Writing Bob the Magical Prince

EB Zero

Formally Twig
I had to write a story for school using 10 vocab words. The result was epic

Bob the Magical Prince

“HOLA!” That’s how we greet people in our kingdom of Nico Nico Douga. So, “HOLA!” dear reader as you hurtle into this magical journey that tells the story of me, the young prince getting ready to become the king.

Our story begins here in the kingdom of Nico Nico Douga, and as you guessed, we are a dynasty, or more specifically, the great Hadouken family dynasty. When I was born, I was horribly sick and frail, so I was taken the to wizard across town. He healed me, saying there could be some “minor” side effects. Now that I think about it, maybe having 13 ½ fingers and seven thumbs on one hand could be one of those side effects, but I am probably thinking too much because my father says too much thinking at a young age is bad for you.

One day, while playing video games (which having seven thumbs is great for!), a servant comes in and I yell “HOLA!” He screams “HOLA!” back while looking very tired. I yell at him to get me more ice cream and he replies, “Your highness, we have no time for such trivial matters! Your father is greatly ill and may pass soon. We must get you immediately to the training grounds for you to become king! Come at once!” I think the next thing could have been a side effect, but I’m not sure. I used teleportation to warp outside the castle to spread the news, but I could have just ran really fast.

When I got outside, I used either telekinesis or just yelled to get everyone to the center of town. As I told the news to the town, they had very sullen faces. (But there is no way those sullen faces were from me becoming king because everyone in the kingdom knows I am the smartest prince to ever live. My therapist told me so.)

A servant rushed out from the castle, huffing and puffing, looking like he was about to blow your house in. He said “We have a meeting in the adjacent kingdom of Loituma! We must leave a once.” So side effect or not, we got there.

The kingdom of Loituma was quite barren. There were few houses, and they were all old and icky. As I walked through the interminable halls of the castle I could sense a disturbance in the force… or maybe it’s cheese. Mmmmm cheese…

When I walked into the meeting room, there were many royal family members from many nations discussing something I probably didn’t care about. I shouted “HOLA!” at the top of my lungs while one prince stood up, looking angry. He stood there shouting at me about how I was disrupting the meeting and blah blah I didn’t care. I just wanted to get home so I could finish the final level of my game. Then he started interrogating me on my so-called “despicable manners” while I just stared at this REALLY hot princess across the room. I flew using psychic powers, not thinking about my side effects. As I alighted to the chair next to her, she moved away while yelling “Freak!” I have no clue what is so freaky about flying. My therapist says everyone can fly but they choose not to.

When the meeting FINALLY ended the prince from earlier started yelling at me again. I started passing notes to the princess hoping she would respond. She did. And not very kindly either. “I’m married, and when my husband is done yelling at you I will make sure that he sends out a full on attack on Nico Nico Douga.” Whoops. The first act I do as king is start a war. Funny how life works isn’t it?