Ruling Beginner


Aspiring Trainer
Hey, I'm about to start playing the TCG since I'm done wearing all my video games out. =P What would anyone recommend to buy for a beginner? Any deck or packs in specific? I'm familiar with other games like Magic or Yu-gi-oh. Do you all think any strategy on deck building I have from those games will somehow be useful for Pokemon?

Thanks for the help! =D
It depands, you may want to get a starter box. However, if you are good enough to built a deck and have money to get those cards, then justbuy cards from others and make a deck.

Yeah, they will help you sometimes.
u'll probably need to buy a pre-con deck first for the basic energies. If not buy singles from the internet or shops
there's a huge different between the magic-based games and pokémon, deck limit, only one attacker, prize card (yes, DM has a system like that, thieves :p), energies (not the same as lands or mana, 'cause it's needed to attack instead of the summon) the higher amount of draw cards, etc... IMO that's what makes Pokémon better then the others, one attack also means that you have to be more tactical, and it requires more thinking, but some things you learned there can help, maybe...

anyways, welcome to the TCG :)
I guess I'll get a starter deck so I can see the basic structure and have something to work with. =) I'll improve it as I go along.

What I meant by games like Magic was knowing what it takes to build a deck, not exactly the gameplay itself. :p

Thanks for the help! =D
You could also do what I did: Search for a pokemon you like, ask around if it's possible to get a deck around it, and then ask for a decklist so you can buy the singles. Once you got that deck, playtest it to see what else it needs to fit your tastes.