encounters
Lucario/Manaphy Starter Kit

Also, cards from sets older as these that have been reprinted in one of these (Example: Potion, Pluspower, Hidden Legends Machamp) can be used in a deck.
That depends on the tourney you're going to. There are
1] Ruby-on{It allows the whole ex and DP set}
2] Deoxys-on{Deoxys onwards only}
3} Holon Phantoms-on{the current format: Only holon phantoms and above.}

Now I've heard there was one tourney somewhere that allows base set-on. It's terribly broken though. Go look around for tourneys like these.
Forgot HL-on.

Anyway, at league (normally) you can use any of the older cards. For sactioned tournaments you must use cards from the sets Lou Cypher pointed out.