Writing Braixen and Lucario: Generic High School Anime Adventures

Nebby Baggington

Bag Dweller
image.jpg [A/N Thanks to a certain somebody for making me write this ;)]
Also I know this is bad, that's what I was going for lmao

Flower was a lonely Lucario. He went to the most prestigious school in the country and had all As, but he felt like he was missing something in life. Something that would make him happy, happier than he already felt working at his Yu-Gi-Oh shop. He felt like he needed someone he could love. Or at least pretend to so that he could get attention at his generic anime school, and that’s when he met the perfect girl for him, John Stamos Jr, a royal Braixen who owned, like, six and a half countries. So, Flower decided to make his move at the generic anime school dance, and with confidence purchased a sponge cake and a six pack of mountain dew, and decided that night, he would ask John Stamos Jr. to be his girlfriend.

Flower walked to his local Food Lion, purchased the soda and the cake, but later decided to eat the cake while his uber driver took him to the generic anime dance. The uber driver seemed a bit off, and eventually started a conversation with Flower.

“So, kid, what are ya doing tonight you require that much Mountain Dew?” asked the driver.

“I’m asking the second richest person in the world out on a date,” responded Flower.

“I really don’t care, I was talking just to be nice, I didn’t think you would respond since you’re probably listenin’ to that damned hip-hop you hooligans are always jammin’ out to.”

“Sir I’m actually listening to an economics podcast exploring the current stock market and how to fix inflation, along with many different- “

“Get out of my car,” said the driver after cutting off Flower.

Flower walked the rest of the way, which was about 30 feet, but it felt more like 45, and by the time he got to the dance floor he had already drank half the Mountain Dew. This was it. Flower’s big day to ask his dream girl John Stamos Jr to go on a date to Little Ceaser’s with him, and he wanted more than just the pizza to be hot and ready.

“Um…. John…. Stamos…. Junior… ma’am?” said a nervous Flower

“Oh, hello there!” shouted back John

“So, um… I brought you this Mountain Dew,” said Flower, whose body weight was now 70% sweat.

“I’m actually allergic to sugar and water, so I’ll have to pass on that one,” said John Stamos Jr.

“Oh really…. Well that really sucks…” started Flower as he cracked open a Mountain Dew. “I’ll…. Just be leaving now.” As Flower was walking away, he tripped on a DVD copy of Pineapple Express, and accidentally spilled all the mountain dew onto John Stamos Jr.


All eyes were pointed at Flower, who was now prime suspect for attempted murder.

“It was on accident!” shouted Flower. “I didn’t know I would drop the two things she’s allergic to straight onto her!”

Flower was sent to prison, where he remained for sixteen years. When he came back to the outside world, he decided it was time to make it right with John Stamos Jr. and finally get the girl of his dreams!

Flower searched for the Braixen for like…10 minutes before finding her at a local Chinese restaurant, where she was eating six containers of Orange Chicken.


“Yes?” said John as she turned around to face Flower. “What do you need, sugar.”

Flower was stunned. John Stamos Jr. looked prettier than ever before!

“Well, I wanted to apologize, and I want to do the one thing I was going to do that night before I almost melted your face off to the point where you had no skin. Speaking of which, damn you look sexy did you get plastic surgery after I horribly disfigured your face?” asked Flower.

“Oh no, I wasn’t actually melting, I wanted to be a little bit more extra for the social experiment,” said John. “There were like… 69 cameras scattered around the dance floor how did you not notice?”

“Because I was being detained by police officers.”

“Yeah, that sounds bad, by the way, I do wanna date you, you seem hot, but I only date guys with high school diplomas,” said John Stamos Jr.

“Ok, time to go back to high school!”

“Oh, also I still need to get my high school diploma, I actually dropped out like a week ago, so we can go back to school together for a little bit until we get smart brains,” said John Stamos Jr.

“Have we done anything Pokemon related at all this entire time?” asked Flower.

“Oh boy, Lucario use go to school! There we go, something Pokemon related for you,” said John.

And off the two went, on their way back to their prestigious high school in a mountain suburb, waiting to be adventured to, so they can get their high school diplomas!
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